
Pre-visit meeting for HKSTP & CityU

I met Ms. Elaine Cheung (Executive Officer, Office of the Vice-President (Research & Technology) on 19th April 2018 afternoon to discuss the arrangement of HKSTP chairperson and BoD members to visit CityU in Jun 2018.  We took a photo in front of the office for memory.

The story for this arrangement started that I joined the celebration dinner with new Council Chairman of CityU - Mr. Lester G Huang on 5th Mar 2018.  When we were chatting about government committed to invest on Innovation and Technology development in Hong Kong, Mr. Lester G Huang would like to invite HKSTP chairperson and related executives to visit CityU new facilities.

Then I passed his message to Mrs. Fanny LAW FAN (Chairperson, HKSTP) during Hong Kong-Shenzhen Innovation and Technology Park Limited House Warming on 14th Mar 2018.  Then Mrs. Fanny LAW FAN expressed her interest on animal laboratories and KTO in CityU.

After that I had joined CityU Distinguished Alumni Award Presentation Ceremony on 22nd Mar 2018 and I met Mr. Lester G Huang again.  I passed our chairlady’s interest to him for further arrangement.

Lastly, I got the preliminary arrangement and met Mrs. Fanny LAW FAN (Chairperson, HKSTP) during HKSTP Annual Dinner on 23rd Mar 2018.  She assigned one of my colleagues to contact all BoD members for this visit arrangement.

The success factors for this high level visit arrangement for both parties I concluded as following three points:
1.      High position people involvement (they may know each other)
2.      Common interest (align both interests and become win-win situation)
3.      Communication (someone as bridge)
Office of the Vice-President (Research & Technology) - http://www.cityu.edu.hk/vprt/
20180305: CityU Eminence Society – The 6th Exco Meeting and Dinner with new Council Chairman of CityU - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2018/03/cityu-eminence-society-6th-exco-meeting.html
20180314: Hong Kong-Shenzhen Innovation and Technology Park Limited House Warming - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2018/03/hong-kong-shenzhen-innovation-and.html
20180322: CityU Distinguished Alumni Award Presentation Ceremony - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2018/03/cityu-distinguished-alumni-award.html

