
HKPC Webinar - Introduction of Re-industrialisation Funding Scheme

The Innovation and Technology Commission (ITC) launched the “Reindustrialisation Funding Scheme (RFS)” to provide financial support for manufacturers to set up new smart production lines in Hong Kong in July 2020. In an effort to drive Hong Kong’s reindustrialisation, HKPC organised the “Reindustrialisation Funding Scheme” Application Tips webinar on 10 August 2020, with ITC representatives explaining details of the scheme so that industry practitioners can soon embark on their smart manufacturing journey.

In the beginning, ICT representative introduced the background of the RFS scheme that is 1 (government) : 2 (company) matching basis with a maximum of one-third of the total approved project cost or $15 million per project, whichever is lower. 

The funding scope covered expenses directly related to the establishment of the new production line in Hong Kong and also included technical consultancy service. However, it was not covered equipment maintenance, insurance and general expense (e.g. rental, staff salary, etc.)

And then she introduced the application flow from ITC to applicant signed the agreement.

After that she briefed the evaluation criteria as following diagrams.
a)    Setting Up of New Production Line and Adoption of Smart Technologies (35%)

b)    Financial Considerations (20%)
c)    Implementation Viability (15%)
d)    Technical, Financial and Management Capabilities (15%)

e)   Economic Benefits (15%)

If company awarded the funding, the procurement procedures should follow the following table.

The next session was HKPC reindustrialization support services.  

Dr. Quat (GM, HKPC) introduced new direction of manufacturing technology for smart factory.  Then he briefed HKPC’s support on reindustrialization in Hong Kong through smart manufacturing, integrated system, AI and Big Data analysis consultancy services. 

Ms. Chan then shared some cases HKPC supported especially in food and beverage industry.

Ms. Yu mentioned the industry 4.0 employed in medicine and its packaging through GMP or other standards through HKPC technical support.

Ms. Suen shared the health care industry case and service included medical face mask production.

After that HKPC invited their customer to share successful cases that was Lei Garden (利苑飲食集團) automation and smart manufacturing in food industry.

The last speaker was Dr. HL Yiu (Head of Re-industrialization, HKSTP) and he shared how HKSTP support reindustrialization in Hong Kong.

Firstly, he briefed the concept of reindustrialization from I&T ecosystems to smart manufacturing ecosystem and then to digital industry future.  Dr. Yiu said re-industrialization was driven by innovation and technology.  

Then Dr. Yiu briefed the project IE2.0 projects included Precision Manufacturing Centre (PMC), Data Technology Hub (DT Hub), Medical Accessory Resilience Supply (MARS) Manufacturing Centre, Microelectronics Centre (MEC) and Advanced Manufacturing Centre (AMC).  

After that he mentioned the built-to-fit concepts in MEC and MARS, as well as, the model of future smart factory – AMC.

Finally, Dr. Yiu discussed valleys of death in technology innovation (Gap 1) and manufacturing innovation (Gap 2).  Re-industrialization through AMC in HKSTP aimed to fill the Gap 2.  Lastly, he stated “Pro Shop” which was operated as a pilot factory equipped with wide range of cutting-edge production machineries/lines and to support the prototyping and low-volume Smart Manufacturing.  It aimed to be commercialization base for Hong Kong Innovation.  

Q&A Session

HKSTP AMC - https://amc.hkstp.org/
「再工業化資助計劃」/"Re-industrialisation Funding Scheme" (18/08/20) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MirZ11NhXzY



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