
Visit HKQAA Certification (Shanghai) Ltd. - Xian Representative Office

I followed Dr. KS Chin to visit Xian HaoTong University from 7th to 10th Jan 2019.  During Dr. Chin supervised his students in the university on 8th Jan 2019 morning, I visited to HKQAA Certification (Shanghai) Ltd. - Xian Representative Office.  They established in Xian about one year.  I took a photo in front of the office entre.

Ms. Merry Yao (姚妙妙) (Manager, Xi’an Office) and Kyrie took a photo with me. Then Merry Yao briefed their business and coming plan to register company in Xian.  Kyrie is from Guangzhou and studied degree in Xian.  We both studied Physics in bachelor degree. 

Then I briefed HKSQ and HKQAA cooperation in Hong Kong and our future planning.

Apart from Xian, I visited the HKQAA Guangzhou office on 6th May 2016.  I met Ms. Angelina Tang (Business Manager) (Centre) and Mandy Luo (Account Executive) and took a photo in front of the office.

During congratulation trip for Dr. Aaron Tong awarded China Outstanding Quality Professional (中國傑出質量人) in Beijing on 12th Apr 2018, I met Ms. Julie Zhao (趙志偉) (General Manager, Mainland & External Affairs) who is HKQAA Beijing Representative.

HKQAA Certification (Shanghai) Ltd - http://www.hkqaa.org/en_officeadd.php
20160506: Visit to the Institute of Extenics and Innovation Methods and HKQAA Guangzhou office - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2016/05/visit-to-institute-of-extenics-and.html
20180414: HKSQ Congratulate to Dr. Aaron Tong awarded China Outstanding Quality Professional (中國傑出質量人) 2017 and visit Beijing Industries - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2018/04/hksq-congratulate-to-dr-aaron-tong.html



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