
During-HKSQ Study Mission Activities

After Day One visit, we went to West Lake to enjoy this beautiful scene in Hangzhou on 16 April 2014. There were many historical buildings such as Chiang Ching-kuo Old Home (蔣經國舊居)).

Minda and I took a photo in front of West Lake.

Then we visited West Lake on boat.

We went to the famous scene named “Three Pools Mirroring the Moon (三潭印月)”.

Wu Song’s Tomb (武松墓) was found. Wu Song is a widely known hero with a strong sense of justice and great courage in Water Margin (水滸傳).

Qiu Jin’s Tome (秋瑾墓) was also here. She knew as a revolutionary martyr. An inscription “HEROINE (巾幗英雄)” was written by Dr. Sun Yat-sen. When she was under arrest, she wrote the poem “秋風秋雨愁煞人”.

Another historical building we visited was “Xiling Seal Engravers’ Society (西冷印社)”. Our member joked that its name like one cooking type of beefs named “Sirloin (西冷牛扒)”.

After that we had dinner in Louwailou (樓外樓).

I took some photo for special foods. The first food named “Dongpo Pork (東坡肉)”.

The second food named “Beggar Chicken (乞兒雞)”.

After Day Two visit to Shanghai University on 17 April 2014, we went to Shanghai Bookstore.

In Shanghai University, I found one slogan on the stone very meaningful. It stated “Realistic Innovation (求實創新)”

Heavy traffic in Shanghai was observed.

Then we went to The Cool Docks (老碼頭).

Minda and I took a photo in front of The Cool Docks.

Some photos about here were taken below. There were many Bars & Pubs.

At the end, we come back to Hotel named “Penta Hotel” and we found that the counter was very like a wine bar.

After Day Three visit to C&C RFID in Shanghai on 18 April 2014, we went to Shanghai Urban Planning Exhibition Hall (上海城市規劃展示館).

Shanghai Xintiandi (上海新天地) is an area where many old Shikumen architectures can be found. The old Shikumen architecture shows new vitality and it is now a fashion landmark with historical culture in Shanghai.

Some drawings demonstration related to Cuba were shown.

The whole Shanghai city model was built inside the hall.

Some beautiful designs in the hall were shown.

At the end, we had dinner in South Beauty (俏江南) and their slogan was “Global Quality, Chinese Style (全球品質, 中國氣質)”



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