Hong Kong Sea Transport and Logistics Association (HKSTLA) had awarded a BUD project "HK Logistics Practitioners Upgrading Branding Program" which aimed at offering logistics solutions to the 8 Industries entering to China. Therefore, HKSTLA arranged a seminar named "BUD Project Briefing and Sharing on Social Media Adoption" on 16 March 2013. The seminar aimed to introduced the BUD project and briefed how a powerful marketing tool in Social Media used in the retail sector. The summary was shown below.
The first speaker was Dr. Byron Lee (Chairman of HKSTLA) and his topic named "HK Logistics Practitioners Upgrading and Branding Program - An Introduction". The adjunct project title was "Offer Logistics Solutions to the 8 Industries Entering to China". HKSTLA was the applicant and HKPC was an Implementation Agent. The project period was 1 year (from 1 Feb 2013 to 32 Jan 2014).
Dr. Lee mentioned several Challenges in HK retailers included E-Commerce complication and Limited retailing industry knowledge in mainland business environment. Then the project objectives were described in which aimed to provide best practice to industry.
The methodology of this project was briefed and 7 key deliverables were included Preparation Seminar, Website, 8 Focus Groups which specific themes (i.e. E-Commerce B2C Market, Departmental Store, Food, Wine, Catering & Restaurant, Cosmetic, Luxury Goods, and Health Product), Guidebook, Dissemination Seminar, Training Workshops and Closing Seminar.
Q&A session was held before coffee break.
The second speaker was Ms. Mui (Marketing and PR Officer, V-Moda) and her presentation entitled "Using Social Media to Enhance Customer Values". In the beginning, Ms. Mui introduced different platforms such as Facebook, Blogger, Twitter, Google+, HKGolden, Weibo (新浪微博) and Wretch (無名小站), etc.
She explained different business types matching to different social media tools. B2C is more direct contact with customer and opens to public. (e.g. Facebook, blog, etc.) B2B is mainly for professionals or clients but not public, and shares industry news. (e.g. Professional forum, website, etc.) The summary of B2B and B2C social media was shown in the following table.
Ms. Mui discussed why using social media. It was because of Branding, Brand Loyalty, Customer Satisfaction and Support, Help Sales and Customer Value, etc. Then she pointed out the diffecult to run social media as follows:
- Basic understanding of Social Media
- Brand Understanding
- Human Resources
- Languages
The following diagram showed wording used in Chinese Social Media. The meaning of those words are showed. (給力 - 加油, 勁; 神馬- 什麼; 僵屍粉 - 虚假粉絲)
Ms. Mui said the number of people using smart phone to online was increasing and they searched through Internet before purchasing. Moreover, after-sales services demands were also increasing. Finally, she concluded that customers like to share any information with brands.
The last speaker was Mr. Paul Li (President of Transland Shipping (1971) Group) and his topic was "Findings on How to Develop Social Media Strategic Plan". Mr. Li explained his company built a B2B website for emerging markets' customer that was why he studied social media recently.
Mr. Li over-viewed social media and identified four main benefits namely communication, collaboration, community and collective intelligence opportunities. Moreover, Social Media Policy was found necessary to reduce risks on Security, Public Relation and Human Resources. Mr. Li said he started 30 min a day and three times a week with three approaches (1. Post one piece of information, 2. Share a link and 3. Comment a post.)
Then he introduced 7 steps to develop a Social Media Strategic Plan in the following table. Mr. Li identified what to be looked for social media marketing services as follows:
- Reputation and experience
- Social media distribution
- Monitoring and report
- Support
- Plan and pricing
At the end, Mr. Paul Li used a statement to conclude his talk that was "To Learn and To Apply for the Benefit of Mankind".
Hong Kong Sea Transport and Logistics Association (HKSTLA) - http://www.hkstla.org/