My definition is that the characteristic of leader is similar to the characteristic of DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid) which a double-stranded molecule held together by weak hydrogen bonds between base pairs of nucleotides. The double-stranded molecule indicates “Direction” and “Decision”. Weak hydrogen bonds mean interaction between different elements of leadership.
There are four nucleotides in DNA. Each nucleotide contains a base: adenine (A), guanine (G), cytosine (C), or thymine (T). Base pairs form naturally only between A and T and between G and C so the base sequence of each single strand of DNA can be simply deduced from that of its partner strand.
In terms of Leadership, (A) means Aggressive, (G) means Gentle, (C) means Confidence and (T) means Trust. Different combination have different outcome and finally it affect the “Direction” and “Decision”.
Therefore, Leadership DNA means the interaction of A, G, C & T to give Direction and Decision; and DNA’s double helix structure implies continual improvement.
About “領袖才幹 DNA” 講座
I would like to summarize the seminar entitled“領袖才幹 DNA” which held on 7th Dec 2007 in HKSTP. The speakers are Mr. Wong (黃謙) and Mr. Tao (陶傑).
黃謙 said:
VCD – “Values”, “Common Sense / Commitment” & “Determination”
DVD – “Direction”, “Vitality” & “Delegation”
“中式” 之領導有 “方”
方向 (Direction)
方寸 “分寸” (4 Right: Right Thing, Right People, Right Place & Right Time)
方法 (Methodology)
方式 (Approach)
方程式 (Formula)

陶傑 said:
有胸襟, 有判斷力.
領袖要像水, 在不同溶器有不同形象, 但本質不變.
H2O – “二份胸襟, 一份判斷”
強幹弱枝 vs 弱幹強枝
實幹虛枝 vs 虛幹實枝
(Micro-Management vs Macro-Management)
疑人勿用, 用人勿疑?
