
Seminar on Drug Testing Technology

I attended the Seminar on Drug Testing Technology which organized by Hong Kong Council for Testing and Certification (HKCTC), Narcotics Division - Security Bureau (NDSB), Department of Health (DoH), Government Laboratory (GL) and Hong Kong Accreditation Service (HKAS); and supported by Hong Kong Association for Testing, Inspection and Certification (HKTIC) and Hong Kong Society of Clinical Chemistry (HKSCC) on 25th March 2011. I would like to summarize the seminar for sharing.

The first speaker was Mr. David Wong (Principal Assistant Secretary for NDSB) and his topic was "Overview of Anti-drug Policy - Drug Testing".

In the beginning, Mr. Wong reviewed the drug abuse problem in Hong Kong. The photo showed the situation of drug abuse by people who under 21 years old.

The following photo showed the different kind of dangerous drugs to be abused.

Secondary school was found more serious.

There were several measures to prevent drug abuse and one of the measures was testing. Then Mr. Wong briefed different researches which were processing. Moreover, he also introduced the Beat Drugs Fund which cost 350M established since 1996.

Mr. Wong discussed to detect the drug through hair and it was launched in June 2010. Finally, Mr. Wong concluded to use new technology to solve the problem and expected to be supported by Testing and Certification Industry.

The second speaker was Dr. W.C. Wong (Chemist, Government Laboratory) and his topic named "Technical Aspects of Drugs of Abuse Testing in Urine and Hair". His talk separated into four sessions:

l Background of Urine/Hair Drug Testing

l Urine/Hair Specimens Sampling

l Laboratory Analysis of Urine/Hair

l Urinalysis and Hair Drug Testing

The following common abused drugs in Hong Kong were mentioned.

Heroin (海洛因) and Codeine (可待因 )

Methadone (美沙酮)

Cocaine (Crack) (古柯鹼), Methamphetamine (Ice) (甲基苯丙胺; 脫氧麻黃鹼(比安非他命更強的興奮劑)) and Methylenedioxymethamphetamine - MDMA (Ecstasy) (搖頭丸/忘我)


Cannabis (大麻) and Ketamine (卡門是經常與搖頭丸(快樂丸)合用的濫用藥品)

Benzodiazepines (苯二氮平類 是一種抗焦慮症的藥) (鎮靜劑)

Midazolam, Estazolam, and Nimetazepam (一粒眠) (搖頭族稱紅豆) 又稱「K他命五號」

Then Dr. Wong explained the absorption mechanism in our body and why it could be observed through urine and hair.

The growth of hair was briefed which would affect sampling method.

Hair sampling was explained and it had better to be collected the hair in back head because hair growth was more uniform in there.

After cut the hair, the front and the end of hair should be identified.

Dr. Wong compared the test between Urine and Hair.

The workflow of Urine and Hair were showed in the following photos.

Result samples for hair drug test was demonstrated.

Quality Control plan was briefed and it was very important.

The comparison of testing method between Urine and Hair was showed.

Finally, Dr. Wong explained that both testing method had their own limitation.

The third speaker was Mr. W.W. Wong (Senior Accreditation Officer, HKAS) and his presentation entitled "HOKLAS Accreditation Procedure and Requirement".

Mr. Wong introduced that there were 3 schemes named HOKLAS for laboratory, HKCAS for certification body and HKIAS for inspection body under HKAS.

Then he clarified the definition of Accreditation based on ISO/IEC 17000.

The accreditation procedure flow was mentioned.

The most important step was on-site assessment.

After achieved the accreditation, the continuous monitoring process would be performed by HKAS including reassessment, surveillance, extensions, Proficiency Test (PT) and complaints, etc.

Accreditation criteria were recorded in HOKLAS 003 and HOKLAS 015, as well as, other related supplementary criteria.

At the end, Mr. Wong showed the worldwide recognition of HKAS schemes.

The last speaker was Mr. Y.K. Cheung (Senior Pharmacist, Pharmaceutical Service, Department of Health) and his topic named "Legal Requirements for Handling Dangerous Drugs".

Most abused drugs were classified as a Dangerous Drug (DD).

The Pharmacy and Poison Regulations Cap. 138A stated "a laboratory can legally purchase and possess a reference standard containing poison for its business e.g. analytical use." But it was not mentioned in DD.

However, the Dangerous Drug Ordinance Cap.134 stated "a person in charge of laboratory used for the purposes of research or instruction and attached to a university or to an approved hospital or institution.

Therefore, laboratory could apply to be wholesale dealer to supply DD.

Unfortunately, a full time / part time registered pharmacist must be employed. Usually, the pharmacist would keep the key of lockable storage facility for DD.

Moreover, DD register should be kept accurately.

Otherwise, some offences under the ordinance would be suffered.

Q&A Session

Some industry representatives questioned how to find a part time registered pharmacist to take this risk? Mr. Cheng answered some pharmacist association would help.


HKCTC - http://www.hkctc.gov.hk/

Narcotics Division - Security Bureau - http://www.nd.gov.hk/en/index.htm

Government Laboratory - http://www.govtlab.gov.hk/english/home.htm

HKAS - www.hkas.gov.hk

HKTIC - http://www.hktic.org/

HKSCC - http://www.medicine.org.hk/hkscc/

Related Lectures on Pharmacy Legislation

Lecture 1 - Classification of Poisons: http://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2010/04/lectures-on-pharmacy-legislation-lec-01.html

Lecture 2 - Wholesale & Retail Sale of Poisons: http://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2010/04/lectures-on-pharmacy-legislation-lec-02.html

Lecture 3 - Manufacture of Pharmaceutical Products: http://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2010/05/lectures-on-pharmacy-legislation-lec-03.html

Lecture 4 - Licensing of Authorized Sellers of Poisons and Listed Sellers of Poisons: http://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2010/05/lectures-on-pharmacy-legislation-lec-04.html

Lecture 5 - Dangerous Drugs Ordinance (Cap. 134) on Classification & Sale of Dangerous Drugs (DD): http://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2010/05/lectures-on-pharmacy-legislation-lec-05.html



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