
The 1st National Primary and Secondary School Teacher Training Course for Artificial Intelligence (首期全國中小學人工智能師資培訓課程) (Day 2)

I am a Committee Member of Extenics Society, Chinese Association for Artificial Intelligence (CAAI) (中國人工智能學會可拓學專業委員會委員) and attended the 1st National Primary and Secondary School Teacher Training Course for Artificial Intelligence (首期全國中小學人工智能師資培訓課程) organized by Primary and Secondary School Working Committee, CAAI (中國人工智能學會中小學工作委員會) and School of Artificial Intelligence, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (中國科學院人工智能學院) from 19th to 21st July 2019 in The High School Affiliated to Renmin University of China (RDFZ) (中國人民大學附屬中學) in Beijing.  I met a teacher from Macao Mr. Lau Tin Leong, Simon (劉天亮, 澳門培正中學).

We also took a photo with speaker Dr. Wu di (武迪, 中國人民大學附屬中學高級教師).

I took a photo with classmates for Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area.
(Left: Mr. Bingo Wong (黃秉剛, Guangdong), Macau representatives x2, Mr. Lau Tin Leong, Simon (劉天亮), I and Mr. Yan Lichao (嚴立超, CUHK))

Day 2 (20190720): Practical Part
Dr. Wu di (武迪, 中國人民大學附屬中學高級教師) was the first speaker and she would share three topics in her AI courses and the first one was “Computing thinking of the ranking problem in website” and the second case was “Algorithm principles of Back Hole image”, as well as, the last case was “Remove haze from the photo”.  

Dr. Wu introduced the searching engineer of the first case such as QS World University Rankings, High level examination rankings, web page rankings, etc.  She also introduced how to analyze the problem from specific to abstract using Picasso drawing as example to explain how to extract the characteristic.

The second case was Back Hole which issued in April 2019 but the image was in 2017.  They used 2 years to calculate and integrate the image. It needed to transfer the radiation to visual range for human eyes.  Some difficulties were pointed out such as lack of integrity data and noise.  

After that she introduced the computing thinking from problem identification, analysis and solving to transforming usage. 

Lastly, Dr. Wu mentioned the haze removal image using the international conference paper (CVPR 2009) named “Single Image Haze Removal Using Dark Channel Prior”. This topic was multi-discipline for STEAM + AI.  

The second speaker was Ms. Ren Wei (任贇, 北京第十二中學技術教研組長) and her presentation topic was “Junior Teaching Case Sharing for Artificial Intelligence”.  In the beginning, she briefed the course design for High school students without text book, the mathematical theory employed up-to-date AI theory.

Then Ms. Ren briefed the teaching procedure from introduction of new course to prepare it and to practice it, and then for group discussion. The summary was at the end.  In the practical part, she used tencent AI open platform.  

The second case was face recognition.  In this time, Ms. Ren employed Baidu AI open platform and Python to finish face recognition.

Finally, she presented the emotion analysis under Natural Language Processing (NLP). It firstly separated the word types into emotional, degree, negative, punctuation, relative word and location, etc.

The third speaker was Dr. Lu Yuhua (盧婧華, 中國人民大學附屬中學信息技術教師) and her sharing named “Decode Six Degrees of Separation and Study Network Model”.  Firstly, she explained what is six degrees of separation that is a chain of “a friend of a friend”, indicating all people are six, or fewer, social connections away from each other.

Then Dr. Lu said it was studied in social network in 2003 for mobile internet and big data.  In 2016, Facebook team found that the distance reduced from 6 to 3.57 degrees.  And then she led a game in the internet named “The Oracle of Bacon”.  We typed film star names into the website and found their relationship.  I typed Jackie Chan and Kevin Bacon that only 2 degree was identified.

Finally, Dr. Lu introduced network science and network thinking.  It aimed to study the similarity and their relationship. The structure of network (graph) included nodes (vertices, actors), links (edges, relations) and clusters (communities). She also explained the average path length and clustering coefficient. Lastly, we ran the program to exercise the small-world networks.

The fourth speaker was Dr. Gao Yongmei (高永梅, 北京第十二中學智能機器人課程首席) and his topic was “AI Era – AI anywhere”.  She briefed some famous events in AI such as AlphaGo won the Go in Mar 2016 and May 2017.  

Then Dr. Gao used mobile apps to show many application using AI.  

She also played a video for AI visual identification and drawing.

Finally, she introduced K12 AI education role and positioning that AI covered mathematics, statistics, automation control and computer.  For primary school, it aimed to let student aware and experience the AI application. For secondary school, it aimed to let student understand computing thinking and AI.  For high school, student should handle some case study of AI application.  Most countries had AI planning and strategy in different dimensions. 

The last speaker was Dr. Xu Gan (徐乾, 中國人民大學附屬中學信息技術教師) and his presentation named “Robotic and AI – Neutral Nework Study”.  Firstly, Dr. Xu introduced the robotic in high school education included structure and programming.  

Then he introduced the robot dog exercise that the ear received signs during learning and the mouth sensed the sign to start learning. 

The program used the simple type for student and mainly presented in graphic.  

And then he demonstrated how to train the robot dog.

After that we all started to assembly the robot dog.

Our team completed the structure of the dog.

The sponsor of robot dog was CellRobot which is China company.  Each set of CellRobot cost about RMB 20,000.  

After that Primary and Secondary School Working Committee, CAAI held a welcome dinner for all participants.  We took a photo for memory.

《首期全国中小学人工智能师资培训》719日在京隆重开班 - https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/l0Xemohk-cnXxjGT5EH0PA
习近平向国际人工智能与教育大会致贺信 - http://www.cicpa.org.cn/Column/hyxxhckzl/zcyxs/201905/W020190524342822810580.pdf
20190719: The 1st National Primary and Secondary School Teacher Training Course for Artificial Intelligence (首期全國中小學人工智能師資培訓課程) (Day 1) - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2019/07/the-1st-national-primary-and-secondary.html
20190720: The 1st National Primary and Secondary School Teacher Training Course for Artificial Intelligence (首期全國中小學人工智能師資培訓課程) (Day 2) - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2019/07/the-1st-national-primary-and-secondary_20.html
20190721: The 1st National Primary and Secondary School Teacher Training Course for Artificial Intelligence (首期全國中小學人工智能師資培訓課程) (Day 3) - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2019/07/the-1st-national-primary-and-secondary_21.html



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