In the beginning, Ms. Grace Chen (Investment Services Division, Hsinchu Science Park Adminstration) gave us an introduction of Hsinchu Science Park).
Ms. Chen briefed the history of Hsinchu Science Park It was established in 1980, aiming at cultivating domestic high-tech industries and talents. Development of the Hsinchu Science Park marked as historic witnesses of Taiwan's industry development phases from nothing to something.
Present HSP
Then Ms. Chen briefed three aims of HSP below:
i) To attract high-tech manufacturer investment,
ii) Tointroduce high-tech talent,
iii) To enhance high-tech industries development in Taiwan;
and introduced the distribution of science parks in Taiwan.
HSP contributed 4.5% GDP and had about 150,000 people working in here. The HSP land was rental only. Private company could build their own factory or rental standard factory after HSP review and approval. HSP provided infrastructure support such as waste water treatment plant (with ISO 14001).
HSP administration would provide one window for business to the related departments of government.
Six industries ratio in Taiwan's Science Park were IC (68.44%), Photonic (19.08%), Computer & its related product, ICT and Precision Engineering, etc.
HSP had international connection such as Association of University Research Parks (AURP), Asian Science Park Association (ASPA) and International Association of Science Parks (IASP).
Finally, Ms. Chen told us the five key success factors of HSP below:
- Good Infrastructure and one window service
- Good talent and culture
- Cooperation mechanism among industry, university and research, as well as, cluster effect
- Innovation development and operation mechanism
- Good capital market such as VC and financial securities
After the presentation and discussion, I represent HKSQ to present a flag to Mr. Huang Yi-Ching (Specialist, Investment Services Division, HSP).
Then we exchanged souvenirs.
At the end, we visited the Exhibition of Hsinchu Science Park.
The model of whole HSP
Ms. Chen explained some high-tech products from different companies in HSP.
Most products were related to semiconductor and electronic devices.
The next station was TSMC. It was a highly security area that no photo could be taken inside TSMC.
Dr. Rex Yang (Manager, Recruiting Department, HR Operations Centre, Taiwan Seminconductor Manufacturing Company, Ltd. (TSMC)), who was Prof. Yang's student, was responsible to introduce TSCM and his department to us. Firstly, we had a lunch in their canteen. Dr. Rex Yang studied Industrial Engineering (IE). Therefore, he designed different process of HR and also canteen management. For instance, staff satisfactory on the food was monitored through electronic system (from staff ID card!). Staff can rate each food after consumed. Good design canteen area for 3000 staff in here. Health program for staff to reduce fat was provided.
Then we had a meeting to understand the business of TSMC and its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities. HR used many different scheme to train up talent internally and built their loyalty. Humanware was concerned as one of significant factors.
After than we went back to Hsinchu station.
High speed train photo
Tonight, we had a dinner with Prof. Yang (Left 1) and Mr. Kenneth Leung (Chairman, Singapore Quality Institute) (Left 2).
Hsinchu Science Park (新竹科學園區) -
TSMC (台積電) -
Association of University Research Parks (AURP) -
Asian Science Park Association (ASPA) -