
CityU 2010 Congregation - EngD

I am glad to join The City University of Hong Kong (CityU) 2010 Congregation for College of Science and Engineering on 10 November 2010. Firstly, I would like to introduce our University Motto “Officium et Civitas (敬業樂群)” .
Officium et Civitas is the Latin translation for the motto. Officium captures the rich connotations of the word and denotes a high-minded sense of duty, including high office, with a very positive moral connotation. Civitas refers to both town/city and “Union of citizens (commonwealth)”.
敬業旨在人格的培養, 對專業知識敬慎以待, 包含了現代學術的專業精神與專業道德; “樂群則強調個人與社會的關係, 一方面是個體人格的成長, 另方面則提倡群體精神, 社會關懷與造福人群.

The photo was taken in the Hall before the Congregation.

I was conferred the awards of Engineering Doctorate from Prof. Way Kuo (The President of CityU).

After the congregation, seven EngD classmates took a group photo.

I took a photo with my supervisor Dr. K.S. Chin (Asso. Professor, MEEM Dept) in front of the department.

I had studied in different departments from HD, BSc and MPhil in CityU since 1989. My MPhil and HD were obtained in the Department of Biology and Chemistry (BCH) (Previous named Department of Applied Science).

Photo was taken in BCH laboratory.

My BSc was obtained in the Department of Physics & Materials Science (Previous named Department of Applied Physics which was spitted from Department of Applied Science).

Moreover, I worked in EPA Centre (under Department of Electronic Engineering) in 2000. (Photo: my mother, my wife and I)

My wife and I were taken a photo in the front door of CityU.

In afternoon, I went back to Hong Kong Science and Technology Park (HKSTP) and took a photo under Golden Egg.

InnoCarnival 2010 was performed from 6 to 14 Nov 2010. I had a chance to try the two wheel vehicle which needed a good balance skill.

Moreover, I took a photo in counter of “Hong Kong Council for Testing and Certification (HKCTC)”.

When I went into Charles K. Kao Auditorium, I met Ms. Janet Wong (Commissioner, Innovation and Technology Commission). It was our honor to take a photo with Ms. Janet Wong.

A long study journey in my life was an example of the life-long learning. In order to maintain our competitiveness and employability, we needed to continuous build up our skills and knowledge throughout the life of an individual.

Engineering Doctorate (Engineering Management): http://www.cityu.edu.hk/me/prg-engd.htm
Introduction of Engineer Doctorate (Engineering Management) in CityU: http://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2008/01/introduction-of-engineer-doctorate.html
InnoTech Month 2010 – InnoCarnival 2010: http://ce.hkfyg.org.hk/itm/index.php#2010



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