
Holiday in Hokkaido, Japan (Part II)

Interesting experience and some study points can be found from the following photos:

Furano (富良野)

In Furano (富良野), we spend time at a farm.

Then, we found one of our dream houses.

Farm of Tomita

There was an old production plant and laboratory for perfume.

Noboribetsu (登别)

We stayed at Noboribetsu Manseikaku (登別萬世閣) and visited the Jigokudani ( Hell Valley - 地獄谷) at night.

Large Hammer

Comparison of Hell Valley observed in the morning and at night

Sulfur river

Stone contained sulfur.

Tessen Pond

Warning sign of bear

The signs outside the toilet were very interesting.

In the morning, we went to spring and then Noboribetsu Date Jidaimura (登別·伊達時代村).

Ninja weapons

There were different types of drama telling about ancient story and Ninja story.

Night scenes of Hakodate (函館)

We also took some photos of Hakodate at day time.

Dinner at 大門橫丁



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