
Peter Suen sponsor Student FYP and visit CityU SEEM Laboratories

We appreciated Mr. Peter Suen (Pharmacist & Owner, ACP MMC) sponsored to Dr. Chin’s student to perform final year project (FYP)  named “Innovation Product Design: Case study of developing the automatic medical dispensing machine”.  After the student presentation, I represented SEEM Department to present a souvenir (CityU logo pin)

(Left: Mr. Peter Fung, Dr. Ken Yau, Mr. Peter Suen, I, Dr. KS Chin and Mr. Lester Wu)

There are two main judges (Dr. Ken Yau and Dr. KS Chin) and we all were audiences.

Dr. Ken Yau asked questions about limitation of the project, how to overcome this limitation and what results expected on recommendation, how to select different recommendations, etc.

After that we led Mr. Peter Suen to visit SEEM laboratories.  The first laboratory we visited was Ergonomics and Work Design Laboratory and the technician showed student’s robot project.

Then we visited Quality Inspection and Nondestructive Testing (QNDT) Laboratory and then observed some student project on image catching and analysis.

They used camera image to identify the label accuracy and taught the software to screen the wrong label marking.

SEEM staff introduced the hardware simulation of production line with software programming which trained student for production line design.

Another hardware simulation was warehouse logistics arrangement and the software simulation was also demonstrated.

Finally, we went to AC3 canteen and continuously discussed future cooperation between ACG and CityU.  CityU SEEM department could arrange FYP and student internship program.

SEEM Dept., CityU - http://www.cityu.edu.hk/seem/
20180210: Visit to ActiveCareGroup Intelligent Robotic Solution (Shenzhen) Limited - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2018/02/visit-to-activecaregroup-intelligent.html
20180301: Visit to ActiveCareGroup Intelligent Robotic Solution (Shenzhen) Limited (II) - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2018/03/visit-to-activecaregroup-intelligent.html

