I would like to share what I have learnt during the symposium as follows.
Dr. Winnie Tang (President, Internat Professional Association- iPROA) was a guest who introduced the information security environment of Hong Kong.
The following table summarized the virus incident in Hong Kong since 2001.
The first speaker was Mr. Kenneth Law and his topic was “Safeguarding Banking and Financial Facility Security with Integrated Electronic Security Solution”.
He introduced the banking electronic security concerns and introduced 3 major concern requirements.
They were:
* Audit Requirement
- International Standard Compliance (Sarbanes-Oxley & Basel II), etc.
* IT Requirement
- Harden / Core Build Server, etc.
* Security Requirement
- Who/When/What/Where/How
- Visitor Tracking, CCTV, etc.
Finally, he pointed out the most important item was working with corporate internal guideline and process.
The second speaker was Mr. Billy Tang (CEO, Titanium Technology Limited) and he presented “Innovative Identifications Technology”.
Firstly, he reviewed recent disasters. He asked a question “What are the victims most desperate for?” and the answer was Family and Friends.
Then he introduced Human Searching Technology. The technology aimed to verify victim’s identity effectively with high efficient. It resulted to have a better communication with victim’s relative and allowing relatives to enquire the status of the suspected victim.
There are other matching tools such as DNA, Dental, Face and Fingerprint. Billy’s company developed an intelligent surveillance system using facial recognition technology to search potential smugglers at Customs Control Point.
The last speaker was Dr. Sri Hartati KURNIAWAN (CTO, RCG Holding Limited) and her topic was “Adoption of Biometrics and RFID Technologies in Enterprise and Consumer Sectors”. She introduced different identification methods such as Password, PINs, Token, ID cards, Biometrics, Contact-less card, etc.
Then she shared some case studies as follows:
* Banking Solution
- Access Control for Bank
* RFID Ticketing
- Event Ticketing
- Ticketing and POS System
* Integrated Stadium Solution
- Ticketing and POS System
* Integrated Medical Solution
- Baby Tracking