We were honor that HKQAA arranged
The People’s Government of Xinhui District, Jiangmen City (江門市新會區人民政府) to visit HKSTP Incubation Program
and Laboratories on 29 Aug 2016. Ms. Fanny Li and Mr. Nic Chan (HKQAA) led this
trip to HKSTP. In the beginning, Mr.
Antony Chan briefed the background of HKSTP and our Incubation Programme
services. They were impressed that our
incubation soft part support and achievement.
And then I
led them to visit our Technology Support Centre (TSC). Firstly, I briefed the Wireless
Communications Test Laboratory and Reliability Laboratory. Secondly, we visited the Material Analysis
Laboratory. Finally, we went to Probe
and Test Development Centre to see the operation through the window of
cleanroom. We took a photo in the
laboratory together.
(Left: Mr. Zhang Jian Ming (張鍵明) (Vice Director, Major
Investment Projects Office (Xinhui, Jiangmen)), 劉炳練 (江門市新會區工商行政管理局局長), Ms. Huang Yue Chang (黃月嫦) (Vice-Director, The People’s
Government of Xinhui District, Jiangmen City), I, 周志雄 (江門市新會區質量技術監督局局長), 余偉軍 (江門市新會區質量技術監督局質量股股長), Ms. Fanny Li (HKQAA) and Mr.
Nic Chan (HKQAA))
At the end, we took a group photo
in front of the Charles K. Kao Auditorium (Golden Egg) for memory.
HKSTP - https://www.hkstp.org/
HKQAA - http://www.hkqaa.org/
江門市新會區質量技術監督局 - http://qts.xinhui.gov.cn/