I am glad to be invited by Dr. Victor Lo to participate HKU Quality Management Student Forum on 13 April 2011. The forum is part of IELM6042 Quality management under MSc(Eng) in Industrial Engineering and Logistics Management.
The first speaker was Mr. Clay Zhang (Quality Assurance Manager, Product Supply, Procter & Gamble HK Ltd.) who was one of MSc students to share his experience and his topic was "Sharing on P&G Quality System". Mr. Zhang described QA scope included R&D, manufacturing, testing, storage, distribution and marketing.
He said that P&G employed Scorecard for warehouse and introduced the quality incident identification. There were different Quality Incident (QI) and Significant QI (SQI). The QI separated into four categories including Contamination, Inappropriate Release, Inadvertent Shipment, and Damage Degradation After Shipment.
One of interested problem was overlabelling. Mr. Zhang explained customer would like to know what information hinded behind the label.
The second speaker team included Mr. TC Lam, Mr. HK Ho and Mr. WW Fung (CSD Officers, HKSAR) and their presentation entitled "Quality Improvement with TRIZ - case presentation".
Mr. Lam introduced the Laundry Service and their Section named "Industries & Vocational Training (I&VT) Section which aimed to provide Rehabilitation & Social Reintegration service.
Then he introduced the Laundry Process Flow including Sorting, Washing, Drying, Calendering, Pressing, Folding and Packing & Dispatching. He said that the folding was identified by client assessment that it needed to be improved.
Mr. Fung briefed the cause and effective diagram to measure the problem.
The common defects of folding were identified.
Mr. Ho found 13 Improvement methods throught TRIZ Flash Card and two of methods were come from Benchmarking to McDonald's Quality Manual (Photo Demonstration of Uniform Folding) and tools assistant (Folding Board).
Three officers shared the experience on employing TRIZ methodology. Dr. Victor Lo was the mentor in this project.
I was the third speaker and my topic named "Sharing the Quality Principles in Martial Arts Novel". My first Martial Arts Novel published in 2006 and I posted in my blog (See Left handside).
The novel introduced different quality gurus and their principles in terms of Ku Fung. The Quality Gurus included Dr. W. Edwards Deming, Dr. Joseph Juran, Philip Crosby, Armand V. Feigenbaum, Dr. Kaoru Ishikawa, Shigeo Shingo, Yoshio Kondo and Dr. Genichi Taguchi, etc.
The last speaker was Dr. Frankie Law (PT Lecturer, Business School, HKU) and his topic entitled "A Journey to World Class - A Case of an Aero Repair Company".
Dr. Law explained quality evolution through quality timeline. Then he demonstrated the Aero Repair Company practice that achieved the vision "Best in the World, Best for the World".
Then he shared the Continuous Improvement Journey through different tools and techniques.
The 5S was very impressed that down to stationary!
Visual Management was employed though the status indicator and Notice Board.
Dr. Law told us "What is STAR?" and shared the Rolls-Royce Improving Process Performance Work book at the end.
STAR stand for:
S - Strategically Align Operations
T - Target World-Class Operations
A - Achieve Sustained Improvement
R - Recognize Success
Before end of the forum, Dr. Victor Lo presented souvenir to us.
(Left: Dr. Lo and Dr. Frankie Law)
(Left: Mr. HK Ho, Mr. WW Fung, Dr. Lo and Mr. TC Lam)
(Left: I and Dr. Lo)
(Left: Mr. Clay Zhang and Dr. Lo)
Dr. Victor Lo - http://www.imse.hku.hk/vhylo/
MSc(Eng) in Industrial Engineering and Logistics Management - http://www.imse.hku.hk/programmes/msc.htm