
Chinese Massage Manipulation Classmates visit to Tsz Shan Monastery (慈山寺)

 Chinese Massage Manipulation (推拿手法學) classmates invited Ms. Huang Hai Ping (黃海萍老師) and Mr. Meng visited Tsz Shan Monastery (慈山寺) on 31st July 2022. Firstly, we took a photo in front of entry.

Tsz Shan Monastery Buddhist Art Museum is under Guanyin sculpture.

We took a group photo in front of the museum and then all our bags needed to place into locker before visit.

Before visit, we watched a video to introduce Buddha. Then a guide led us to visit the sculptures and explained those history. There are four areas in the 1st floor of the museum. The first area named “Awe-Inspiring Dharma Protectors” (護法神威). Four Heavenly Kings (四大天王) were guardian deities and two other guardian deities. The first left sculpture is Standing Heavenly King which formed in Northern Qi dynasty (北齊) (550-577 CE). Expert found that this sculpture was assembled by two different sculptures.

The second area named “Divine Manifestations” (妙變神通). Many Luohan (羅漢) sculptures in this area. Luohan refers to a mortal individual who has liberated from the suffering through religious practice. Standing Assada (阿難羅漢) was found in Ming dynasty (明代) (1368-1644).

The third area named “Compassion and Vows” (慈悲誓願). Bodhisattvas (菩薩) have repeatedly vowed to save sentient beings. Due to the diverse nature of their vows, the Bodhisattvas appear in many different forms such as a woman or monk. 

The last area named “Majestic Buddha Light” (梵宇佛光). The Buddha is a supreme, enlightened being who has achieved ultimate liberation from transmigration in the Three Realms and thoroughly understood the origin of life and the universe. The first photo is original from west. Then different sculpture style of Buddha from India, Thailand and China were showed.

Western style

India style

Thailand style

China style

And then we walked in the second floor and saw different store room which was blocked and stored significant sculptures and scriptures.

In this floor, Japan style Buddha was found.

After visited the museum, we walked around the Guanyin icon (觀音聖像) through the clockwise circumambulation (佛路線). Minda and I selfie with Guanyin. We also took a group photo for memory.

Finally, we went back to Daxiong Hall (大雄寶殿) which was the main hall for Buddha.

Behind the Daxiong Hall, we observed a mural (壁畫).

Lastly, we had dinner in Billow Bar Seafood Bistro (小白鷺).

We had a happy Sunday and dinner.


Tsz Shan Monastery (慈山寺) - https://www.tszshan.org/home/new/zh-hk/index.php

20190521: Visit to Tsz Shan Monastery (慈山寺) - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2019/05/visit-to-tsz-shan-monastery.html#more

Chinese Massage Manipulation Classmates activities:

20211205: Chinese Massage Manipulation Classmates visit to Ten Thousand Buddhas Monastery (萬佛寺) - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2021/12/chinese-massage-manipulation-classmates.html

20210606: Chinese Massage Manipulation Classmates visit Science Park - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2021/06/chinese-massage-manipulation-classmates.html

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20190428: Visit to Ms. Huang new home in Futian - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2019/04/visit-to-ms-huang-hai-new-home-in-futian.html

20141107: HKSQ Quality of Life Series: Neck and Shoulder Pain Prevention Seminar - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2014/11/hksq-quality-of-life-series-neck-and.html

20140119: HKACM Classmates Visit to CUHK Herb Garden - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2014/01/hkacm-classmates-visit-to-cuhk-herb.html



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