The seminar named “Cognitive Network Process (CNP) for
Decision Analytics” was organized by AGH University, Cracow and Silesian
University, Opava on 31st Jan 2025. Dr. Kevin Yuen (COMP PolyU) was
the guest speaker and his talk named “Cognitive Network Process for Decision
Analytics”. The talk introduced Dr. Yuen’s research on Analytic Hierarchy
Process (AHP) and CNP, as well as, their applications.
Firstly, Dr. Kevin Yuen introduced his core research in
the intelligent decision analytics that hybrid expert & machine systems
through adaptive findings to get more reliable decision.
Then he briefed the Analytic Hierarchical / Network
Process (AHP/ANP) for expert systems with multi-criteria decision making (MCDM)
He also discussed how to calculate the results by AHP, the
consistency and inconsistency of rating, then proposed to use eigen system
method for inconsistent matrix.
After that he mentioned the pros and cons of AHP. One of
cons is the ratio relationship might not be appropriate to present the difference
of two objects that is motivation for CNP.
Finally he used CNP to compare the previous example by
AHP that it can distinct the preference in small range.
Lastly, Dr. Yeung briefed some applications such as medical
treatment decision, high school selection and transportation project selection
through his different publications.
Q&A session