Dr. KS Chin and I had a tea
meeting with Prof. Zhen-Song Chen on 27th Mar 2019 in City
University of Hong Kong. Zhen-Song Chen
(陈振颂) is Associate
Professor in School of Civil Engineering, Wuhan University (武汉大学土木建筑工程学院工程管理系特聘副研究员/硕导) and he had also be Postdoctoral Fellow in SEEM
Dept., CityU from 2016 to 2017. We are planning
to visit Wuhan University in next month.
Then I briefed the Extenics
and Extension Innovation Method. Prof. Cai
Wen is the founder of the new discipline-Extenics. Since 1976, he has been engaged in the study
on the theories and methods for processing incompatible problems. He published
the paper of “Extension Set and Non-compatibility Problems” in 1983 founding a
new discipline-Extenics (Originally called “Matter-element Analysis”).
In addition, Dr. KS Chin
and I were fellow in the Research Institute of Extenics and Innovation Methods,
GDUT. (特聘為廣東工業大學可拓學與創新方法研究所兼職研究員)