Dr. SG CHEUNG (Asso. Professor, BCH) led the talk and invited graduates from different years as a guests. I met one of my students (Ms. SK Chan) in the Certificate Course on Quality Management for Laboratory in 2011. During her study period, she showed very interested in working in laboratory and then I referred her to be student intern in ALS Environmental (Hong Kong). Now, she serviced in the laboratory of international school. She told me that HKSQ Certificate and Internship experience were significant for this employment during interview.
I am happy to met many junior schoolmates who are going to develop their career after study in CityU.
BCH Dept, CityU - http://www6.cityu.edu.hk/bhdbapp/deptweb/index.html
Certificate Course on Quality Management for Laboratory - http://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2007/12/certificate-course-on-quality.html
HKSQ & CityU Industrial Visit to HKSTP Laboratories 2011 - http://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2011/03/hksq-cityu-industrial-visit-to-hkstp.html
ALS Environmental (Hong Kong) - http://www.alsglobal.com/en/Our-Services/Life-Sciences/Environmental/Capabilities/Asia-Capabilities/Hong-Kong-Capabilities