The International Academy for Quality (IAQ) World Quality Forum 2015 in Budapest, Hungary was held on 26 & 27 October 2015. The theme of IAQ World Quality Forum is “Quality for Future of the World”. We attended the Day 2 program on 27 October 2015.
There were four parallel sessions and Mr. Roland Jahnke (Academician & Vice President IAQ; Chairman, QiETT; and IAQ Representative at UNESCO Headquarters, Paris) was the Chair of IAQ Panel Global Quality Education Forward Session in Stream C. Mr. Roland Jahnke briefed the new sustainable development goals (SDGs) to 2030 and Quality in Education.
Then I took a photo for Mr. Shan Rupral JM (President, APQO and National Chairman, Australian Organization for Quality (AOQ)) and he presented in the session named “IAQ Panel: Sustainability and Quality”. His presentation entitled “Cradle to Success: Ups, Downs & Best Practice QMS”. In the beginning, he briefed the history of QMS standards in Australia (e.g. AS 1821, AS 1822 and AS 1823) which led the world in QMS/QAS since 1975.
I also took a photo for Mr. N. Ramanathan (Adviser – TQM, SRL Limited) and he presented in the same session. His presentation entitled “Quality and the Seven Environmental Challenges of the Planet”. These seven challenges included Food Quality, Resource depletion, Waste Generation, Diseases, Climate Warming, Population Rise and Radiation Hazards.
Mr. Glenn Mazur (Executive Director, QFD Institute) presented his topic named “Quality Function Deployment (QFD) for Global Competitiveness in Product Development using ISO 16355” in the session of IAQ Panel: Quality Strategies for Global Competitiveness.
This morning, two HKSQ members were speakers who were Dr. Ivan Ng and Mr. Shancheng Jiang in the session of National Quality Policy – National (Regional) Guality Award and Quality Development in Healthcare. (Left: Mr. Jiang and Dr. Ivan Ng)
Before the session start, we took a photo with session chairs.
(Left: I, Prof. Vadim Lapidus (General Director, Head of Dept. of Higher School of Economics, Consulting Group Prrioritet), Dr. Ivan Ng and Mr. Sandor Vass (Editor of Minoseg es Megbizhatosag (Quality and Reliability) Hungarian National Committee, EOQ))
Then I also took a photo with another two speakers and they were Mr. Harnek Singh (VP / Director, Business Excellence, Singapore Technologies Engineering Ltd.) (Left) and Mr. Deng Ji (Shanghai Academy of Quality Management) (Middle).
Mr. Gregory Watson (Past President of International Academy for Quality (IAQ)) also joined our presentation session.
The first speaker was Mr. Harnek Singh (VP / Director, Business Excellence, ST Engineering Ltd.) and his presentation topic entitled “ Embracing Business Excellence: Singapore and ST Engineering’s Experience – Challenges, Success Factors and Impact”. Firstly, Mr. Harnek Singh introduced their business excellence initiative which had four strategies for success. Then he briefed their milestones on the Business Excellence (BE) Journey.
Then he shared their key concerns below.
1. Large and diversified business (e.g. alignment/integration)
2. Getting all on board and involved – experience of some staff is sometimes different
3. Getting the whole organization appreciate the philosophy and usefulness of the BE framework.
After that he shared five success factors below.
1. Leadership familiar with BE Framework & Hands-on
2. Alignment – customization at Singapore Quality Award level
3. Road Shows led by Senior Management
4. Business Excellence Coordinators
5. “Can Do” mindset (Understand it right. Do it right the first time. Give your best shot & you will be right.)
Finally, Mr. Singh summarized above items into the model of the combination for Business Excellence.
Mr. Deng Ji (Shanghai Academy of Quality Management) was the second speaker and his presentation was “The Survey Report on East China Public Service Quality (2014). He introduced that Shanghat Academy of Quality Management had chosen 7 provinces and municipality in East China to carry out monitoring project of public service quality in order to promote cities to upgrade basic public service level.
Then Mr. Deng Ji mentioned 11 Monitoring aspects included Infrastructure, Env. Mgt, Internet Public Service, Public Transportation, City Env., Compulsory Edu., Medical Service, Urban Security, Elderly Care Service, Administrative Transaction Processing and Public Culture and Sports. There were three evaluation methods employed for the project including Questionnaires, Survey Samples and Internet Public Opinions.
HKSQ member Dr. Ivan Ng was the third speaker and he presented his research topic named “An Organizational Development Study of the Impact of Culture Factors on the Implementation of the Six Sigma Methodology in Southern China”. He briefed the phenomenon that some companies completed Six Sigma, some continued with it and some abandoned it. Some integrated with other initiatives and some carried it as a brand named. He observed the operation incompatibility and cultural incongruity.
Dr. Ivan Ng’s findings told us that Chinese Value Survey dimensions did not significant on Six Sigma outcomes. Organization Culture Profile (OCP) had effect on Six Sigma Quality Culture outcomes especially on Supportive Culture (positive) and Innovation culture (negative). For more information, please visit his seminar in Hong Kong at .
After the his presentation, he discussed with Mr. Gregory Watson. Mr. Watson told us a secret that the Six Sigma Belts concept (Black Belt / Green Belt) was not come from Japan but from Korea!!
In next session “Quality Development in Healthcare”, the first speaker was Prof. Azat Abdrakhmanov (President at Kazakh Organization for Quality & Innovation Management) and his presentation title was “Innovation Management in Healthcare System of Kazakhstan is a Way to the International Competitiveness”. Prof. Azat comparied the health system in KZ before and after 2005. Their Health Reform from 2005 to 2010 was very success.
There were many improvements of Health Care Management System including rational delineation of functions and authority, Improvement of quality and financing system, medicines provision, Health Information System (HIS) and Training of pool of health care managers, etc. The following demonstrated the difference of the Health Care Quality Management before and after 2005.
The second speaker was Prof. Harriet Black Nembhard (Professor of Industrial Engineering; Director, Center for Integrated Healthcare Delivery Systems, The Pennsylvania State University) and her topic entitled “The Role of Quality Improvement Methods in Healthcare Delivery Science and Translation Research”. She said an abundance of medical devices, pharmaceuticals, facilities, and clinical trials exist but didn’t function as a system; even though US ranked last of 11 wealthy nations on healthcare quality, access, efficiency and equity.

Prof. Nembhard would like to use “Translational Research” which was a process of moving a new idea into clinical practice and health outcomes. She said the quality improvement framework was not able to remain static. They applied a QFD-AHP (Quality Functions Deployment combined with Analytical Hierarchy Process) methodology to peer-led obesity counseling. Finnaly, she suggested that Goal Programming (GP) and Cost-Effectiveness Analysis (CEA) were used to determine the mix of translational research proposals.
Mr. Shancheng Jiang (CityU PhD student under Dr. KS Chin) was the fourth speaker and his topic named “Forecasting the Volume of Patient Arrival to an Emergency Department in Hong Kong using Time Series Regression Method and Artificial Intelligence Method.
His preliminary reviews of some challenges in Emergency Department were:
1. Timeliness – Waiting time target of patients is less than hospital ward. (Sheduling)
2. Shortage – Room, personnel, equipment (Assignment)
3. Uncertainty – Patients’ arrivals without appoint & Need among different patient (Forecasting)
Finally, he introduced his research case study design.
After Dr. KS Chin’s student presentation, I joined the IAQ Panel: Quality in Service.
I attended Mr. Anil Sachdev (President, TQM International India) presentation and his topic entitled “Improving Service Quality – Key Challenges and Approach”. Firstly, Mr. Anil Sachdev briefed the challenges included Individucal driven Process Changes, High Attrition, Lack of Data & Starters, More Focus on Problem Fixing, Lack of Proper Measures, High ret of Errors and Processes not well defined.
Then he proposed an integrated approach (including Purpose, Process & People) from Policy Management / BSC to Improvement Management to Daily Management and to Standardization, Empowerment, and then return to the beginning. The example was discussed in the following diagram.
After lunch, I attended different sessions and recorded as follows.
Prof. Yoshinori Iizuka was the first speaker in the session of IAQ Panel: Quality in Health Care and his presentation topic named “Quality Management Approach to Healthcare – Its Meaning and Significance”. He said there was growing interest in healthcare quality and safety. Then Prof. Iizuka briefed the excellent work system included Technology, Management, People and Organization Culture.
Prof. Iizuka introduced that healthcare as a “Socio-Technology” which word was created by him. Socio-Technology is a technology (a reproducible methodology to achieve an objective) to be owned by whole society. The forms of Socio-Technology included knowledge infrastructure and implementation. The details were summarized in the following table. Finally, Prof. Iizuka introduced the draft BOK of Healthcare Quality and Safety Science including 1) Fundamental Concepts; 2) Fundamental Knowledge; 3) Methodologies, Tools and Techniques; 4) Promotion and Operation and 5) Others.

Then I went to the session of Six Sigma, Data Processing and Data Analysis. The speaker was Prof. Zhen He (Vice Dean, College of Management and Economics, Tianjin University) and his topic entitled “Six Sigma Implementation in China: Successes and Challenges”. Firstly, he briefed some success cases in China such as Bao Steel and Haier. Then he mentioned the motivation of the study included to find CSFs and the core practices of Six Sigma.
After that I attended the session named Branched specific Quality Management Approaches: Automotive Industry.
Dr. Agota Dregelyi-Kiss (Associate Professor, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Safety Technology, Obudai University, Hungary) was the second speaker and her presentation entitled “Performance Verification of Dimensional Measuring Instruments in Automotive Industry”. She introduced the calibration and measurement uncertainty requirement.
Then she demonstrated the calibration results for digital micrometer that had different interpretation using or not using GUM philosophy (or by accredited / non-accredited labs). She concluded that differences between the accredited calibration labs and labs of manufacturer of the measurement device in the process of the performance verification were observed.
After the afternoon parallel sessions, Prof.Pal Molnar (IAQ President, Hungary) chaired the Closing Plenary Session.
Posters were introducing and evaluating by Ms. Liz Keim (IAQ Vice President, USA) and she reported four outstanding posters below.
P04 – Anita Kovacs, Edina Pallagi and
IIdiko Csokai, Hungar: Quality by Design Approach in Pharmaceutical and
Cosmetic Research and Industry: Strategic Thinking for International
P11 – Tamas Szigeti, Hungry: Quality Control Measures for Verification of Validated Performance Criteria of Analytical Methods
P14 – Marco Reis and Pedro Saraiva, Portugal: Big Data: what’s there for Six Sigma?
P19 – Willy Vandenbrande, Belgium: A New Paradigm: Quality of All Life
The next topic named “Structured Improvement for the 21st Century: A New Model from Europe to the World” which presented by Mr. Pedro Saraiva (Portugal). He introduced the IAQ Structured Improvement Think Tank by EOQ, IAQ and Laatukeskus Excellence Finland.
Team members were shown in the following diagram.
They proposed Structured Improvement Model using PDCA circle with Seven Steps including Characterize, Investigate, Explore, Solve, Evaluate, Implement and Monitor.
Ms. Tang Xiaofen (President, Shanghai Association for Quality) was the second speaker and she presented the topic “Going Along the Road of Quality Power: Made in China 2025”. Her content included “Achievements and challenges of China Quality”, “Strategic Goals and Tasks of Quality Development in China” and “Opportunities and Accomplishments of the Quality Organization”. For the first part, China overall standard level was low. Existing problems in China’s technical standards were lack of technical standards, repetition, aging and lagging behind others.
The strategic goals and tasks of Quality Development from 2025 to 2050 in China were shown as following diagram. The five Strategic Tasks were:
1. Speed up the upgrading of product quality
2. Improve the quality control system
3. Promote brand building
4. Reinforce the quality development foundation
5. Promote advanced quality management techniques and methods
Finally, Ms. Tang said “Quality is the life of Shanghai” and to make Shanghai the quality highland with international competence and the overall quality reach to the international advanced level by 2020. The following four actions would be conducted in SAQ.
1. Building a multi-level quality service platform
2. Carry out extensive quality training
3. Do a good job in quality research and investigation
4. Establish an international quality communication platform for international cooperation
The last speaker was Mr. Gregory Watson (Past President of International Academy for Quality (IAQ)) and his presentation named “Technical and Human Dimensions of Quality – The Premier Memorial Walter E. Masing Lecture”.
Firstly, Mr. Watson briefed Mr. Walter E. Masing who was Europe’s Premier Quality Leader.
Then Mr. Watson mentioned the 21st Century needed for new technology and humanity! He questioned what elements of quality thinking from the last century require ‘heuristic redefinition’ in order to advance quality in the coming century?
He suggested three components below required redefinition:
1. The System of Management attributed to Frederick W. Taylor
2. The Theory of Control attributed to Walter A. Shewhart
3. The Cost-Quality Tradeoff attributed to Joseph M. Juran
At the end of Forum, Prof.Pal Molnar (IAQ President, Hungary) gave a closing remark and thanks for all participants. He said the forum would be performed biannually.
Reference:IAQ World Quality Forum - HKSQ -