
ESG Online Seminar – Changing Staff Mindset: How to Use Motivational Interviewing to Encourage Staff to Change

The Executive Study Group (ESG) online seminar named “Changing Staff Mindset: How to Use Motivational Interviewing to Encourage Staff to Change” was held by the ESG, Asia Pacific Institute for Strategy Limited (APIFS) on 9th Jul 2021.   In the beginning, Dr. Mark Lee briefed the background, history and goal of Asia Pacific Institute for Strategy Limited (APIFS), as well as Industry-support during Covid-19.   This talk content included “Psychological Immune System (PIS)” and “Five Motivational Interviewing (MI) Strategy”.

In the beginning, Dr. Mark Lee gave poll 1 to ask us if changing staff mindset is more difficult than 5 years ago.  It was found that the vote More Difficult (36%) and Easier (30%) were similar.  Then he quoted Dick Cavett statement that “It’s a rare person who wants to hear what he doesn’t want to hear.”

Then Dr. Lee used a mother story in Canada who concerned about vaccine for her child to explain the Psychological Immune System (PIS) that like antibodies against virus (future influence).  When you change anyone’s mindset, once you trigger his psychological mindset, their “antibodies” would attack all your ideas immediately.  Then your idea wouldn’t be able to enter his mindset.

And then Dr. Lee introduced Motivational Interviewing (MI) Strategy.  Two inventors were Bill Miller (clinical psychologist) and Stephen Rollnick (young nurse trainee) to develop the core principles. The key finding was “we’re better off helping find their own motivation to change.”

Dr. Lee asked us to vote again and the poll 2 was how familiar the interview technique we were.  It showed a bell shaped distribution.  

After that he explained the technique was not putting some external DNA into the cell. Motivational Interviewing (MI) triggered the self-checking and re-sequencing of the DNA for better health.  5 MI strategies included “Humility and Curiosity Attiude”, “Sustain Talk & Chang Talk”, “Mutual Openness”, “Engagement and Freedom” and “End with Smart Feeling”.

(1)   Humility and Curiosity Attitude

Motivational interviewing started with an attitude of humility and curiosity that the goal wasn’t to tell people what to do but to hold up a mirror and to empower interviewee to examine their beliefs and behaviors.  Three key steps of MI were briefing as “asking open-ended question”, “engaging in reflective listening” and “affirming the person’s desire and ability to change”. 

Dr. Lee gave us poll 3 that airlines could also enlist “vaccine whisperers”.  Most participants voted “Agree” upto 47%.

(2)   Sustain Talk & Change Talk

Dr. Lee said we needed to show empathy as “Sustain Talk” and to listen person’s own arguments for not changing and then found the turning point for “Change Talk” to following their self-expressed argument for change.

(3)   Mutual Openness

So as to build the trust and then we trigger each other to think again.

(4)   Engagement and Freedom

Ask for permission to share your data or idea that the right was held by interviewee.  They have freedom to select listening or not.

(5)   End with Smart Feeling

When your audience feeled smart, they would have confidence to change.

Finally, Dr. Mark Lee gave the last poll to survey which strategy is the most difficult to implement.  The most difficult strategy was voted on “Sustain Talk & Change Talk” (44%).


Asia Pacific Institute for Strategy Limited (亞太策略研究所有限公司) www.apifs.org

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