
HKSQ Membership Drive and Extension Innovation Method promoted in ADSE Lecture, CityU

I had teaching a program named “Bachelor of Engineering in Intelligent Manufacturing Engineering (BEng ITME) 工學士 (智能製造工程學)” in Semester A, 2022/2023 again.  My lectures in the BEng ITME Programme named “ADSE(SEEM)2066: Professional Engineering Practice” for year 1 students. In the beginning, I introduced Hong Kong Society for Quality (HKSQ) to students. 

Then I gave my book named “Extenics: Logic of Innovation” to students for their study and we all took a photo for memory.

I introduced the basic element theory and extension innovation method – four steps (Model-Extension-Transformation-Selection). 

After that student separated into six groups for discussing their new product/service created through the steps of extension innovation method.

They need to submit and present three new ideas for their product/service through extension innovation project and discussed in next class.


ADSE of CityUHK - https://www.cityu.edu.hk/adse/

BEng in Intelligent Manufacturing Engineering (BEng ITME) - https://www.cityu.edu.hk/adse/bengitme.htm

Related to BEng ITME past events:                     

20211005: CityU ADSE Lecture of Extension Innovation Method and HKSQ Membership Drive - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2021/10/cityu-adse-lecture-of-extension.html

20210921: CityU ADSE Lecture in Mid-Autumn Festival - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2021/09/cityu-adse-lecture-in-mid-autumn.html

Related to BETQE & BESEM & MScEM past events:   

20210827: Visit to T·PARK - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2021/08/visit-to-tpark.html

20210227: CityU SEEM Guest Lecture 2021 – Learning Organization - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2021/02/cityu-seem-guest-lecture-2021-learning.html

20210123: Online Teaching Experience Sharing in CityU 2021 - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2021/01/online-teaching-experience-sharing-in.html

20201109: CityU Industrial Experts' Talks for SEEM Students - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2020/11/cityu-industrial-experts-talks-for-seem.html

20200210: Online Teaching Experience Sharing in CityU - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2020/02/online-teaching-experience-sharing-in.html

20200201: Professional Engineering Practice - New Syllabus - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2020/02/professional-engineering-practice-new.html

20200118: HKSQ Membership drive and Student Project Competition Promotion in CityU - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2020/01/hksq-membership-drive-and-student.html

20191104: CityU Industrial Experts' Talks for MSEM Students


20181022: CityU Guest Lecture for BEng SEM Students - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2018/10/cityu-guest-lecture-for-beng-sem.html

20180419: Peter Suen sponsor Student FYP and visit CityU SEEM Laboratories - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2018/04/peter-suen-sponsor-student-fyp-and.html

20180416: CityU Guest Lecture of Quality Innovation & Extenics to CityU Students - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2018/04/cityu-guest-lecture-of-quality.html

20180201: CityU & Hanyang University Students visit to HKSTP 2018 - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2018/02/cityu-hanyang-university-students-visit.html

20171010: The 1st Major Programme Committee Meeting for BEng in SEM, CityU - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2017/10/the-1st-major-programme-committee.html

20170403: CityU Guest Lecture of Quality Innovation & Extenics to TQE Students - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2017/04/cityu-guest-lecture-of-quality.html

20141110: CityU TQE Students visit HKSTP


20120402: CityU Guest Lecture for Quality Management in Science Park Laboratory and HKSQ Membership Drive


20111110: Guest Seminar for CityU BETQE student in World Quality Day


20101109: Industrial Guest Talk to BEng(Hon) in Total Quality Engineering, CityU


20091105: HKSQ membership drive to BEng (Hon) in Total Quality Engineering, CityU



Remember Dr. Takeyoshi Kaneko, ANQ Quality Professional

Just received a sad news from TOKYO CITY UNIVERSITY that Dr. Takeyoshi Kaneko (兼子 ) passed away on 9th Oct 2022. We lost a quality professional in ANQ family. We, Hong Kong Society for Quality (HKSQ) expressed hearty condolences to Dr. Takeyoshi Kaneko’s family, friends and colleagues. I knew Dr. Takeyoshi Kaneko in ANQ Congress. He participated almost all ANQ Congress in the past. The following photos were taken during ANQ Congress in different years for remembering Dr. Takeyoshi Kaneko. The last time we meet during ANQ Congress 2019 in Bangkok, Thailand before Covid-19 pandemic. 

ANQ Congress 2018 Almaty, Kazakhstan

ANQ Congress 2013 Bangkok, Thailand

ANQ Congress 2012 Hong Kong

ANQ Congress 2008 Bangkok, Thailand

RIP Dr. Takeyoshi Kaneko (兼子 )

【東京都市大学】訃報(兼子毅講師)(Condolence Memo)

本学 知能情報工学科 兼子毅儀は、かねてより病気療養中のところ、

2022109 享年61歳にて永眠いたしました。



本学 情報工学部事務室までご連絡くださいますよう


東京都市大学 情報工学部事務室

TEL 03-5707-0104(代)

メール: joho-jimu@tcu.ac.jp

住所: 158-8557  東京都世田谷区玉堤 1-28-1

(Condolence Memo)

We would like to inform you that Takeshi Kaneko passed away.(October 9th,2022)

Thank you so much for your love toward Takeshi Kaneko.



兼子 (カネコ タケシ, KANEKO Takeshi) - https://www.risys.gl.tcu.ac.jp/Main.php?action=profile&type=detail&tchCd=5001419000

20191024: ANQ Congress 2019 in Bangkok, Thailand – Day 2 - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2019/10/anq-congress-2019-in-bangkok-thailand_24.html

20180920: ANQ Congress 2018 Almaty, Kazakhstan – Day 2 - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2018/09/anq-congress-2018-almaty-kazakhstan-day_20.html

20131019: ANQ Congress 2013 Bangkok – Gala Dinner - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2013/10/anq-congress-2013-bangkok-gala-dinner.html

20120803: ANQ Congress 2012 – Banquet - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2012/08/anq-congress-2012-banquet.html

20081030: ANQ 2008 (Part 4 - Farewell Dinner) - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2008/10/anq-2008-part-4.html



ANQ Congress 2022 – Day 2

 The Asia Network for Quality (ANQ) Congress 2022 was performed from 26th to 27th Oct 2022 in Beijing (Online mode). This year is the 20th anniversary of ANQ. Parallel sessions and closing ceremony are in day 2. HKSQ has two speakers in parallel session 14 and 15.

Parallel Session

I attended the session 14 – Sustainability. Mr. Cheong Kah Leong (SQI) was session chair.

Dr. Kwok Pak Keung, Peter (HKSQ) was the first speaker and his topic entitled “Towards the Realization of Corporate Sustainability – A Componentizing Elements Model”. In the beginning, he briefed his aim for providing guidance to micro and SME on the action and initiative for corporate sustainability. 

After comprehensive literature review, Componentizing Model of Corporate Sustainability (CMCS) with 9 identified components was proposed. Those components included Organization Sustainability Context, Sustainability Commitment, Sustainability Orientation and Innovation, Economic/Ecology-Environmental Social Emphasis, Integrated Risk Management, Value-based Action, Sustainability Capacity Building, Ethical Compliance/Corporate Behavior, and Organization Compliance. Finally, Dr. Peter Kwok concluded CMCS could help to understand where the emphasis of their efforts is and what should be entered into the corporate sustainability system.

The second speaker was Ms. Chisato Kajihara1 and her topic named “Differences in the Understanding of Environmentally Conscious Behavior between Companies and Consumers”. Firstly, she briefed the background and research approach to us. She said this study aims to identify the gaps by surveying consumers on their environmental awareness and actual behavior. 

Finally, she showed some results from the survey to answer her hypotheses for the gaps. Her future research would be focus on targeted products and measures to mitigate these gaps.

The third speaker was Mr. Min Seo Park and his presentation title was “The Effect of Board Composition and Characteristic of Governance to Sustainability Reporting in the Korean Context”. Mr. Park built hypothesis depending on literature review and empirically analyze firms to reflect Korean context in sustainability report. He planned to develop regression model after the study.

Mr. Igor Pundel (ARR) was the fourth speaker and his presentation title named “Wastewater treatment of all types of generation by natural biocenoses with pre-detoxification”. Firstly, he mentioned the roots of modern water problems including wastewater toxicity, dissolved oxygen and CO2 in water, anthropogenic effluent discharge, deposition of sewage sludge, etc. 

Then Mr. Igor stated the before and after rehabilitation that improve a lot on the environment.

Finally, he discussed with and without biological treatment facilities, as well as, proposed their Fractal Drainage System. Until now, there had ten cities employed in Russia.

The fifth speaker was Ms. Isuja Aryal (NATCM) and her topic entitled “Sustainable development through application of different international standards and challenges in its implementation- Case study in Tea manufacturing units in Nepal”. She visited different tea manufacturers and employed GMP for their sustainable tea manufacturing.

The last speaker was Dr. Roy Rimington (SQI) and his presentation named “Integration of Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) in Strategic Planning”. Firstly, he mentioned current challenges including complex world, climate change, supply-chain disruptions, health conditions, rapid changes in technology and the digital environment, etc.

Finally, Dr. Roy Rimington proposed framework and roadmap of integration of enterprise risk management under the suggested model.

Before completed this session, we took a group photo for memory.

I had also attended the session 15 – Sustainability & Ecosystem for HKSQ participated speaker. This session is chaired by Mr. Zhao Yicheng (CAQ), I capture their group photo for memory.

Dr. Hely Law Ping Keung (HKSQ) was the fourth speaker in this session and his topic named “Impact of Occupational Stress on Work Performance of Civil Engineering Project Managers”. His research aimed to identify the sources of occupational stress that significantly affect civil engineering project managers’ work performance. 

Dr. Hely Law proposed a conceptual framework and found that poor relationship quality had a negative correlation with task performance. Finally, he concluded that work overload, role conflict/ambiguity, poor organizational policies, low autonomy and poor physical environments were the major factors for low job performance and more counterproductive behavior. 

Keynote Speeches

After parallel sessions completed, ANQ closing ceremony started. In the first part of ceremony, there were three keynote speeches. 

The first keynote speaker was Ms. Wang Lin (Vice Chairperson of Organizing Committee; CAQ) and her topic entitled “Research on Brand Evaluation Model Based on Total Brand Management Theory”. In the beginning, Ms. Wang briefed different brand activities of CAQ.

Then Ms. Wang mentioned three dimensions for Chinese corporate brand environment and opportunities including Corporate Brand Building, Digital Technology Opportunities and Policy Environment. And then she described the research background in three ways.

After that she proposed Total Brand Management (TBM) approach including three characteristics and they were all staff, overall process and all-dimensional.

Lastly, Mr. Wang promoted the Brand Value Evaluation Model which was based on ecological perspective.

The second keynote speaker was Mr. Li Gaoshuai (Deputy Secretary General of CAQ) and his presentation topic named “Evaluation of Automobile Satisfaction in Southeast Asia”. Firstly, Mr. Li briefed the background of automobile market and satisfaction trend from past 20 years.

And then Mr. Li briefed their research system of Southeast Asia automobile service as well as Southeast Asia Customer Satisfaction Index (SEACSI).

After the survey, the SEACSI evaluation in 2021 was analyzed and factors relationship were obtained. Finally, he summarized that the research would help the auto brands of various countries better enter the Southeast Asia market. Lastly, he suggested the future research would focus on young users’ needs and new energy needs.

Prof. Shu Yamada (JSQC) was the last keynote speaker and his presentation entitled “ANQ Way: Guidance for Sustainable Growth”. Firstly, Prof. Shu reviewed his first involvement of ANQ in 2002.

After that Prof. Shu briefed the progress on QC and QM in the past several years. He also pointed out current challenges including unobvious customers and society satisfaction.

Lastly, Prof. Shu employed school education as example to explain how complex to identify the stakeholders. He proposed solution for the challenge such as visualizing the society in terms of product, service, information and financial value; as well as, digital transformation employed to collect appropriate data. “ANQ way is completely matching the current challenges as guidance for sustainable growth” is the conclusion by Prof. Shu at the end.

Closing Ceremony

Prof. Tang Xiaoqing (Technical Chair, 20th ANQ Congress 2022) chaired the session of “Full Paper Review Summary & Best Paper Announcement”.

ANQ 2022 had totally 127 papers from member organizations.

Then the best paper winners list was showed and there were 21 papers awarded (~17%).

ARE-QP Award Winner Announcement performed by Mr. G.E. Tan (Chairman of ARE-QP)

After that some short videos for “Message of Hope and Words of Encouragement” from ANQ Country/Region Representatives are played including ARR, BSTQM, CSQ, ISQ, HKSQ, JQCS, SQI, VQAH, NQPCN and PSQ.

Lastly, Dr. Duan Yonggang (CAQ Secretary-General) gave closing speech and he expected we all would meet face to face in ANQ 2023.

ANQ Chairman handover from Prof. Wan Seon Shin to Prof. Shu Yamada. Prof. Shin appreciated all members’ support his work during Covid-19 in past two years. And Prof. Shu would take up this challenge and continue ANQ way in the future.

Last but not least, CAQ invited all participants to take a group photo online.


ANQ Congress 2022 – Day 1

The Asia Network for Quality (ANQ) Congress 2022 was performed from 26th to 27th Oct 2022 in Beijing (Online mode). This year is the 20th anniversary of ANQ. Opening ceremony is in day 1. Before the congress, CAQ played the video to introduce Beijing city. 

Opening Ceremony

Firstly, Mr. Jia Fuxing (Chairperson of Organizing Committee /CAQ President) gave an opening speech. He mentioned digitalization of quality management and sustainable development goals under UN are role and responsibility of quality professionals.

Dr. Kano Noriaki (Honorary Chairperson of ANQ) gave an opening speech entitled “Review of Quality Development in Asia for the 20th Anniversary”. In the beginning, Dr. Kano briefed the history of ANQ since 2002 in Tokyo. 

Then he shared a group photo taken in the 0th ANQ Congress that all founding organizations’ representatives presented. 20 years later, ANQ has 20 organization members.

After that Dr. Kano discussed the future quality of Asia and three levels of quality that are Quality Control, Quality Management and Attractive Quality Creation. Dr. Kano used Chinese character of quality to explain the concept of “Balance” in each level.

Lastly, he shared his expectation of ANQ future in three KPIs including paper quality level enhancement, collaboration among academic and industry, and development center for new product and service.

Keynote Speech

Prof. Shin Wan Seon (Chairman, ANQ) was the first keynote speaker and his topic entitled “A Digital Quality Model and Its Application to Smart Business”. Prof. Shin’s talk content included the impact of digital transformation (DX), trend of quality management, and open quality – a digital quality model. 

Firstly, Prof. Shin discussed the paradigm shift in decision making from Industry 1.0 to Industry 4.0, as well as, big data trends. Operational collaboration and measurement innovation are two important factors under changes in quality. He said your slope to be DX technology and value proposition.

Secondly, he discussed the quality and innovation slopes that considered quality x direction x scope. Then he defined four QM paradigms and they were Experience-based Quality (Empirical), Standard-based Quality (Reference), Feedback-based Quality (Reflective) and Technology-based Quality (Emergence). In DX Quality, it equals to Trust (Responsibility). Thus, your slope is customer’s experience (Impact of Quality).

Finally, Prof. Shin introduced a Digital Quality Model according to Blockchain-enabled Open Quality Framework. So that your slope is decision and future readiness.

Prof. Tang Xiaoqing (Technical Chair, ANQ Congress 2022) was the second keynote speaker and her topic named “Quality Digitalization and China’s Experience”. She mentioned digital technology has changed our life including manufacturing and quality. And she suggested “Digital Quality” that QC/QM/QA will be in a new way to go in product life-cycle, which employs digital methodology / technology / methods / digital devices and equipment.

The Prof. Tang introduced her research group in Quality Engineering Laboratory (QEL) in Beihang University to develop an Integrated Quality Information System (IQIS) for Chinese manufacturing enterprises. At this time, they developed a software named “QQ-Enterprise” as IT platform to push practical implementation of QIS. 

And then Prof. Tang introduced their Integrated Quality Model that is 3-D model named “Quality Cone”. In Quality Cone, 2 cross-related integration dimensions are ‘circular integration’ (Quality loop in ISO 9000) and ‘hierarchical integration’ (Vertical data flow - Up-Down & Bottom-Up).

Finally, Prof. Tang introduced the overall concept model and functional model of QQ-Enterprise. She concluded that IQIS is feasible approach to digital quality and it needs more efforts and practice. 

The third keynote speaker was Mr. Willy Vandenbrande (IAQ Academician) and his presentation title was “Quality for Planet Earth Concerns”. In the beginning, he briefed the sustainable development goals (SDG) evolution and reviewed triple P model (Prosperity, People and Planet). Carbon emissions decreasing were observed only in 2008 and 2019 that both years were under economic crisis.

Then Mr. Willy used a statement “To Be Sustainable or Not to Be, that is the Choice” and pointed out 5 factors. They were Financial (Costs and taxes, Access to capital), People (Customers, Employees), Nature (Loss of Vital Ecosystems, Tripping Points), Systems (ESG, B-CORPS, Cradle to Cradle) and Measuring Methods (GRI, Science Based Targets, Carbon Footprint).

Finally, he said “Quality is Best Placed” in masters of improvement, companywide, knowledge of systems and standards, knowledge of measurement systems and reporting. He focused on Environmental Sustainability based on awareness, adoption and achievement. At the end, he proposed “Total Quality Care” for planet earth concerns.

The last keynote speaker was Mr. Paul Grizzell (President of Core Values Partners, Inc.) and his presentation entitled “Understanding Your Business Ecosystem”. Firstly, he briefed the Baldrige Core Values and China Quality Award basic ideas. Both world-wide models highlighted System Management, Customer-Driven and Social Responsibility.

And then he introduced the overview of business ecosystem from core business to extended enterprise under the coverage of business ecosystem. 

After that the comparison of traditional thinking and ecosystem thinking was discussed. Finally, he concluded this movement to be part of business strategic planning and significant to business restructuring. 

Parallel Session

I was honor to be invited as chair for parallel session 04 – Sustainability. There are 6 speakers included me in this session.

Mr. Cheong Kah Leong (SQI) was the first speaker and his topic named “A Roadmap for Organisation Sustainability in A Post COVID-19 World”. He reviewed almost all famous excellence model and framework, ISO 9001 and TQM as well as ISO 56002. Finally, he proposed a roadmap to achieve organization sustainability.

Mr. Surapong Harn-amorn (SQAT) was the second speaker and his presentation entitled “The Development of GCMS as GC’s Single Integrated Management System”. He proposed the Global Chemical Management System (GCMS) in three tiers and described its development strategy.

I (HKSQ) was the third speaker and my topic was “A Study of Hong Kong Quality Startup Development for Supporting the Sustainable Business Growth”. This project had awarded a grant from Hong Kong Government upto HK$1M.

The milestone of the TID funded startup project was mentioned that conducted 4 promotion seminar, 150 online survey and 50 startups selected for in-depth interview and then 2 sharing seminar and 10 workshop performed.

The final Quality Startup Sustainable Management System model is proposed and the outcome named “Practical Guidelines for Good Management Practices for Startup” had issued.

Dr. Larisa Fedyk (ARR) were the fourth speaker and her topic entitled “Health Management - Training Programme for Personalized Health Management on the Example of the Surgut Clinical Tuberculosis Dispensary”. Firstly, Dr. Larisa introduced Surgut Clinical Tuberculosis Dispensary and their implementation measures to prevent and reduce the risks of the spread of COVID-19.