
Visit BCH Laboratories in City University of Hong Kong

I would like to share the visit to different laboratories in the Department of Biology and Chemistry (BCH), City University of Hong Kong on 22nd March 2011.

Firstly, I visited Aquatic Science Laboratory which I had worked in here ten year ago.

The new logo of BCH department. It included molecules, DNA, Tree etc.

Inside the Aquatic Science Laboratory, it was found much different compared with the past. It is very tidy and clean.

Then I went into Animal Holding Rooms.

Some transgenic fishes (medaka) were bred.

After that I visited the State Key Laboratory in Marine Pollution. There are many GCMS inside the laboratory.

Embryoes of the zebrafish were used for experiment.

The advance microscope used to observe and took image of transgenic medaka under different pollutants.


Dr. CHENG Shuk Han, Nanotherapeutics in Angiogenesis: Synthesis and in Vivo Assessment of Drug Efficacy and Biocompatibility in the Zebrafish Embryos - http://www.ugc.edu.hk/rgc/rgcnews19/eng/04.htm

Vitargent (International) Biotechnology Limited - http://www.vitargent.com

Visit to University of Macau (Zebrafish for Drug Screening) - http://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2010/11/visit-to-university-of-macau-and-enjoy.html



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