During the launch of SPARK, Mr. Allen Ma (CEO, HKSTPC) gave a welcome speech and he explained the aim of SPARK was to create a platform for different talent communication and exchange idea. There were five elements to serve a table of sparking ideas included Knowledge Enhancement, Sports & Recreation, Social Entertainment, Special Privileges and Community Engagement. Then the SPARK Membership Program was launched. My wife and I were registered.
The elements and slogan named “Let's Spark New Ideas Together” were projected on the Golden Egg.
SPARK as a Science Park Community Platform to exchange idea for innovation. It seems to develop a creation space as mentioned in the book named “The Power of Pull”. Once the number reached a critical mass, the change will be happened (Like HKSTPC slogan “Making things happen!”. There are three success factors of creation space:
i) Low entry barriers
ii) Real-time feedback
iii) Clear performance measures
SPARK - http://spark.hkstp.org/
HKSTP - http://www.hkstp.org/
John Hagel III, John Seely Brown & Lang Davison (2010), The Power of Pull: How Small Moves, Smartly Made, Can Set Big Things in Motion, Basic Books.