
CityU EngD Society Lunch Meeting

Today, Dr. TW Liu, Dr. Peter Ho, Dr. Herbert Yeung and I had lunch meeting in CityU.  We on behalf of CityU Engineering Doctorate (EngD) Society discussed EngD Program future and consolidated opinions on establishing School of Data Science.

Recently, College of Science and Engineering would be separated into College of Science and College of Engineering.  Moreover, we heard that a new school for data science was planning to establish.   We had the following opinions:
i)                    We support to develop the School of Data Science for AI Era.
ii)                  We all considered the great needs to maintain EngD (Engineering Management) Program.
The following points were support to continue the EngD(EM) in higher level education.
a)      Engineering management is needed in any organization including public utility service (e.g. CLP, Towngas), transportation (e.g. MTR, HAECO, HACTL), government (e.g. Hospital, EMSD), etc.
b)      Training the high position talent in Engineering Management (EM) is necessary for technology background industry.
c)      EngD (EM) align with HKIE to reflect professionalism and social status.

Finally, we all agreed to position EngD (EM) in higher status that would not be under department level but belong to the College of Engineering.  It is because the higher level of EngD (EM) could cover different discipline and enhance supervisor capability to lead EngD candidate for research under different departments.
Lotto would draft the opinion letter including the above points for EngD Society use.

CityU Engineering Doctorate Society - http://www.engd.org/  
Engineering Doctorate (Engineering Management) - http://www.cityu.edu.hk/seem/prg-engd.htm

