
HKSQxEngDS Webinar - Decision Quality enhancement by using Transformation Bridge on Anti-Epidemic Strategies

 The Hong Kong Society for Quality (HKSQ) and CityU EngD Society co-organized a webinar on “運用轉換橋分析「動態清零」和「與病毒共存」的矛盾問題及提升決策質量的初探” on 23rd March 2022. The webinar aimed to introduce four key elements of decision quality and using transformation bridge to propose solution between “Dynamic Zero” and “Coexistence with Virus” so as to enhance decision quality.

In the beginning, HKSQ and CityU EngD program were introduced. Then the recently Omicron infection situation in Hong Kong was briefed.  And then four key elements of decision quality including Moral Intensity, Information Quality, Group Cohesiveness and Decision Experience were discussed and a poll to survey which element is most important for decision quality is performed. The top one is Information Quality (65%).

After that Extenics, Extension Model and Transformation Bridge were briefed. Extenics is an original China New Science for studying the possibility of extending things and rules and methodology of developing innovation with formalized patterns to resolving contradictory problem. Transformation bridge is used to solve antithetical problem and come out “win-win” solution through transformation of goals or transformation of condition limit.

And then extension model was employed to describe “Dynamic Zero” and “Coexistence with Virus”, as well as, anti-epidemic condition limit.

Using the implication and correlation analysis, all measures relationship were draw visually and analyzed their relationship of impact.

Finally, we found the common subordinal goal under implying passages that were to increase effective medicine and vaccination rates.  It could also consider to use transforming passage to transform the condition limit to be acceptable level for changing strategy from “Dynamic Zero” to “Coexistence with Virus”.

Lastly, anti-epidemic policy cycle diagram was proposed and concluded that "First zero, then coexistence, and then zero, after that coexistence".

At the end, a poll for which policies are better and results were anti-epidemic policy cycle diagram (59%), coexistence with virus (17%), dynamic zero (12%), others (12%).

Wilson Lam proposed to divide Hong Kong into three parts (HK island, Kowloon and N.T.) for dynamic zero.  Stephen Au said four elements of decision quality are very good not only for this topic but also employed in corporate decisions.


HKSQ - http://www.hksq.org

CityU EngD - https://www.cityu.edu.hk/adse/engd.htm

20201017: HKSQ AGM 2020 & Seminar on Local Production of Facial Mask in Hong Kong - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2020/10/hksq-agm-2020-seminar-on-local.html

20200405: Collective Masks Anti-Epidemic Capability (集體口罩抗疫力) - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2020/04/collective-masks-anti-epidemic.html



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