
CityU President's Lecture series - Big Data Analysis & AI: Opportunities & Challenges

The President's Lecture Series: Excellence in Academia offers a platform for CityU academics to discuss wide-ranging academic investigations with students, faculty and staff across the CityU community.  Big data and machine learning are currently two main techniques used in artificial intelligence (AI) applications.  A historical review of AI and explain the basic principles of data classification and machine learning methods would be discussed in this lecture.  Before the lecture, I took a photo with guest speaker Prof. Hong Yan for memory.

I also met CityU President Prof. Way Kuo and my old colleague Mr. Spencer Chan (Sr. Manager, Business Development, HKSTP).

Professor Hong Yan (Chair Professor of Computer Engineering, CityU) was our guest speaker and his topic named “Big Data Analysis and Artificial Intelligence: Opportunities and Challenges”.

In the beginning, he introduced where data come from such as multimedia, business observation, R&D, etc. Camera especially digital camera was sensor for data acquisition.  (Remark: The mirror image showed the full house of participants.)

Then Prof. Yan then introduced the history of AI from 1950s to present.  After 2011, big data and deep learning became the hot topics in AI.  

Prof. Yan mentioned the 4th industrial revolution in which 100 startups using AI to transform industries. He stated expert system advantage on using intuitive rules but noise sensitive.  

And then Prof. Yan briefed machine learning algorithms as following diagram.  Image Pre-processing and feature extraction were also discussed. The extraction included key points, contours, shape descriptors, main frequency components, etc.

Dimensionality reduction through data transformation, Bayes Classifier, and Deep Learning Neural Network were explained.

After that he demonstrated Lip Sync and Human Face Animation to us.  (http://www.hy8.com/main.php )

Tensor models for hypergraph matching was discussed.  For one dimension of data set, it is Vector.  For two dimension of data set, it calls Matrix.  Tensor is for three or more dimension of data set.  And then he also introduced cell image tracking and lineage analysis, Chromatin Structure, Biomolecular Surface Curvature, Hydrogen Bonding in Biomolecules, Probabilistic Relaxation Labeling (PRL) … etc. 

Most interested thing was Protein 3D Structures.  Prof. Yan said it could be simulated by computer rather than using X-ray diffraction or NMR to find out the structure.  So many people may loss job in future.

Finally, Prof. Yan compared AI and Human Intelligence in terms of templating matching, numerical computation, deal with large datasets & poor input quality, flexibility, common sense and creativity. 

Key theories and methodology in different areas such as computer, big data and AI were discussed.

Lastly, he showed a big picture from 1915 to 1965 and predicted from 2015 to 2065.  He said many key concepts were presented 50 years ago.

At the end, Prof. Yan summarized that Big Data and AI had many applications and tremendous commercial potentials.  Currently, we needed large training datasets and worked in restricted environment.  In order to achieve major breakthroughs, we needed to focus basic principles, mathematical foundation, taking risks and having a new and big ideas.

CityU AI related activities:
20190227: CityU Seminar on Design of Accident Prevention System for LWR using ANN and HS Simulator - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2019/02/cityu-seminar-on-design-of-accident.html
20190128: CityU Distinguished Lecture on AI Enabled Personalized Theranotics - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2019/01/cityu-distinguished-lecture-on-ai.html
20190122: CityU Seminar on The First Step for AI-based Human-Like Language Understanding – Sentiment Analysis of Text - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2019/01/cityu-seminar-on-first-step-for-ai.html
20181227: CityU Distinguished Lecture - How to Make an Artificial Vision System Smart? - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2018/12/cityu-distinguished-lecture-how-to-make.html
20181114: CityU the 1st Workshop on Financial Data Analysis - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2018/11/cityu-1st-workshop-on-financial-data.html



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