
ASQ InfVoices - Quality Professional Training

Mr. Paul Borawski (CEO, ASQ) discussed the Professional Training and survey result from ASQ’s Global State of Quality Research as the ASQ Influential Voices Topic in August. It found that (1) organizations which govern quality with a centralized group are roughly 30 percent more likely to provide quality training to staff than organizations where a senior executive governs the quality process. On the other hand, it also found that (2) the majority of organizations have a fairly narrow training scope by providing quality-related training to staff directly involved in the quality process. Only a handful of organizations provide quality training to all staff. 

Quality Professionals believe that everyone would be competence through effective training.

I agree the research results on quality training survey in both (1) and (2). I would like to share my case. In my division, quality system unit is a centralized group to govern quality management and responsible to nominate staff for quality training regularly. In other divisions, only senior managers drive the quality management, they had seldom to assign staff for quality training.

However, I observed that most of quality trainings are fairly narrow scope that are focused on ISO certification awareness and internal auditor included ISO 9001, ISO 27001, OHSAS 18001, ISO 14001 and ISO 50001, indicating that companies focused on tangible management outcome such as certifications. Other type of quality trainings such as On-the-job, workshop and role play are most effectiveness but costly. If only senior executives govern the quality process, they are more interested in "Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization" (EBIDTA) rather than overall quality management competency.

I had invited by TUV SUD to be one of speakers in Open Forum on "How to improve the training effectiveness in cost-effective way" in 2008 and details in reference.

TUV Open Forum on “How to improve the training effectiveness in cost-effective way” - http://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2008/07/tuv-open-forum-on-how-to-improve.html



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