
HKPC Seminar on Hong Kong Industry towards “Industry 4.0” Deployment

The seminar named “Hong Kong Industry towards “Industry 4.0” Deployment” was organized by Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC) on 3rd Sep 2018.  HKPC Fraunhofer Certified i4.0 expert & trainer Mr. Lyan Law (Lead Consultant, HKPC) give introduction in the beginning.  Today seminar invited Mr. Patrick Kabasci (Technology Management, Fraunhofer IPT, KEX Knowledge Exchange AG) as guest speaker.  Before the seminar, I met a friend Mr. Ravi Leung (Operations Manager, TechWorld) who supported HKSQ Company Based Student Project Competition in 2010. (Ref:  HKSQ 2010 Company Based Student Project Competition – Factory Visit)

Firstly, Mr. Lyan Law introduced Hong Kong Federation of Innovative Technologies and Manufacturing Industries (FITMI) and then he briefed HKPC Industry 4.0 base in Hong Kong.

They prepared the i4.0 evaluation questionnaires to estimate different company’s maturity level.  

Mr. Patrick Kabasci (Technology Management, Fraunhofer IPT, KEX Knowledge Exchange AG) was the guest speaker and his topic named “Introduction of Industry 4.0”.  In the beginning, he used roundabout in Berlin (Germany) (Left) and in Paris (France) (Right) to explain that there was more efficiency in Paris but higher accident under self-organizing system.  i4.0 is combined both organized and self-organizing system to make it more efficiency and safe.  

He said Industries 4.0 was not just automation, and asked us to think about smart devices (Sense Condition, Visualize & Adopt, Connect Network and Analyze & Predict) and this intelligence was now brought to the whole value chain. The diagram showed the drivers of the 4th Industrial Revolution.

From i3.0 to i4.0, it was evolution from “See” to “Understand” to “Be Prepared” and then to “Self-optimization”.  Mr. Kabasci said “Revolutions have never been predicted in advance!” 

And then he added “Industries 4.0 is not adding sensors to everything and connecting everything, but about fulfilling relevant jobs.” So that Uber, Netflix, Spotify, Amazon and Airbnb were all focused on customer requirements and values.

Mr. Kabasci briefed the Smart i4.0 Navigator in management perspective.  

After that he introduced how to transfer Trends into Technological Solutions from “Trends” to “Jobs to-be-done” to “Innovation Principles” and then to “Technology Concepts”.  In here, Job-based thinking for innovation was J (Job-to-be-Done), O (Objectives or Outcomes), B (Barriers) and S (Soutions).  

Mr. Kabasic also said “Industry 4.0 will be the Infrastructure for new knowledge enabling a Smart Production.” Three main steps to a Digital Production was stated and they were “Make Measurable & Connect”, “Analyze & Predict” and “Adaptive Optimization”. 

Reference Architecture Model Industry 4.0 (RAMI 4.0) was introduced.  It is a three-dimensional map showing how to approach the issue of Industry 4.0 in a structured manner.

And then Mr. Kabasic briefed the Innovation Patterns on Smart Production that included Transparency, Connection, Prediction and Action.

After lunch, he briefed 12 mega trends should be considered.  He selected Individualization, Neo-Ecology and Silver Society to further explain. 
For Individualization, it included DIY-Principle, Feedback-Society, Quality of Life, Life-Balance, Smart-World Networks and Single-Society.  
For Neo-Ecology, it involved Renewable Energy, Green Investments, Energy Grids, 3R and Smart Building/Energy/Efficiency.
For Silver Society, it is consisted of Ageless Consuming, Ambient-Assisted-Living, Quality of Life, Un-Retirement, Smart-Senior-Services and Demographic Change.  

Then he briefed the overview of data analytics from Big Data to Smart Data through Descriptive, Diagnostic, Predictive and Prescriptive Analytics.  

And then he introduced Manufacturing Analytics Quadrant which separated from Real-time, Batch, Diagnostic and Predictive.  He added a word in the statement “Data is the new oil.” to be “Good data is the new oil.” 

And then he introduced Manufacturing Analytics Quadrant which separated from Real-time, Batch, Diagnostic and Predictive.  He added a word in the statement “Data is the new oil.” to be “Good data is the new oil.” 

Finally, Mr. Patrick Kabasci introduced Smart Innovation and New Digital Business Models. He said the fourth industrial revolution was not able to be prevented.  Then Smart Service leverages were mentioned. 

The following diagram demonstrated the value increased with connections.

Direct and indirect revenue streams (business models) were described.  Mr. Kabasic quoted Steve Jobs and Bill Gates statements to show customer reality.
Steve Jobs said “It’s not the customer’s job to know what they want” “Get closer than ever to your customers. So close that you tell them what they need well before they realize it themselves”.
Bill Gates said “Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning”. 

Then he introduced smart innovation through accelerating with Agility.

Lastly, he mentioned the digitalization of manufacturing in different places of the world and showed a global trend.

At the end, he raised some cases to be discussed.  


Related I4.0 Activities:
20150820: HKIE Seminar on Industry 4.0: The 4th Industrial Revolution - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2015/08/hkie-seminar-on-industry-40-4th.html
20161111: HKSQ Seminar on Reliability & Maintenance: Enablers of Industry 4.0 - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2016/11/hksq-seminar-on-reliability-maintenance.html
20161116: HKSQ Study Mission for Industry 4.0 – Day 1: Visit to CSQ - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2016/11/hksq-study-mission-for-industry-40-day.html
20161117: HKSQ Study Mission for Industry 4.0 – Day 2: Visit to FineTek Group & King Design Industrial - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2016/11/hksq-study-mission-for-industry-40-day_17.html
20161119: HKSQ Study Mission for Industry 4.0 – Day 4: Attend to the International Symposium of Quality Management (ISQM) 2016 - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2016/11/hksq-study-mission-for-industry-40-day_19.html
20161212: HKSQ Seminar on Industry 4.0 – Taiwan Experience - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2016/12/hksq-seminar-on-industry-40-taiwan.html
20170109: IndustryConnect@Science Park – Industry 4.0 & Smart Living Solution - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2017/01/industryconnectscience-park-industry-40.html
20170913: HKSTP TecONE Seminar “Industry 4.0 and Its Potential Opportunities for Tech Companies” - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2017/09/hkstp-tecone-seminar-industry-40-and.html



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