
Chinese Massage Manipulation Classmates visit to Ten Thousand Buddhas Monastery (萬佛寺)

 On 5th Dec 2021, Chinese Massage Manipulation (推拿手法學) classmates invited Ms. Huang Hai Ping (黃海萍老師) went to Fung Ying Seen Koon (蓬瀛仙館) near Wu Tip Shan Trail (蝴蝶山徑) for lunch (食齋: Buddhist vegetarianism) and then went to "Ten Thousand Buddhas Monastery" (萬佛寺). We took a photo in front of the 12 Chinese zodiac (十二生肖).

Minda and I took a photo with our zodiac.

Then we enjoyed the Buddhist vegetarianism.

After the lunch, we went to the Ten Thousand Buddhas Monastery.  Five hundred Lohan (五百羅漢) story was recorded and sculptures were located along the hill road.

Near the entry, we saw a large sculpture of Buddha.

Then I took a photo in front of Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple (萬佛殿). Inside the temple, it had ten thousand buddhas sculptures in different size and types.

Ten Thousand Buddhas Pagoda had nine floor but not open in this time.

After that I explored the other way of road from the Monastery and saw a sculpture of monk on tiger.

We met two monkeys.  Unfortunately, they were aware us and followed us to the temple.

Monkeys steal the luggage of visitor and we tried to drive them away.

Finally, I went to Jade Emperor Hall (玉皇殿).

Many immortal (神仙) in here and I took a wide angle photo for them.

We left from the original way.

We saw the sculpture of Gautama Buddha (释迦牟尼).

In the middle of the way, a new shop sold for Shanshui Tofu Pudding (山水豆腐花).

We all enjoy it before left.

More information:

Fung Ying Seen Koon (蓬瀛仙館) - https://www.fysk.org/

Ten Thousand Buddhas Monastery (萬佛寺) - http://www.10kbuddhas.org/index.do

20110409: Visit to Ten Thousand Buddhas Monastery (萬佛寺) - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2011/04/visit-to-ten-thousand-buddhas-monastery.html

20210402: HKSQ QoL Exco Hiking on Wu Tip Shan Trail (蝴蝶山徑) - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2021/04/hksq-qol-exco-hiking-on-wu-tip-shan.html


20210606: Chinese Massage Manipulation Classmates visit Science Park - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2021/06/chinese-massage-manipulation-classmates.html

20210410: The Opening Ceremony of Sanhoitong Chinese Medicine Clinic, HKTCM (香港中醫藥傳承學院-山海堂中醫診所) - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2021/04/the-opening-ceremony-of-sanhoitong.html

20190428: Visit to Ms. Huang new home in Futian - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2019/04/visit-to-ms-huang-hai-new-home-in-futian.html

20141107: HKSQ Quality of Life Series: Neck and Shoulder Pain Prevention Seminar - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2014/11/hksq-quality-of-life-series-neck-and.html

20140119: HKACM Classmates Visit to CUHK Herb Garden - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2014/01/hkacm-classmates-visit-to-cuhk-herb.html



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