
CityU HK Tech Forum on Data Science and AI - Day 1

 The HK Tech Forum on Data Science and AI (DSAI) gathers world-renowned scholars in data science and AI to address challenging issues in driving data science and AI technology for the benefit of the society. DSAI is co-organized by Hong Kong Institute for Advanced Study (HKIAS), School of Data Science (SDS) and Hong Kong Institute for Data Science (HKIDS). The forum aims to exchange new ideas and technological development among DSAI scholars in Hong Kong and the rest of the world.

Day 1

Opening Ceremony – Prof. Way Kuo gave opening speech.

Then Prof. Joe Qin (Dean, School of Data Science; Director, HKIDS) introduced the School of Data Science. He mentioned different programmes in Data Science including PhD, MSc and BSc (Data and System Engineering; Data Science) in 2021.

Prof. John Hopcroft (Cornell University, USA) was the first speaker and his presentation entitled “Math for the Big Data Revolution”. Firstly, Prof. Hopcroft briefed background of graphs, random walks, expected value, etc.

And then He also introduced a book for data science. Finally, he introduced the project 101 to improve computer science education at the top 33 universities in China.

The second speaker was Prof. Yi Ma (University of California, Berkeley, USA) and his topic named “CTRL: Closed-Loop Data Transcription via Rate Reduction”. He proposed to learn a closed-loop transcription between the distribution of a high-dimensional multi-class dataset and an arrangement of multiple independent subspaces, known as a linear discriminative representation (LDR).

Finally, he recommended some references and books for further study (e.g. High-Dim Analysis with Low-Dim Models, 2022 & Cybernetics, 1948).

The third speaker was Prof. Yiran Chen (Duke University, USA) and his presentation title was “Scalable, Heterogeneity-Aware and Trustworthy Federated Learning”. Firstly, he briefed two major bottlenecks that hinder applying federated learning in practice. They are statistical heterogeneity and communication limitation. Finally, he introduced FedMask – joint computation and communication efficient personalized Federated Learning via Heterogeneous Masking.

The fourth speaker was Prof. Yingying Fan (University of Southern California, USA) and her topic entitled “Asymptotic Properties of High-Dimensional Random Forests”.  She discussed their derived the consistency rates for the random forests algorithm associated with the sample CART (Classification & Regression Trees) splitting criterion.

Prof. Dacheng Tao (JD Explore Academy, China) was the fifth speaker and his presentation was “More Is Different: ViTAE elevates the art of computer vision”. Firstly, he briefed the history of neural networks and AI.

Then Prof. Tao briefed his recent work on transformers named ViTAE which can be easily adapted to larger-scale parallel computing resources to achieve faster training. He also introduced his book related to deep learning.

The sixth speaker was Prof. Kay Chen Tan (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China) and his presentation entitled “Advances in Evolutionary Transfer Optimization”. Prof. Tan overviewed of evolutionary transfer optimization (ETO) including Multi-task, GPU-based and Dynamic Optimization.

Finally, Prof. Tan briefed his future research topics and they are large-scale optimization, multi-form optimization, complex environment and theoretical study. Lastly, he also introduced us to study some reference and books.

The seventh speaker was Dr. Qingpeng Zhang (City University of Hong Kong, China) and his topic named “GraphSynergy: A Network-inspired Deep Learning Model for Anticancer Drug Combination Prediction”. Dr. Zhang introduced an end-to-end deep learning framework based on a protein–protein interaction (PPI) network to make synergistic anticancer drug combination predictions.

Prof. Ruth Misener (Imperial College London, China) was the last speaker and his presentation title named “OMLT: Optimization and Machine Learning Toolkit”. She introduced OMLT (https://github.com/cog-imperial/OMLT), an open-source software package incorporating surrogate models, which have been trained using machine learning, into larger optimisation problems.

Lightning Talks

Clint Ho, Xinyue Li, Linyan Li, Yu Yang, Xiao Qiao & Xiangyu Zhao (City University of Hong Kong, China)

Firstly, Dr. Clint Chin Pang Ho presented a topic “Robust Dynamic Decision-Making under Uncertainty”.

Then Dr. Xinyue Li presented her topic named “Sensor Device and its Novel Application in Digital Health”.

And then Dr. Linyan Li presented “Urbanization and Health – Using Deep Learning to Study the Built Environment and its Health Impacts”.

After that Dr. Yu Yang presented “Generative Choice Models for Subset Selection”.

Finally, Dr. Xiao Qiao presented his topic entitled “Portfolio Choice for Online Loans”.

Lastly, Dr. Xiangyu Zhao presented his study “Adaptive and Automated Recommender Systems”.


HKIAS - https://www.hkias.cityu.edu.hk/en/

SDSC - https://www.sdsc.cityu.edu.hk/

HKIDS - https://www.cityu.edu.hk/hkids/

HK Tech 300 - https://www.cityu.edu.hk/hktech300/

Other CityU’s AI & Data Science seminar:

20220426: CityU SDSC Seminar – Data-driven Specialization towards Intelligent Internet of Things - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2022/04/cityu-sdsc-seminar-data-driven.html

20220218: CityU HKIAS Distinguished Lecture - Single Cell Analysis of Tumor Heterogeneity During Cancer Metastasis - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2022/02/cityu-hkias-distinguished-lecture.html

20210716: CityU Distinguished Lecture: How AI Will Transform the World - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2021/07/cityu-distinguished-lecture-how-ai-will.html

20201023: CityU Distinguished Seminar Series – Artificial Intelligence – Computing, Algorithm, Interaction - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2020/10/cityu-distinguished-seminar-series.html

20200930: CityU HKIAS Distinguished Lecture – Data-Driven Global Pandemic Management - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2020/09/cityu-hkias-distinguished-lecture-data.html

20200917: CityU SDSC Seminar - Big Data, Deep Learning, and Federated Learning Research at Baidu - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2020/09/cityu-sdsc-seminar-big-data-deep.html

20200819: CityU Staff Seminar - Copyright As An Obstacle to AI Development - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2020/08/cityu-staff-seminar-copyright-as.html

20191101: CityU & PolyU Jointly Seminar on Attacks and Defenses on Machine Learning Services - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2019/11/cityu-polyu-jointly-seminar-on-attacks.html

20190912: CityU Seminar on the challenges and responses of AI to Public Management - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2019/09/cityu-seminar-on-challenges-and.html

20190814: CityU & NVIDIA Technology Sharing - AI Application and Research - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2019/08/cityu-nvidia-technology-sharing-ai.html

20190409: CityU & TFI Seminar – AI for Better Health and Wealth - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2019/04/cityu-tfi-seminar-ai-for-better-health.html

20190409: AI and E-Commerce: Ethical Conflicts《人工智能與電子商貿:倫理對弈》 - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2019/04/ai-and-e-commerce-ethical-conflicts.html

20190322: CityU President's Lecture series - Big Data Analysis & AI: Opportunities & Challenges - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2019/03/cityu-presidents-lecture-series-big.html

20190227: CityU Seminar on Design of Accident Prevention System for LWR using ANN and HS Simulator - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2019/02/cityu-seminar-on-design-of-accident.html

20190128: CityU Distinguished Lecture on AI Enabled Personalized Theranotics - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2019/01/cityu-distinguished-lecture-on-ai.html

20190122: CityU Seminar on The First Step for AI-based Human-Like Language Understanding – Sentiment Analysis of Text - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2019/01/cityu-seminar-on-first-step-for-ai.html

20181227: CityU Distinguished Lecture - How to Make an Artificial Vision System Smart? - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2018/12/cityu-distinguished-lecture-how-to-make.html

20181114: CityU the 1st Workshop on Financial Data Analysis - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2018/11/cityu-1st-workshop-on-financial-data.html

20180804: HKSQ AGM Quality Innovation Seminar on “Extenics and AI Application” - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2018/08/hksq-agm-quality-innovation-seminar-on.html

20180607: CityU Workshop on AI in the Era of Big Data - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2018/06/cityu-workshop-on-ai-in-era-of-big-data.html

