
Big Data & Business Analytics Workshop

Simitri Hong Kong Limited was invited to perform a Big Data & Business Analytics Workshop on 30th April 2018.  I was one of participants and would like to summarize some contents of the workshop.  Mr. Philip Chan (Senior Consultant, Simitri) was our trainer.   The workshop objectives were to gain insight into “Big Data” and how to use to make better decisions.  Mr. Philip Chan said Big Data had characteristic on Bias (偏向性) but not Absolute (絕對性).  It based on past data but did not consider future trend. 

Big Data could be described by 5 Vs and they were Volume, Velocity, Variety and Veracity, as well as Value.  

Then Mr. Philip Chan shared customer behaviors that mainly had four hears and they were greedy (貪心), curiosity (好奇心), vanity (虛榮心) and fear (恐懼心).  After that he briefed the benefits of Big Data included three main reasons included “Increase Shareholder Value”, “Increase Customer Value” and “Increase Employee Value”.  


CMA Testing Seminar on Global Market Access through Local TIC Alliance

The Chinese Manufacturers’ Association of Hong Kong (CMA) Testing and Certification Laboratories (CMATCL) formed TIC Alliance in Hong Kong to join-hand with five world-class partners in supporting the local industries, enterprise, R&D in the area of testing and certification through the strategic alliance cooperation. It is aimed to enhance products recognition and easy the global markets export under the spirit of “Tested in Hong Kong, Certified in Hong Kong” as outlined by Hong Kong Council for Testing and Certification.  The first seminar named “Global Market Access through Local TIC Alliance” was organized by CMATCL and co-organized with five partners (BSI, IFBQ, JQA, UL and VDE) and held on 27th April 2018.  Before the seminar, I took some photo with CMA Testing friends (Some of them were my old colleagues since 1997!)

(Left: Prof. Raymond Wong, I and Mr. Dominic Lam)

(Left: Ms. Cat YM Lai, Mr. Arthur SY Lam, I and Mr. Alfred Chan)

In the beginning, Dr. Wingco Lo JP (Chairman of the Board of Directors, CMA Industrial Development Foundation Limited) gave welcome remarks. He said TIC alliance provided a global platform for collaboration and support different stakeholders.

Then Mr. WH Sit JP (Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services, EMSD) gave an opening remarks.  He mentioned HK as innovation and technology hub in the Great Bay Area. We were continuously supporting Hong Kong manufacturers.  Innovation and Technology development, as well as, reindustrialization were key elements in Government Policy.  T&C industry protected safety in Hong Kong, developed T&C culture with reputation, open, collaboration, higher efficiency and safety.  

Group photo with all guests and speakers

Mr. Coleman Tse (Sales and Marketing Director, BSI) was the first speaker and his presentation topic named “Managing the Corruption Risks through Implementing ISO 37001 Anti-bribery Management System Requirements to Enhance Your Business Resilience”. Firstly, he quoted the Patrick Ho Chi-ping (former Secretary for Home Affairs of the HKSAR) case that violating the USA Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.  In UK, there had similar law named Bribery Act 2010.  

Then Coleman mentioned the ISO 37001:2016 evolution was from BS 10500:2011 and ISO 37001 followed ISO High Level Structure.  The special 9 control elements were in the clause 8.1 “Operational planning and control” showed in the following diagram.


HKIE Seminar on China Technology Development New Trend and Hong Kong Innovation & Technology Development New Opportunity

HKIE invited Prof. TAN Tieniu (Vice Minister, Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the Hong Kong SAR) (中聯辦譚鐵牛副主任) to give us a seminar named “China Technology Development New Trend and Hong Kong Innovation & Technology Development New Opportunity「國家科技發展新形勢與香港創科發展新機遇」” on 24th April 2018.  Prof. TAN Tieniu is Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Vice-Chairman & Fellow of Chinese Association for Artificial Intelligence (CAAI) (中國科學院院士、中國人工智能學會副理事長及會士).  Since I am also a Committee Member of Extenics Society, Chinese Association for Artificial Intelligence (CAAI) (中國人工智能學會可拓學專業委員會委員), I gave Extenics new promotion material to Dr. Tan and took a photo with professional friends for memory.

(Left: I, Ir. Dr. Lo Wai Kwok (Past President, HKIE), Prof. TAN Tieniu and Ir. Dr. Yuen Pak Leung (Vice President, HKIE))

Prof. Tan arrived and many participants had ready for his talk.

In the beginning, Ir. Dr. Yuen Pak Leung (Vice President, HKIE), who is my senior CityU EngD (EM) cohort, gave introduction briefing and he was the MC in this seminar.

Ir. Thomas KC Chan (President, HKIE) gave a welcome speech to all and he said we observed government commitment on innovation and technology development in Hong Kong through HK$50B budget investment.  Our CE expected the target to increase the percentage of R&D expenditure (local public and private sectors) to the GDP to 1.5% by 2022.  

Then Ir. Thomas Chan presented a souvenir to Prof. TAN Tieniu.

Group photo with keynote speaker and guests

Prof. TAN Tieniu gave his talk and he firstly introduced the content of this seminar included history insight on technology development, global technology development new trend, and then he would brief the China technology development situation. Finally, he would discuss Hong Kong Innovation and Technology (I&T) development new opportunity.  

Visit to Intertek (HK) for HKSQ Corporate Membership

HKSQ Corporate membership aimed to promote quality and innovation learning culture in corporate level which started since 2007.  The HKSQ Corporate membership was by invitation only. It needs to be nominated and approved by the HKSQ executive committee.  Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd. (Intertek (HK)) was nominated by committee member and HKSQ representatives (Dr. Albert Tsang (Former Chairman), Mr. Peter Fung(Former Chairman), and I (Chairman)) were invited to visit their laboratories and meeting with their top management.

(Left: Ms. Shelly Lo (Country Marketing Manager, Intertek), Mr. Patrick S. Lee (Executive Vice President, North East Asia & Australaisa, Intertek), Dr. Albert Tsang and I)

Then we visited their Textile laboratories and discussed their testing and customer requirement as well as their R&D for tailor-made testing.  Their slogan is Total Quality & Assured.

We saw some posters related to quality included their 5 strategic priorities and 5 enablers.

At the end, we took a photo in front of their new corporate logo.

HKSQ Corporate Member - http://www.hksq.org/mem_corp.htm
Intertek (HK) - http://intertek.com.hk/
20100515: Technical Visit to Intertek LED Testing Centre - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2010/05/technical-visit-to-intertek-led-testing.html
20100618: Seminar "LED Testing Standards and its underlying opportunities in Hong Kong" - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2010/06/seminar-led-testing-standards-and-its.html


Pre-visit meeting for HKSTP & CityU

I met Ms. Elaine Cheung (Executive Officer, Office of the Vice-President (Research & Technology) on 19th April 2018 afternoon to discuss the arrangement of HKSTP chairperson and BoD members to visit CityU in Jun 2018.  We took a photo in front of the office for memory.

The story for this arrangement started that I joined the celebration dinner with new Council Chairman of CityU - Mr. Lester G Huang on 5th Mar 2018.  When we were chatting about government committed to invest on Innovation and Technology development in Hong Kong, Mr. Lester G Huang would like to invite HKSTP chairperson and related executives to visit CityU new facilities.

Then I passed his message to Mrs. Fanny LAW FAN (Chairperson, HKSTP) during Hong Kong-Shenzhen Innovation and Technology Park Limited House Warming on 14th Mar 2018.  Then Mrs. Fanny LAW FAN expressed her interest on animal laboratories and KTO in CityU.

After that I had joined CityU Distinguished Alumni Award Presentation Ceremony on 22nd Mar 2018 and I met Mr. Lester G Huang again.  I passed our chairlady’s interest to him for further arrangement.

Lastly, I got the preliminary arrangement and met Mrs. Fanny LAW FAN (Chairperson, HKSTP) during HKSTP Annual Dinner on 23rd Mar 2018.  She assigned one of my colleagues to contact all BoD members for this visit arrangement.

The success factors for this high level visit arrangement for both parties I concluded as following three points:
1.      High position people involvement (they may know each other)
2.      Common interest (align both interests and become win-win situation)
3.      Communication (someone as bridge)
Office of the Vice-President (Research & Technology) - http://www.cityu.edu.hk/vprt/
20180305: CityU Eminence Society – The 6th Exco Meeting and Dinner with new Council Chairman of CityU - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2018/03/cityu-eminence-society-6th-exco-meeting.html
20180314: Hong Kong-Shenzhen Innovation and Technology Park Limited House Warming - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2018/03/hong-kong-shenzhen-innovation-and.html
20180322: CityU Distinguished Alumni Award Presentation Ceremony - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2018/03/cityu-distinguished-alumni-award.html

Peter Suen sponsor Student FYP and visit CityU SEEM Laboratories

We appreciated Mr. Peter Suen (Pharmacist & Owner, ACP MMC) sponsored to Dr. Chin’s student to perform final year project (FYP)  named “Innovation Product Design: Case study of developing the automatic medical dispensing machine”.  After the student presentation, I represented SEEM Department to present a souvenir (CityU logo pin)

(Left: Mr. Peter Fung, Dr. Ken Yau, Mr. Peter Suen, I, Dr. KS Chin and Mr. Lester Wu)

There are two main judges (Dr. Ken Yau and Dr. KS Chin) and we all were audiences.

CityU EngD Society Lunch Meeting

Today, Dr. TW Liu, Dr. Peter Ho, Dr. Herbert Yeung and I had lunch meeting in CityU.  We on behalf of CityU Engineering Doctorate (EngD) Society discussed EngD Program future and consolidated opinions on establishing School of Data Science.

Recently, College of Science and Engineering would be separated into College of Science and College of Engineering.  Moreover, we heard that a new school for data science was planning to establish.   We had the following opinions:
i)                    We support to develop the School of Data Science for AI Era.
ii)                  We all considered the great needs to maintain EngD (Engineering Management) Program.
The following points were support to continue the EngD(EM) in higher level education.
a)      Engineering management is needed in any organization including public utility service (e.g. CLP, Towngas), transportation (e.g. MTR, HAECO, HACTL), government (e.g. Hospital, EMSD), etc.
b)      Training the high position talent in Engineering Management (EM) is necessary for technology background industry.
c)      EngD (EM) align with HKIE to reflect professionalism and social status.

Finally, we all agreed to position EngD (EM) in higher status that would not be under department level but belong to the College of Engineering.  It is because the higher level of EngD (EM) could cover different discipline and enhance supervisor capability to lead EngD candidate for research under different departments.
Lotto would draft the opinion letter including the above points for EngD Society use.

CityU Engineering Doctorate Society - http://www.engd.org/  
Engineering Doctorate (Engineering Management) - http://www.cityu.edu.hk/seem/prg-engd.htm


CityU Guest Lecture of Quality Innovation & Extenics to CityU Students

I was honor to be invited by Dr. KS Chin (Asso. Professor, SEEM, CityU) to give a talk named “Quality Innovation Trend: Extenics – A Novel Innovation Theory and Methodology originated in China” to students of BEng Systems Engineering and Management (BEng SEM) on 16th April 2018. Dr. KS Chin and I took a photo before the lecture.

In the beginning, I introduced Hong Kong Society for Quality (HKSQ) vision, mission, value and history. 

Then I briefed the quality innovation development in Hong Kong based on different associations and awards, as well as, government established status bodies to explain from Quality aspects to Innovation aspects.

After that I mentioned the China and Hong Kong policies on quality and innovation.  In China, there were One Belt One Road, Great Bay Area and Made in China 2025, etc.  In Hong Kong, we had Hong Kong-Shenzhen Innovation and Technology Park in the Lok Ma Chau Loop and Re-industrialization, etc.


HKSQ Congratulate to Dr. Aaron Tong awarded China Outstanding Quality Professional (中國傑出質量人) 2017 and visit Beijing Industries

Hong Kong Society for Quality (HKSQ) arranged a two-day trip to Beijing for congratulating our former chairman – Dr. Aaron Tong awarded China Outstanding Quality Professional (中國傑出質量人) and two technical visits included Beijing Sanyuan Foods Co.,Ltd. (北京三元食品股份有限公司) and Beijing Foton Cummins Engine Co., Ltd. (北京福田康明斯發動機有限公司) on 12th & 13th April 2018.  The celebration was held on 12th April 2018 Morning, HKSQ team took a group photo in front of the banner in the China Association for Quality (CAQ) building.

(Left: Dr. Ivan Ng, Ms.Chiang Mun, Dr. Lotto Lai, Dr. Aaron Tong, Dr. Pat Cheung, Ms. Jane Wong, Mrs. Lam, Mr. SW Lam)

Minda and I took a photo in the hall before the celebration opening.

Dr. Aaron Tong was arranged to take a group photo with other awardees outside.

At that time, we took a photo with CAQ friends.  We took a photo with Ms. Duan Yihong (段一泓) (Under Secretary, CAQ).

Then Minda and I took a photo with Ms. Wang Li-Lin (王麗林) (Director, International Exchange Department, CAQ)

I met my old friend Mr. Li Wencheng (李文成) (previous Director, Strategy & Development Department, International Excellence Quality Research Center, CAQ).

In the beginning, Dr. Duan Yonggang (段永剛) (Secretary General, CAQ) introduced the awards for China Outstanding Quality Professional (中國傑出質量人) and the 1st China Outstanding Quality Craftsmen (中國質量工匠).  Then he introduced all awardees and CAQ top managements.

Firstly, Mr. Jia fuxing (賈福興) (Chairman, CAQ) gave a welcome speech. 

The list of China Outstanding Quality Professional (中國傑出質量人) and the 1st China Outstanding Quality Craftsmen (中國質量工匠) were stated in the magazine named “Quality”.

Dr. Aaron Tong was the first one received the award of the China Outstanding Quality Professional (中國傑出質量人) from Hong Kong.  Mr. Fang changan (国务院国资委行业协会商会党建工作局副局长方长安) (Left in photo) presented the award to Aaron.


Seminar on the $50-billion Budget proposal for Innovation and Technology

The seminar entitled “Seminar on the $50-billion Budget proposal for I&T (預算案500億:如何幫助IT人?)” was organized by Hon. Charles Mok (Legislative Council Member (IT Functional Constituency)) on 10 April 2018.  The seminar aimed to discuss the development of Innovation and Technology in Hong Kong using this $50-billion Budget and collecting IT industrial opinions.

Before the seminar, all speakers took a group photo.

First, Mr. Charles Mok briefed the background of the $50-billion Budget which aimed to assist for Innovation and Technology development in Hong Kong in which $20 billion for using on the first phase of the Hong Kong-Shenzhen Innovation and Technology Park in the Lok Ma Chau Loop for, site formation, infrastructure, superstructure and initial operation; $10 billion into the Innovation and Technology Fund (ITF); $10 billion to support the establishment of two Technology Research Clusters on healthcare technologies and on artificial intelligence and robotics technologies; $10 billion is allocated to HKSTP to reinforce the role of the Science Park as Hong Kong's flagship technology infrastructure.


IISE Seminar on “Introduction of Circular Economy and how this Business Model creates Values to Stakeholders”

The Institute of Industrial & Systems Engineers (IISE) and SEEM Department, CityU organized a seminar named “Introduction of Circular Economy and how this Business Model creates Values to Stakeholders” on 9th April 2018.  Hong Kong Society for Quality (HKSQ) was one of supporting organizations. The term Circular Economy is becoming familiar to an increasing number of business.  It expresses an aspiration to get more value from resources and waste less, especially as resources come under a variety of pressure – price-driven, political and environmental.  Before the seminar, I took a photo with Mr. Harry Li (President, IISE (HK)). 

I met many quality professionals and took a photo for memory.

(Left: I and Mr. Dominic Lam (CEO, CMATCL))

(Left: Dr. Percy Chan (Quality Director & Acting Global Supply Chain Director, GP), I and Dr. Jason Kong (Vice-Chairman/Marketing, ISSC)) (Remark: Mr. Larry Lee (Customer Services & Compliance Quality Manager, GP) was also here but missing during photo taken.)

Then Dr. Victor Lo (President, ISI) arrived and we took photo.

(Left: Mr. Dominic Lam (CEO, CMATCL), Mr. Arthur SY Lam (GM, Business Development, CMATCL), Mr. Alfred Chan (GM, HR, CMATCL), Dr. Victor Lo and I)

In the beginning, Mr. Harry Li (President, IISE (HK)) then gave an opening speech and introduced IISE(HK). He was also the first speaker and his topic named “Introduction of Circular Economy”.


Technology Incubation Network (TIN) Seminar on AI & IoT Past to Smart Future

Technology Incubation Network (TIN) Seminar named “AI and IoT Past to Smart Future” was held on 6th Apr 2018 in Ideal Lab, HKSTP.  We took a group photo with all participants for memory. 

In the beginning, Mr. Torin Fung (TIN Chairman) gave welcome speech and briefed TIN which formed by HKSTP incubatee alumni (more than 600 companies).  

Mr. Honby Chan (Senior Vice President, The Hong Kong Association for the Advancement of Science and Technology (HKAAST)) gave an opening remark.  He introduced HKAAST which was established in 1985 and provided a platform for Academic, Professional and Industry.

My colleague Kent introduced our Incubation Program to the youth participants.

The first speaker was Mr. Benny Lam (Executive Director, AI Capital Ltd.; AISG Chairman, HKAAST) and his topic named “AI Applications Past, Present and Future”.  Firstly, he shared his experience and entrepreneur background.  

Then he briefed the major milestones of AI.  Long time ago, OCR was used to recognize the English character that was the early AI application. However, there were two AI winter periods because of out of expectation at that time.  After deep learning succeed, AI wave come again.