In the beginning, I briefed HKSQ history and the relationship of America Society for Quality (ASQ). HKSQ is a non-profit making organization and formed in 1986. HKSQ initially was known as Hong Kong Group of American Society for Quality Control (ASQC) International Chapter. In 1989, it was renamed to Hong Kong Society for Quality Control (HKSQC) as a consequence of increasing local involvement. HKSQC then renamed to Hong Kong Society for Quality (HKSQ) in 1997.
We had strong international connection as such Worldpartner of ASQ and Founding Member of Asia Network for Quality (ANQ).

For ANQ, we joined ANQ Congress in different Asia countries every year.

Then I mentioned different visits, seminars, workshops and training arranged by HKSQ to enhance knowledge of quality.
After that the Certified Laboratory Quality Specialist (CLabQS) was introduced and the requirements were shown as follows:
Be an HKSQ member in good standing & have 3 year related laboratory experience (verified by company letters), and
• Successfully passed Quality Management for Laboratory certificate course offered by HKSQ in previous 5 years (certification fee: free); or
• By exemption: successfully completed a course accredited by HKSQ in previous 5 years (certification fee: HK$300)
Where accredited course in Hong Kong Baptist University:
• CHEM 7250 Laboratory Management

Recently, HKSQ prepared Testing and Certification Industry summary to Hong Kong Council for Testing and Certification (HKCTC) and was also involved to develop the qualifications framework for Testing and Certification Industry through the Hong Kong Qualifications Framework (HKQF).
Therefore, it is highly recommended to join HKSQ and to apply CLabQS qualification.
For more information:
MSc in AC:
For ANQ, we joined ANQ Congress in different Asia countries every year.
Then I mentioned different visits, seminars, workshops and training arranged by HKSQ to enhance knowledge of quality.
After that the Certified Laboratory Quality Specialist (CLabQS) was introduced and the requirements were shown as follows:
Be an HKSQ member in good standing & have 3 year related laboratory experience (verified by company letters), and
• Successfully passed Quality Management for Laboratory certificate course offered by HKSQ in previous 5 years (certification fee: free); or
• By exemption: successfully completed a course accredited by HKSQ in previous 5 years (certification fee: HK$300)
Where accredited course in Hong Kong Baptist University:
• CHEM 7250 Laboratory Management
Recently, HKSQ prepared Testing and Certification Industry summary to Hong Kong Council for Testing and Certification (HKCTC) and was also involved to develop the qualifications framework for Testing and Certification Industry through the Hong Kong Qualifications Framework (HKQF).
Therefore, it is highly recommended to join HKSQ and to apply CLabQS qualification.
For more information:
MSc in AC: