I would like to share the seminar on “Chinese Medicine Development Strategy in Hong Kong” (「香港中醫藥發展策略」研討會) organized by Public Policy Research Institute (PPRI) & China Business Centre (CBC) of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) and Modernized Chinese Medicine International Association Ltd. (MCMIA) on 23rd July 2011. Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks was one of supporting organizations.

In the beginning, Prof. Chan (陳文鴻, PPRI of PolyU) and Mr. Wong (黃偉亮, MCMIA) gave a welcome speech.
Prof. Chan (陳文鴻)
Mr. Wong (黃偉亮)
Group photo taken
The first speaker was Mr. Yeung (楊國晉先生, 現代化中醫藥國際協會會長) and his topic was “The development of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Hong Kong” (香港中醫藥業發展).
Mr. Yeung proposed to develop a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Development Agency (中醫藥發展專署) to promote TCM modernization.
The second speaker was Dr. Fung (馮玖醫師, 香港註冊中醫學會會長) and her presentation title was “Hong Kong Chinese Doctor’s professional status and development” (香港中醫的專業地位與發展).
Dr. Fung also suggested developing TCM council (中醫藥發展局) and establishing a Hospital (Chinese Doctor) (中醫院).
The third speaker was Mr. Xu (徐錦全, 香港中藥學會會長) and his topic entitled “Overview of Chinese Medicine Industry in Hong Kong” (香港中藥業概況).
TCM should be developed according to the Chinese Medical Philosophy and then promote from Asia to International.
Prof. Leung (梁榮能教授, 香港中文大學中醫學院院長) was the fourth speaker and his presentation entitled “Development of Education in Traditional Chinese Medicine in Hong Kong” (香港中醫藥教育發展).
Prof. Leung suggested to integrate the West Medical and East Medical Philosophy in different of TCM area.
Dr. Shen (沈劍剛博士, 香港大學中醫藥學院助理院長(研究)) was the fifth speaker and his presentation named “How to promote education and research of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Hong Kong” (如何推動香港中醫藥教育與科研).
Dr. Shen proposed the different research direction of TCM including philosophy, formulation, interaction, etc.
Last speaker was Prof. Fang (方宏勳教授, 香港浸會大學中醫藥學院講座教授) and his topic named “Experience Sharing on the promotion of Testing and Certification of Traditional Chinese Medicine” (推動中藥檢測與認證的經驗分享).
Prof. Fang supported the different parties (e.g. Gov, Industry, University and Market) cooperation in TCM product development.
Moreover, quality in TCM is very important. So A-mark scheme had launched to ensure the quality of TCM in Hong Kong since 2007.
Group discussion section
During the discussion, I raised a question “Do industry seek Hong Kong Qualification Framework for assisting to develop TCM education recognition?” and “How A-mark to fulfill the product certification requirement from HKAS?”
Another audience asked if any long term strategy and there were four key elements should be considered as “Money”, “Authority”, “Expert” and “Market”.
All presentations were found in the link below.