
CityU EngD Society AGM and Annual Dinner 2017

The CityU Engineering Doctorate (EngD) Society in the Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management (SEEM) was organized AGM and Annual Dinner on 16th Dec 2017. It is a great honor that I was one of two cohorts to give talks.  Before the AGM, we took a group photo for memory.

(Left 1 row: Dr. Rocky Lam, Ms Pheony Tsang, Dr. Herbert Yeung, Dr. Ray Kong, Dr. TW Liu and I;
Left 2 row: Dr. Keynes Chan, Dr. WL Ha, Dr. Danny Tang, Dr. Albert Tam, Dr. Samuel Fung, Dr. Jacky Ng, WT Chan and Dr. Ray’s son)

We started the AGM first and discussed each items and recorded our discussion and future direction of CityU EngD Society.  It was about 1 hour discussion.

After that our chairman Dr. Herbert Yeung reviewed last year’s activities and nomination of next year exco members.
The EngD Society executive members 2018 were:
President - Dr. Herbert Yeung (Cohort 2004)
Vice- President - Dr. TW Liu (2004)
Secretary - Dr. Lotto Lai (2005)
Treasurer - Dr. Rocky Lam (2006)
Advisor – Dr. Peter Ho (2006)
Advisor – Dr. Raymond Leung (2005)
Board members:
Dr. Danny Tang (2005)
Dr. Ray Kong (2003)
Dr. Albert Tam (2005)
Dr. Amie Lai (2004)
Dr. Joseph Leung (2001)

Then Dr. Rocky Lam (Treasurer, CityU EngD Society) presented our financial information and shared the good news about CityU had received a donation of HK$500 million form the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust. 

In the break, we took a photo for memory.
First photo is for executive committee members

Second photo is for all cohorts together 

I was the first speaker and my topic aimed to share “Sharing One Belt One Road (OBOR) Congress Experience”. In the beginning, I introduced the international organization named “Asia Network for Quality (ANQ)” which involved 17 countries and areas.

I almost attended all ANQ Congress since 2003.  

Some developing countries I selected to share and they were India (2004), Vietnam (2011), Kazakhstan (2011), Uzbekistan (2012), Vladivostok (Russia) (2016), Lao PDR (2016), Nepal (2017), and Saudi Arabia (2017).  (Photo taken in Uzbekistan)

At the end, I shared my recently experience in Saudi Arabia that I was invited to give a talk by SASO.  They offered me business class, accommodation and honorarium (USD 3000 for my 30min talk!)

Dr. T.W. Liu (Vice-President, CityU EngD Society) was the second speaker and his presentation topic entitled “I-Ching: From the System Engineering and Engineering Management Point of View”.  Firstly, he briefed I Ching using a point in the scheme to demonstrate the relation of the white spot and Space / Time.

Then Dr. Liu explained the dervation of Bagua Order and how its domain/class matching in different situations. 

After that Dr. Liu showed how to calculate different trigram and their change pattern.  Their compositions could be changed through addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, equal and unequal.  

Finally, he summarized the Bagua Order into the closed system.  Then he showed three games for student using this principles named “Signal Transmitter and Receiver”, “Tic-tac-toe Strategic Planning” and “Patent Office Simulation Game”.

Finally, we had a dinner in Hong Kong Immigration Officer Mess (香港入境事務處長官會所餐廳).

CityU Engineering Doctorate Society - http://www.engd.org/  
Engineering Doctorate (Engineering Management) - http://www.cityu.edu.hk/seem/prg-engd.htm

Previous AGM:
20170610: CityU EngD Society AGM Seminar “Education & Innovation” 2017 - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2017/06/cityu-engd-society-agm-seminar.html
20161127: CityU EngD(EM) Graduation Dinner & EngDSoc Annual Dinner 2016 - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2016/11/cityu-engdem-graduation-dinner-engdsoc.html
20160618: CityU EngD Society Discovery & Innovation Seminar and AGM 2016 - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2016/06/cityu-engd-society-discovery-innovation.html
20151121: CityU EngD Society 10th Anniversary Dinner 2015 - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2015/11/cityu-engd-society-10th-anniversary.html
20150123: CityU EngD Society AGM Seminar & Dinner 2015 - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2015/01/cityu-engd-society-agm-seminar-dinner.html



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