
HKIE Seminar on China Technology Development New Trend and Hong Kong Innovation & Technology Development New Opportunity

HKIE invited Prof. TAN Tieniu (Vice Minister, Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the Hong Kong SAR) (中聯辦譚鐵牛副主任) to give us a seminar named “China Technology Development New Trend and Hong Kong Innovation & Technology Development New Opportunity「國家科技發展新形勢與香港創科發展新機遇」” on 24th April 2018.  Prof. TAN Tieniu is Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Vice-Chairman & Fellow of Chinese Association for Artificial Intelligence (CAAI) (中國科學院院士、中國人工智能學會副理事長及會士).  Since I am also a Committee Member of Extenics Society, Chinese Association for Artificial Intelligence (CAAI) (中國人工智能學會可拓學專業委員會委員), I gave Extenics new promotion material to Dr. Tan and took a photo with professional friends for memory.

(Left: I, Ir. Dr. Lo Wai Kwok (Past President, HKIE), Prof. TAN Tieniu and Ir. Dr. Yuen Pak Leung (Vice President, HKIE))

Prof. Tan arrived and many participants had ready for his talk.

In the beginning, Ir. Dr. Yuen Pak Leung (Vice President, HKIE), who is my senior CityU EngD (EM) cohort, gave introduction briefing and he was the MC in this seminar.

Ir. Thomas KC Chan (President, HKIE) gave a welcome speech to all and he said we observed government commitment on innovation and technology development in Hong Kong through HK$50B budget investment.  Our CE expected the target to increase the percentage of R&D expenditure (local public and private sectors) to the GDP to 1.5% by 2022.  

Then Ir. Thomas Chan presented a souvenir to Prof. TAN Tieniu.

Group photo with keynote speaker and guests

Prof. TAN Tieniu gave his talk and he firstly introduced the content of this seminar included history insight on technology development, global technology development new trend, and then he would brief the China technology development situation. Finally, he would discuss Hong Kong Innovation and Technology (I&T) development new opportunity.  

Prof. Tan said that considered the past and you should know the future.  World technology development history was briefed.  There were two times of scientific revolution and 3 times of technology revolution.  There had three implications that were (1) Science is leader; (2) Technology enhances power of Nation; and (3) Technology leads social development.  

Then he mentioned 8 mega trends of global technology development in the future 20 to 30 years as follows:
Mega Trend 1: Leading basic research nurtures major breakthrough (前沿基礎研究孕育重大突破) (e.g. material structure, life original, brain structure and consciousness and the origin of universe and its evolution.)
Mega Trend 2: High-tech competition to win in “Deep” (高科技競爭以""至勝) (e.g. deep in air, deep in sea, deep in land and deep blue – AI)
Mega Trend 3: Major disruptive technologies are constantly emerging (重大顛覆性技術層出不窮)
Mega Trend 4: Green Health Technology Brings Us More Gospel (綠色健康科技給我們帶來更多福音) (e.g. Stem cells, regenerative medicine, and Genome editing technology)
Mega Trend 5: Artificial intelligence leads a new round of technological revolution (人工智能引領新一輪技術革命)
Dr. Tan said his research related iris identification which was one topic of AI and it could be applied in the mining staff identification.

Prof. Tan explained some AI Hypes such as surpass human intelligence, 50%+ job would be taken away by 2025, Robot would rule the world in 30 years, etc. Moreover, he pointed out some common misconceptions about AI in the following diagram. And then he pointed out some limitation of AI such as without wisdom, having IQ but no EQ, having specialist but not generalist, etc.

Mega Trend 6: Big Data Drives Innovation and Change (大數據驅動創新與變革)
Mega Trend 7: International cooperation in science and technology is getting closer (國際科技合作日益緊密) (e.g. Climate change, Energy saving, Network security, etc.)
Mega Trend 8: Global Technological Innovation Pattern is moving toward three-fold (全球科技創新格局走向三足鼎立) and they were USA, Europe and East Asia.

After that Prof. Tan stated the China technology development situation.  He said our R&D expenditure was $15,00B (2.1% GDP) which was number 2 of the world.  Then he briefed many Chinese Technologies achievements including quantum communication, dark matter satellite (Monkey King), The Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope (FAST), …etc.

How large of FAST?  The following diagram showed an interesting example such as 2.2 fire rice for every people in the world.

In the new era, our innovation and technology changed from follower to partially leader.  Prof. Tan said it was three ways parallel. (三跑並存即跟跑, 並跑, 領跑).

The national technology development new milestones in 2020, 2035 and 2050 were showed as following diagram.

Finally, Prof. Tan discussed the Hong Kong Innovation and Technology (I&T) development new opportunity.  He briefed the Hong Kong parts of National 13th Five-Year Plan.  One of key plans was to build Hong Kong to be International Innovation & Technology Centre.  HK government showed their commitment on I&T development through budget HK$50B to be invested.

Prof. Tan pointed out that next generation international financial centres would no doubt be ST-driven.  “Fintech is essential to Hong Kong ‘s maintaining as a leading IFC” he said.  Moreover, there were 6 universities ranked in the first 50 Asia University and we had more than 40 fellows of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Engineering.

Considering the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, we had Science, Technology, Production and Market and separated roles in the region and complementary to each other.  

He also added that Hong Kong using “One Country Two System” characteristic to development three centres including Science Research Centre, Technology Service Centre and Technology Synergy Centre. (3 S: Science, Service and Synergy)  Lastly, he concluded that technology development decided our future direction.  We must find the right direction and Hong Kong would develop their unique role in I&T.  

Q&A session
I asked how to develop AI platform in Hong Kong. Prof. Tan replied that we needed to focus that $10B was not much money because AI coverage was too large.  (In Chinese: 有所為, 有所不為.)  He finally suggested defining the road map and implementation map for developing AI platform. 
He also said didn’t simply follow people but should have risk taking spirit.  If direction is wrong, the faster you do the more you waste!

After the seminar, we discussed a little time before left.  

Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the Hong Kong SAR - http://www.locpg.hk/
20180213: FHKI Seminar on Bay Area Soar by Innovation and Industrial Upgrading Opportunities (大灣創新騰飛, 工業升級良機) - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2018/02/fhki-seminar-on-bay-area-soar-by.html
20180130: HKIE Forum on Hong Kong Innovation and Technology Development - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2018/01/hkie-forum-on-hong-kong-innovation-and.html

