HKSQ Social Event named “Hong Kong Cemetery Heritage
Walking Tour” on 1st Mar
2025. Hong Kong Cemetery is located on the western side of Happy Valley (previously known as the Protestant
Cemetery or the Colonial Cemetery) which
is the oldest western cemetery in Hong Kong
since 1845. In the beginning, we took a group photo in the main entry.
(Left: I, Dr. KS
Chin, Mr. CP Chow, Mr. KC Hui, Ms. Lam, Dr. Jane Wong, Ms. Minda Chiang, Ms. Angela Wong, Dr. Albert Tsang and Mr. Humphrey Lee)
Mr. K.C. Hui was our
docent. He explained the design of the fountain.
He then introduced the British naval tombs related to
the Opium Wars.
The grave of Henrietta Hall Shuck (October 28, 1817 –
November 27, 1844), the first American woman missionary to China and the first
Western woman to live in Hong Kong, is mentioned. Students of Henrietta High School
would visit from time to time.
Orthodox Catholic Church (東正教) cross is different with others. The Triple Cross in
Orthodox Christianity symbolizes the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, with the top
beam representing Pilate's inscription, the middle beam for His nailed hands,
and the slanted bottom beam signifying the footrest and the divergent fates of
the two thieves crucified alongside Him.
We saw a very famous person
in Hong Kong who is SIR Robert Ho Tung!
Then Dr. Aaron Tong joined
us and we took a photo in front of the church.
We saw many grave with Freemasonry (共濟會) logo (The Square and Compasses).
Afterwards, we visited the tomb of Yeung Ku-wan (19 December 1861 – 11
January 1901) who was a Chinese
revolutionary of the late Qing dynasty.
The original tomb was built to avoid the Qing, so it
had no name, only a tomb number. Few
years ago, Hong Kong government built a marble platform for him.
This cemetery was built in
1975 for moving graves during the construction of the Aberdeen Tunnel.
Mr. Chiang Chen (蔣震) who was a famous Hong Kong
industrialist, founder and honorary chairman of Chen Hsong Group, was also in this cemetery.
When we left, we passed the
Holy Cross Catholic Cemetery (天主教墳場) and saw the funeral couplet:
"Tonight my body returns to my homeland, and tomorrow your body will do
the same." (今夕吾軀歸故土,他朝君體也相同。)
After the tour, we had
lunch together.