The lecture 2 of General Education and Public Affairs Certificate Course (通識及公共事務證書課程) was held on 18 September 2010. The summary was shown as follow.
第二課 (18 September 2010)
閱讀殖民地: 透視港英政府的管治策略
王慧麟博士(Dr. Max Wong)主講.
Dr. Max Wong is the speaker and his topic was “Reading Colonial Hong Kong – The Politics of Control”.

Firstly, he explained what is Colonialism (殖民主義). It was separated into Classical View and Modern View.
For classical view, it included:
· Political control / domination
· Economic exploitation (Imperialism – 帝國主義)
· Social control
· Cultural domination (e.g. White man burden)
· Religious mission
For modern view, it included:
· Colonization without colonialism (新殖民主義)
· Puppet government with democratic face
· Neo-imperialism (新帝國主義) (e.g. oil politics and dependency theory)
· Economic control / International trading system (e.g. IMF/World Bank, WTO etc.)
The he briefed “Decolonization” (去殖) that is a process the British withdrawn from the colonies, in which “Handover” of political power to a new sovereign state.
However, “Bomb” theory was famous in this period of time but it was found the theory was not logical. There were two types of preparing decolonization: i) Political decolonization and ii) Administrative decolonization.
After that Dr. Wong mentioned Nostalgia in Hong Kong. In general, Hong Kong people considered that the goodies/precepts included:
i) Efficient and effective civil service
ii) Rule of Law
iii) Economic prosperity
iv) Social mobility (Job security) and the rise of middle class
Dr. Wong concluded that colonial nostalgia meaned:
i) Loss of self-esteem
ii) Loss of economic prosperity
iii) Loss of social mobility
iv) Loss of judicial independence
We have a book named “閱讀殖民地” which write by Dr. Wong.

I got Dr. Max Wong’s sign in the book.

現在的佳叔(劉兆佳)可以不理, 但年輕佳叔的英國非殖民化研究是很精闢的. 研究這方面的人非看不可.
王博士說起當年參與示威, 和警方對峙的一些經驗. 原來記者鏡頭只能影到上半身. 人們常以為示威者擁向前很激. 原來在對峙時, 鐵碼往往向上升, 示威者的腳(上五吋下五吋)常給警方踢到, 所以在鏡頭上擁向前了.
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