I also met Dr. CN Ng (Associate Professor, Dept. of Geography, HKU) who is my final year project supervisor of HD in Applied Science (AP), and my external examiner for my MPhil in Chemistry (BCH).
The next session was Alumni Sharing. The first alumnus was Jerry Lai who graduated in 2008 and he was a project engineer in construction industry.
The second alumnus was Mr. LK Tam (BSc in 2006) and he had different experience in several industries included media and advertisement. Finally, he selected to be Physics teacher and enjoy family life.
The third alumnus was Ir. Mary Wong (BSc in 2007 & MSc in 2011). She was an Engineer in ARUP and her topic named “Transform from a ME student to Material Engineer”. She encouraged junior classmates to have a bigger dream to be a professional engineer. Moreover, she correlated her works with different AP courses that could give an insight to junior classmates what they learn to be used in the real life.
The fourth alumnus was Mr. Kenneth Lee (Assistant Engineer, Industrial Centre, PolyU) and he was MSc in Material Science graduate. His previous works included material testing, Education and Research.
I was the last speaker to share the topic named “Connecting the Dots – From Student to Adjunct Professor”. I had studied in CityU for long time and my first degree was BSc in Applied Physics in 1994. I shared Steve Job’s famous statement “You can’t connect the dots looking forward, you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future.”
Then I shared my experience in academia, business, community and government.
All my experience and works had related to CityU and I concluded that contribution to departments of CityU was most important!
After the sharing, Prof. Xun-Li Wang (Chair Professor & Head, AP) presented souvenir to us and took a group photo.
Then Prof. Xun-Li Wang gave a speech to celebrate the AP 25th Anniversary and encouraged students to learn from their senior classmates.
After the buffet dinner, we had a lucky draw.
At the end, we enjoyed AP student performance.
Department of Applied Science (AP) - http://www.ap.cityu.edu.hk/home.aspx