
CityU Eminence Society – The 1st Exco Meeting 2017

The CityU Eminence Society (CES) 1th Exco Meeting was held on 3 April 2017.  I appreciated to Dr. Peter Ho who nominated me to join the executive committee.  We took a group meeting for memory.

(First row left: Dr. Raymond Leung, Dr. Peter Ho, Dr. Gary Cheng, Ms. Jenny Chan, Mr. Simon Hui and Mrs. Natalia Seng)
(Second row left: Mr. C.K. Chan, Mr. Xavier Wong, I, Dr. Jason Chan, Mr. Jonathan Chu, Mr. Gyver Lau, Mr. Danny Fok, Mr. Robert Lui)

CityU Eminence Society (CES) has established on 31 Dec 2010 and our mission is “To unite senior alumni to proactively contribute their resources, expertise and networks to help advance the University and serve the community”.  I took a photo during our discussion of coming events. (Remark: Dr. Rocky Lam attended the meeting but left early for teaching.)

CityU Eminence Society - www.cityues.org
20170301: CityU Eminence Society – The 4th Exco Inauguration Ceremony & Annual Dinner 2017 - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2017/03/cityu-eminence-society-4th-exco.html



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