I was honor to
teach SEEM Programme named “Professional Engineering Practice” in Semester B, 2019/2020
in CityU. Traditional economic would be changed to innovation economic through
different technology breakthrough. Many
developed countries started their new industrial policy such as industry 4.0,
Made in China 2025 and reindustrization, etc.
Therefore, I updated the syllabus of professional engineering practice
such as advanced manufacturing, sustainability development, innovation and
technology management, as well as entrepreneurship and startup ecosystem, etc. This course aims to
provide students with essential knowledge to be professional engineer and its role in
a modern society. It stimulates students to have a
basic awareness of the legal, technology, environmental, and socio-economic
factors (economic, ethics, etc.) which have a significant impact on engineer in
the digital era.

I would like to
share my past 20 years’ experience in quality and innovation technology areas,
as well as, my academic development to engineering students. I would brief the topic “Connecting the Dots
– From Student to Adjunct Professor” to them.
This presentation
is quoted Steve Jobs (Stanford Commencement Address, 2005) that “You can't
connect the dots looking forward you can only connect them looking backwards.
So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future.” I also
connected all my dots for student reference.
Under Guangdong-Hong
Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and One Belt One Road initiatives, the course will
also examine the role of engineer in advance manufacturing, entrepreneurship,
startup management, testing and certification, as well as, innovation and
technology disciplines including ABCDEF (AI, Big Data / Block Chain, Cloud
Computing, Data Technology, Edge Computing & Fintech), 5G & AIoT, etc.
New Syllabus
to Industry Development in Hong Kong
Quality movement in Hong Kong
Testing and Certification policy & industry
Innovation and Technology policy & industry
Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and One Belt One Road initiatives
Development of Engineering in Society
Sustainability and Circular Economy
Quality Management
Environment Protection
Health and Safety
Sustainability Report
3 Innovation
and Technology Management
Innovation trend
Technology trend
Introduction of different innovation tools (TRIZ,
Extenics, Innovation Culture, etc.)
Innovation management system
of AI and Advanced Technology
Foundational of AI and its application
Advanced Technology included: ABCDEF+5G plus AIoT
Big Data/Blockchain, Cloud Computing, Data
Technology, Edge Computing and Fintech, as well as, 5G plus AIoT
Manufacturing and Industry 4.0
Digital Transformation
I4.0 to Q4.0
and Startup Ecosystem
Business Model Generation
Risk and Opportunity (SWOT)
Leader Characteristics and Business Management
Hong Kong Startup Environment
Quality Startup Management System
Management and Professional Code of Conduct
HKIE Code of Conduct
ICAC Corruption Prevention for Testing and
Certification Industry
Anti-bribery Management System (ISO 37001)
selected industries in Hong Kong by guest speakers (e.g. Construction, Pharmaceutical, Testing and Certification, Heathcare, IP, etc.)
to BETQE & BESEM & MScEM past events:
20191104: CityU Industrial Experts' Talks for MSEM Students
20141110: CityU TQE Students visit HKSTP
20120402: CityU Guest Lecture for Quality Management in Science Park
Laboratory and HKSQ Membership Drive
20111110: Guest Seminar for CityU BETQE student in World Quality Day
20101109: Industrial Guest Talk to BEng(Hon) in Total Quality
Engineering, CityU
20091105: HKSQ membership drive to BEng (Hon) in Total Quality
Engineering, CityU