
The 1st National Primary and Secondary School Teacher Training Course for Artificial Intelligence (首期全國中小學人工智能師資培訓課程) (Day 3)

I am a Committee Member of Extenics Society, Chinese Association for Artificial Intelligence (CAAI) (中國人工智能學會可拓學專業委員會委員) and attended the 1st National Primary and Secondary School Teacher Training Course for Artificial Intelligence (首期全國中小學人工智能師資培訓課程) organized by Primary and Secondary School Working Committee, CAAI (中國人工智能學會中小學工作委員會) and School of Artificial Intelligence, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (中國科學院人工智能學院) from 19th to 21st July 2019 in The High School Affiliated to Renmin University of China (RDFZ) (中國人民大學附屬中學) in Beijing.  I met Mr. Yuan Zhongguo (中國人民大學附屬中學信息技術教研組長袁中果) and took a photo for memory.

Today was Sunday and it was also examination day for the junior student who promoted from primary school and many parents were waiting their child outside.

Day 3 (20190721): Workshop
In the beginning, Dr. Wu di (武迪, 中國人民大學附屬中學高級教師) briefed the rule of workshop and introduced each team leader teacher.  Firstly, leader briefed for 15 min.  Then group review and summarized the past two days study.  And then brainstorming about AI education.  After that we discussed some proposed course design ideas.  

We separated into six teams for discussion. 

The first team presented their summary. Mr. Bingo Wong (華南師範大學附屬中學黃秉剛) said future education was very important because of our retirement fund. He said science needed to be integrated and fusion.  Mathematics is key subject but started from data. 

Then he explained AI education based on A) Data, B) Model, C) Algorithm and D) Coding.  B&C was core.  The future AI teacher should think the combination of ABCD and we needed to enhance IT education.

The second team was my team and our representative Ms. Li Qing (李青, 北京第十二中學信息技術).  We summarized AI into Theory and Practice. Sometimes, they were linked together and we had try to separate hardware and software but it always combined in the course.  Therefore, we used AI+X.

We also identified some keywords such as AI+X, weak point (短板),  convergence (趨同), underdetermined (欠定), data bottleneck, etc. Finally, Ms. Li concluded AI teacher needed to make it simple and easy (化繁為簡, 化難為易). 

The third team presented the summary. It included all techniques stated in the course.

The fourth team had two representatives to summarized two days training. 

They also used a network diagram around AI but they added two red lines that one was for history and the other for practical case.

The fifth team was presented by Mr. Zhang Hailong (張海龍, 朝陽學校) who was primary school teacher.  He said resource was limited in his school so that he planned to use a game (跟屁虫 which is similar to snake) to made student interested in AI and enhanced awareness.

The sixth team had a team work to present AI & ALL as one of key message.

They proposed to induce problem, case study and thinking extension.  They emphasized to let student question through their observation in surrounding. They also raised some study cases such as The Dream of the Red Chamber (紅樓夢), traffic, smart home, modified photo, etc.

After that we all presented in reverse sequence for some possible cases. Some results were recorded as follows.
Lunar rover (月球車)

Sign language translation (手語翻譯)

Mr. Lau Tin Leong, Simon (劉天亮) and Mr. Yan Lichao (嚴立超, CUHK) presented graphic and visual recognition included face and voice recognition and analysis.  

Mr. Li Yuanjia (李遠佳, IT industry trainer) who presented his idea on waste classification using AI. 

Mr. Yuan Zhongguo (中國人民大學附屬中學信息技術教研組長袁中果) chaired afternoon session.  

Team 1 had brainstorming 11 samples for sharing included waste classification, tensorflow GANN, Bionic (仿生), Internet telescope, economic forecasting, diagnostic robot, from zero to one, traffic lamp, Arduino open source, face recognition and live broadcast (直播).  One of suggested programs was AlphaGo game theory using four units.

Finally, they concluded to enhance Intelligence Information System education.

Our team member presented his proposed topic named Smart Suggestion System.  He said that teacher must interested first and then started from student interest such as chasing girl. Remark that he is single. 

Another case was register of attendance for school.

Travel suggestion system as the example into the course was suggested.

At the end, the certificate presentation session was led by CAAI representatives.  Mr. Xiao Jun (肖俊) concluded the following points for this training:
i)                   Embraced AI era and released human intelligence.
ii)                 First Artificial and then Intelligence.  So teachers in primary and secondary school should work artificial part and enhance our child to be more intelligence.
iii)               AI education had a long way to run. We just started.
Mr. Yuan Zhongguo (袁中果) said we were the first graduate of Whampoa Military Academy (黃埔軍校) in AI for primary and secondary school. (黃埔一期)

Team 1

Team 2

Team 3

Team 4

Team 5

Team 6

My certificate was showed.

After 3 days course, Mr. Lau Tin Leong, Simon (劉天亮, 澳門培正中學) and I visited TusPark.

Then we had dinner in vegetarian restaurant.

Very nice food

When we left, we passed the Zhongguancun Venture Street (中關村創業大街). 

I returned to HK on 22 July 2019 and observed advisement about AI.

《首期全国中小学人工智能师资培训》719日在京隆重开班 - https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/l0Xemohk-cnXxjGT5EH0PA
习近平向国际人工智能与教育大会致贺信 - http://www.cicpa.org.cn/Column/hyxxhckzl/zcyxs/201905/W020190524342822810580.pdf
20190719: The 1st National Primary and Secondary School Teacher Training Course for Artificial Intelligence (首期全國中小學人工智能師資培訓課程) (Day 1) - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2019/07/the-1st-national-primary-and-secondary.html
20190720: The 1st National Primary and Secondary School Teacher Training Course for Artificial Intelligence (首期全國中小學人工智能師資培訓課程) (Day 2) - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2019/07/the-1st-national-primary-and-secondary_20.html
20190721: The 1st National Primary and Secondary School Teacher Training Course for Artificial Intelligence (首期全國中小學人工智能師資培訓課程) (Day 3) - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2019/07/the-1st-national-primary-and-secondary_21.html



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