
The 6th World Summit of Chinese Quality (Online)

The 6th World Summit of Chinese Quality (全球華人品質峰會) was organized by Hong Kong Society for Quality, City University of Hong Kong and pre-World Alliance for Chinese Quality (pre-WACQ - 全球華人品質聯盟()) on 26th Nov 2021. The theme was “Intelligent Manufacturing Crosses the Epidemic, Chinese Quality Navigate Again” 「智能製造跨疫境,華人品質再領航」. Because of COVID-19 pandemic, the summit was held online in Hong Kong for half day and invited different experts from Hong Kong, Mainland, Taiwan, Macau and Singapore to share their quality, health and digitalization topics.  The summit organizer group photo was taken for memory. 

Ms. Sunny Meng (Hon. Secretary, HKSQ) was MC of the summit and introduced the guests and speakers.

In the beginning, Dr. Lotto Lai (Chairman, HKSQ) (黎劍虹博士 - 香港質量學會會長) gave welcoming speech and he firstly explained the theme “Intelligent Manufacturing Crosses the Epidemic, Chinese Quality Navigate Again” 「智能製造跨疫境,華人品質再領航」. During Covid-19 pandemic, Chinese anti-epidemic management and achievements through employing digitalization social management was proofed to be success.  We are the leader of anti-epidemic in the world.

Then Dr. Lai mentioned the capability needed under “Re-industrialization” policy and Intelligent Era. There are four capabilities identified below.

i)                    Ability to master different advanced technologies

ii)                  Technical comprehensive ability, dealing with intelligent technology and manufacturing technology simultaneously

iii)                Innovation and problem-solving ability

iv)                Ability to adapt to the digital age (e.g. Digital Transformation)

Prof. DANG Chuangyin (黨創寅教授 - 城大先進設計及系統工程學系系主任及教授) represented ADSE department, CityU to gave welcome speech. He said Quality is the life of industry and he added many tools under intelligent manufacturing would be developed to reduce the cost in near future.

Mr. Jia fuxing (Chairman, CAQ) (賈福興先生 - 中國質量協會會長) gave guest speech. In the beginning, Mr. Jia reviewed the theme from the first summit to now, our goal was not changed and it aimed to gather Chinese quality management scholars, experts, and practical managers to establish an effective quality management framework that suitable for the beliefs, nationality, cultural background, living habits and management of the Chinese.

Mr. Jia said we met the new challenges in the world including COVID-19 and we needed to establish 3 to 5 years development goals such as developing Chinese Quality framework, Chinese service standards so as to share to the world.

Prof. Ching-Chow Yang (Chairman, CSQ) (楊錦洲教授 - 中華臺北品質學會理事長) gave guest speech and he mentioned the theme about intelligent manufacturing was critical.  He expected our alliance extended to all Chinese in the world.

I took photo with Minda during Prof. Yang speech for memory.

Mr. GE Tan (Chairman, SQI) (陳敬賢先生- 新加坡質量學院主席) gave guest speech.  He congratulated HKSQ organized the summit and its 35th anniversary celebration in this year.  Mr. Tan also mentioned many new technologies in the high quality job during the change of society.

Prof. Lin Chang (Chairman, Macau Quality Management Association (MQMA)) (林暢教授- 澳門品質管理協會會長) gave guest speech.  Firstly, Prof. Lin reviewed the first summit in Hong Kong 2016. At that time, Prof. Lin with his teacher Prof. Koo attended the summit and met Prof. Cai Wen. After that he started the integration between Extension Innovation Method and Psychology.  He also appreciated all professionals supported MQMA in last year summit. 

Prof. Jeng Shaw-Yeu (鄭紹宇 - 臺灣醫療品質協會會長) gave guest speech and he said medical quality had a huge improvement since 1999.  Recently, it involved many technologies such Internal, big data, ICT that safe, effective, real time system enhanced medical quality. The summit provided a platform to share with different quality expert.

Prof. Phulporn Saengbangpla (楊芬 -泰國標準與質量協會 (SQAT) 名譽主席) was the last guest to give guest speech. Prof. Phulporn is individual member of WACQ since the alliance established in 2016.  She said that WACQ planned to build a family of drive quality and unity which is a focus based on its culture to promote the new trend of development, intelligent manufacturing, quality ecosystem and application of the innovative tools and methods. And then she introduced the SQAT different quality activities during Covid-19 challenge.

The first guest speaker was Mr. Peter Suen (HKSQ) (孫耀燦先生 - 明心醫藥顧問行政總裁; 最佳抗疫全球社區項目獎得主) and his presentation topic entitled “High-quality grassroots health and safety through the epidemic” (高質基層康健安渡疫情). Mr. Suen introduced Hong Kong elders consuming medicine problems and they provided quality service to solve it through Pills Package. Then he introduced their hygienic workplace during pandemic such as industrial standards HEPA filtration systems, UV, bleach and disinfectant, etc.  They also supported emotions and satisfy necessities.

They are one of early face mask manufacturer at that time and followed ASTM standards, ISO 13485 and cleanroom, etc. 

Finally, Mr. Peter Suen briefed their electronic drug administration APP and Telehealth concepts to enhance their service quality so as to speed up digital evolution in care home and primary care.

The second guest speaker was Mr. Wang Lu (CAQ) (王璐先生 -中國質量協會總工程師兼卓越國際質量科學研究院副院長) and his presentation topic was “The development trend of quality management under the background of digital economy” (數字經濟背景下的質量管理發展趨勢). Mr. Wang speech included the background of digital economy, quality management development history and quality management digitalization in practice. 

In the beginning, Mr. Wang briefed the “Digital economy and its core industry statistical classification 2021” (數字經濟及其核心產業統計分類2021).  There are five industries identified. Then he briefed the history of industry revolutions and quality management.

Finally, Mr. Wang discussed the role of quality management in digital transformation, some challenges such as traditional QM thinking, low data structure, without standardization of data, etc.  Lastly, some key directions were discussed including concepts, data governance, data intelligent analysis, and digital application scenario. 

The three guest speaker was Prof. Kuan Sheng-Pin (CSQ) (官生平教授 - 中華台北品質學會 會士、品質專案規劃委員會主任委員) and his topic named “The gentleman of the Chinese society loves money and makes a good way - ESG way” (華人社會的君子愛財取之有道-ESG之道).  His talk separated into four parts including the relationship between human and nature, the way in Chinese society, ESG integrated management system and the gentleman of the Chinese society loves money and makes a good way.

Prof. Kuan explained Chinese philosophy including love, ethic, ego, and their relationship.

Finally, Prof. Kuan introduced the integrated management system among Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG). He concluded that our society need sustainable development.

The fourth guest speaker Prof. TN Goh (SQI) (吳桐毅教授 - 新加坡質量協會代表、新加坡國立大學、國際質量研究院院士) and his presentation title was “Quality workers in intelligent manufacturing environment” (智能製造環境裡的質量工作者).  In this talk, Prof. Goh discussed the role of quality worker in intelligent manufacturing.

Prof. Goh said the existing quality knowledges were still useful that were able to enhance the intelligent manufacturing.  But we need agile, total and stable so that achieved “Not Change, Enhancing Change!” (不變促萬變!)

Lastly, Prof. Goh discussed the role of Chinese in the intelligent manufacturing and he expected it was the opportunity to achieve our theme that Chinese Quality Navigate Again!

The fifth guest speaker was Prof. Gu Xiangen (MQMA) (顧向恩教授 - 澳門品質管理協會理事長) and her presentation title named “Macau Gaming Service Index (GSI) 2013-2020” (澳門博彩業服務指數趨勢研究2013-2020). GSI had been compiled periodically to facilitate the trend analysis in order to monitor the service level of the gaming industry since 2013.  Mystery shopper survey was performed for 15 representative casinos in Macau.

Prof. Gu said one of modified parameter during Covid-19 was smile because of wearing mask.  It was focused on eye characteristic to assess the smile level. The survey items in table game included smiling, proactiveness, tolerance, disturbance, air quality and toilet under different dates & timeslot.

Finally, Prof. Gu shared the overall service index trends in different gaming concessionary.

The last guest speaker was Mr. Yang Tseng-Lung (楊宗龍 - 高雄榮總研創中心創新長; THQA國際合作委員會委員) and his presentation title was “Apply quality control power, information power and research & innovation power to build intelligent medical care in the post-epidemic era” (應用品管力, 資訊力與研創力來架構後疫情時代的智慧醫療).

After introduced their smart hospital milestone, Mr.Yang defined four application of smart hospital that were better patient care and experience, operational efficiency and reducing pressure on staff.

Lastly, Mr. Yang introduced five key elements for resource operation centre to enhance resource utilization and reduce the waste.  Those elements were i) Team Resource, ii) Standardized operation, iii) cross departmental & real time data visualization, iv) data based prediction and v) clear decision system and leading principles.

After all presentation completed, Dr. KS Chin (錢桂生 - 城大先進設計及系統工程學系副系主任及副教授) gave closing meeting remark. He thanked all guests and participants, coorganizers and supporting organizations. Finally, he expected to meet all again in next summit in Taiwan.

Before the end of summit, Mr. Lu Ruiyan (CSQ) (盧瑞彥先生 - 臺灣廣運集團副董事長) introduced the 7th World Summit for Chinese Quality and the location is in KinMen (金門).

Then the virtual flag transfer ceremony was performed.

At the end, Dr. Duan Yonggang (Vice-Chairman, CAQ) (段永剛博士 - 全球華人品質聯盟()理事長、中國質量協會副會長兼秘書長) gave conclusion speech of the 6th World Summit for Chinese Quality.  He said WACQ established for 5 years and we needed to continue the development of Chinese Quality. The project of QM in digitalization was starting and supported by WACQ members. 

We appreciated all participants and suggested to take a group photo online.


China Association for Quality (CAQ) - http://www.caq.org.cn/

Chinese Society for Quality (CSQ) - http://www.csq.org.tw/mp.asp?mp=1

Singapore Quality Institute (SQI) - http://www.sqi.org.sg/

Hong Kong Society for Quality (HKSQ) - http://www.hksq.org/index.asp

Macau Quality Management Association (MQMA) - http://www.mqma.org/

Taiwan Healthcare Quality Association (THQA) - https://www.ahqroc.org.tw/

智能制造跨疫境,华人品质再领航——第六届全球华人品质峰会成功举办 - http://www.caq.org.cn/html/xhxw/zxxw/17318.html

History (Past Events & Meeting);

Chinese Quality Forum

20120526: The first meeting for the Chinese Quality Forum (華人品質論壇) - http://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2012/05/first-meeting-for-chinese-quality-forum.html

20140314: Pre-Chinese Quality Forum (華人品質論壇) Dinner Meeting 2014 - http://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2014/03/pre-chinese-quality-forum-dinner-meeting.html

20140315: The 2nd Chinese Quality Forum (華人品質論壇) - http://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2014/03/the-2nd-chinese-quality-forum.html

20150923: Pre-Chinese Quality Forum (華人品質論壇) Meeting & Dinner 2015 - http://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2015/09/pre-chinese-quality-forum-meeting.html

20151104: The 15th China Quality Award cum Chinese Quality Forum – Day 1


20151105: The 15th China Quality Award cum Chinese Quality Forum – Day 2


20151106: The 3rd Chinese Quality Forum – Day 3 Work Meeting & Visit TusPark


World Alliance for Chinese Quality

20160707: The Pre-World Alliance for Chinese Quality (全球華人品質聯盟()) Meeting - http://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2016/07/the-pre-world-alliance-for-chinese.html

20160708: The 1st World Summit for Chinese Quality - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2016/07/the-1st-world-summit-for-chinese-quality.html

20160709: Post-WSCQ Seminar on Extenics (可拓學) and its application - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2016/07/post-wscq-seminar-on-extenics-and-its.html

20160919: ANQ-CEC and Pre-WACQ Meeting & Dinner 2016 - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2016/09/anq-cec-and-pre-wacq-meeting-dinner-2016.html

20171116: The 2nd World Summit for Chinese Quality – Part 1 - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2017/11/the-2nd-world-summit-for-chinese.html

20171116: The 2nd World Summit for Chinese Quality – Part 2 - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2017/11/the-2nd-world-summit-for-chinese_16.html

20171117: Post - World Summit for Chinese Quality (WSCQ) Technical Visit - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2017/11/post-world-summit-for-chinese-quality.html

20181107: Per – The 3rd World Summit for Chinese Quality (WSCQ) Visit - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2018/11/per-3rd-world-summit-for-chinese.html

20181108: The 3rd World Summit for Chinese Quality (WSCQ) – Day 1 (Part A) - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2018/11/the-3rd-world-summit-for-chinese.html

20181108: The 3rd World Summit for Chinese Quality (WSCQ) – Day 1 (Part B) - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2018/11/the-3rd-world-summit-for-chinese_8.html

20181109: The 3rd World Summit for Chinese Quality (WSCQ) – Day 2 (Technical Visit) - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2018/11/the-3rd-world-summit-for-chinese_9.html

20190827: The Commemorative Congress of the 40th Anniversary of China Quality Association and TQM Promotion cum the 4th Summit of pre-World Alliance for Chinese Quality (WACQ) - Registration and Banquet - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2019/08/the-commemorative-congress-of-40th.html

20190828: The Commemorative Congress of the 40th Anniversary of China Quality Association and TQM Promotion – Opening & Technical Visit - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2019/08/the-commemorative-congress-of-40th_28.html

20190829: The 4th Summit of pre-World Alliance for Chinese Quality (WACQ) – Day 1 (Part A) - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2019/08/the-4th-summit-of-pre-world-alliance.html

20190829: The 4th Summit of pre-World Alliance for Chinese Quality (WACQ) – Day 1 (Part B) - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2019/08/the-4th-summit-of-pre-world-alliance_29.html

20190830: The 4th Summit of pre-World Alliance for Chinese Quality (WACQ) – Day 2 (Technical Visit) - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2019/08/the-4th-summit-of-pre-world-alliance_30.html

20190831: The 4th Summit of pre-World Alliance for Chinese Quality (WACQ) – Post-Summit Culture Tour - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2019/08/the-4th-summit-of-pre-world-alliance_31.html

20200925: The 5th World Summit of Chinese Quality (Online) - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2020/09/the-5th-world-summit-of-chinese-quality.html

20210120: The Annual Working Meeting of World Alliance of Chinese Quality 2021 (全球華人品質聯盟年度工作會議) - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2021/01/the-annual-working-meeting-of-world.html


Visit to HKSQ Corporate Member - ActiveCarePharmacy Limited

 Dr. KS Chin (Former Chairman, HKSQ) and I (Chairman, HKSQ) invited to ActiveCarePharmacy Limited in Fo Tan on 22nd Nov 2021 for celebrating new HKSQ corporate member.  I presented corporate membership plate to Mr. Peter Suen (Pharmacist & Owner, ACP ActiveCareGroup (明心医疗集团)).

Then we took a group photo in front of the entry.

(Left: Dr. KS Chin, I, Ms. Wendy Mui and Mr. Peter Suen)

And then Mr. Peter Suen described the operation of ACP medication management centre and its key activities were repackaging the drug for elder use.  

After that we also visited ActiveCareGroup Surgery Face Mask Production Line.

Mr. Peter Suen showed a new production line for 3D mask.

We took a group photo in front of cleanroom.

Finally, we had a cup of office in Peter’s office.

Lastly, Peter explained his dream for automation the whole packaging process so as to serve more elders in Hong Kong. We took a photo in front of the prototype for memory. 


ActiveCareGroup - http://www.activecaregroup.com/

明心醫療儀器用品 Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/activecaremedicaldevices/

20200501: HKSQ Quality Professional visit to ActiveCareGroup Surgery Face Mask Production Line - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2020/05/hksq-quality-professional-visit-to.html

20200425: Visit to ActiveCareGroup Clean Room and Surgery Face Mask Production Line - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2020/04/visit-to-activecaregroup-clean-room-and.html

20190312: Visit to ActiveCareGroup Fo Tan Office - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2019/03/visit-to-activecaregroup-fo-tan-office.html

20190202: Meeting for Pharmaceutical/Healthcare Industry in Hong Kong - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2019/02/meeting-for-pharmaceuticalhealthcare.html

20190122: ActiveCareGroup meeting in CityU - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2019/01/activecaregroup-meeting-in-cityu.html

20190106: ActiveCareGroup Annual Dinner - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2019/01/activecaregroup-annual-dinner.html

20180419: Peter Suen sponsor Student FYP and visit CityU SEEM Laboratories - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2018/04/peter-suen-sponsor-student-fyp-and.html

20180301: Visit to ActiveCareGroup Intelligent Robotic Solution (Shenzhen) Limited (II) - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2018/03/visit-to-activecaregroup-intelligent.html

20180210: Visit to ActiveCareGroup Intelligent Robotic Solution (Shenzhen) Limited - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2018/02/visit-to-activecaregroup-intelligent.html

20171217: Visit to Song Shan Lake (松山湖) - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2017/12/visit-to-song-shan-lake.html

20150528: HKSQ Technical Visit to ActiveCarePharmacy Medication Management Centre - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2015/05/hksq-technical-visit-to.html

20150411: HKSQ Pharmaceutical Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) Workshop - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2015/04/hksq-pharmaceutical-good-manufacturing.html

20140319: HKSTP Seminar to gain trust from business partners by using management tools - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2014/03/hkstp-seminar-to-gain-trust-from.html