The Engineering Doctorate (EngD) is a professional doctorate degree. The Engineering Doctorate program at MEEM of CityU is focused on Engineering Management. It is a part-time program designed for senior managers and engineers in all sorts of Hong Kong/China organizations.
EngD develops individuals who can learn and implement innovation meeting strategic needs of industry. Comparison with PhD, PhD need "Discovery" and EngD need "Innovation".
During this study, we can communicate with different industrialists, engineering managers and scientists. The following photos are shared our life.
Photo with Dr. Liza Wang and Prof. HSU, M., Stephen during EngD's New Year Party in Cyber port on 31 Dec 2007.

Study & Lunch with ASM Chairman "Dr. Partick Lam" in 2006.
Visit Classmate's Company in HKSTP in 2006
Photo taken in HKSTP IC Development Support Centre (Probe & Test Centre)