
CMA Testing Seminar on Global Market Access through Local TIC Alliance

The Chinese Manufacturers’ Association of Hong Kong (CMA) Testing and Certification Laboratories (CMATCL) formed TIC Alliance in Hong Kong to join-hand with five world-class partners in supporting the local industries, enterprise, R&D in the area of testing and certification through the strategic alliance cooperation. It is aimed to enhance products recognition and easy the global markets export under the spirit of “Tested in Hong Kong, Certified in Hong Kong” as outlined by Hong Kong Council for Testing and Certification.  The first seminar named “Global Market Access through Local TIC Alliance” was organized by CMATCL and co-organized with five partners (BSI, IFBQ, JQA, UL and VDE) and held on 27th April 2018.  Before the seminar, I took some photo with CMA Testing friends (Some of them were my old colleagues since 1997!)

(Left: Prof. Raymond Wong, I and Mr. Dominic Lam)

(Left: Ms. Cat YM Lai, Mr. Arthur SY Lam, I and Mr. Alfred Chan)

In the beginning, Dr. Wingco Lo JP (Chairman of the Board of Directors, CMA Industrial Development Foundation Limited) gave welcome remarks. He said TIC alliance provided a global platform for collaboration and support different stakeholders.

Then Mr. WH Sit JP (Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services, EMSD) gave an opening remarks.  He mentioned HK as innovation and technology hub in the Great Bay Area. We were continuously supporting Hong Kong manufacturers.  Innovation and Technology development, as well as, reindustrialization were key elements in Government Policy.  T&C industry protected safety in Hong Kong, developed T&C culture with reputation, open, collaboration, higher efficiency and safety.  

Group photo with all guests and speakers

Mr. Coleman Tse (Sales and Marketing Director, BSI) was the first speaker and his presentation topic named “Managing the Corruption Risks through Implementing ISO 37001 Anti-bribery Management System Requirements to Enhance Your Business Resilience”. Firstly, he quoted the Patrick Ho Chi-ping (former Secretary for Home Affairs of the HKSAR) case that violating the USA Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.  In UK, there had similar law named Bribery Act 2010.  

Then Coleman mentioned the ISO 37001:2016 evolution was from BS 10500:2011 and ISO 37001 followed ISO High Level Structure.  The special 9 control elements were in the clause 8.1 “Operational planning and control” showed in the following diagram.

After that Coleman introduced US – Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) which was released by the Department of Justice (DOJ) in April 2016.  11 elements of corporate compliance were all covered by ISO 37001.  Risk-based management on bribery risk could effectively allocate resources on high risk control.  Finally, Coleman introduced a new EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) enhancing data protection and privacy.

The second speaker was Mr. Ricardo Lourenco (Director & General Manager, Instituto Falcao Bauer da Qualidade (IFBQ), Brazil) and his topic entitled “Overview of Market Potential and Product Certification in Latin America”.  Firstly, he briefed his company history that established in 1953 with certification, testing laboratory, inspection and engineering services.  

Then he introduced the mandatory certification in Latin America that most of countries covered safety and energy efficiency.  In Brazil, test report was accepted since the laboratory was accredited by ILAC member.  However, tests must be conducted by local laboratory in Mexico, Argentina, Chile, Colombia and Ecuador, etc. Finally, Mr. Ricardo Lourenco said they had local laboratories in the Latin America so as to achieve the “One Stop Shop” concept.

Mr. Sumio Asada (Board Director, Japan Quality Assurance Organization (JQA)) was the third speaker and his presentation title was “Requirement in Japan Market and New Area – Standards relating to Personal Care Robots”.  Mr. Asada briefed JQA that established in 1957 and they had number 1 market share of ISO 9001 and ISO 14001, ISO/IEC 17025 calibration scope, as well as, JIS mark certification scope in Japan.  Moreover, they are the first CB certificating personal care robot safety standard ISO 13482.

Then he introduced the main requirement in Japanese market in both mandatory and voluntary scheme as following diagram.  

Mr. Asada outlined those activities related to JQA’s robot business from 2009 to 2016.  Personal care robots were a new area in the certification industry because of trends in aging in Japan.  

New area of personal care robot which migrated from industrial robots to collaborative robots that we needed to consider the safety of robot interaction with human.  The following diagram showed robotic devices for nursing care project.  

Lastly, Mr. Asada introduced the standard ISO 13482:2014 and then JIS developed corresponding standards and they were JIS B8445:2016 and JIS B8446-1, -2 & -3, as well as, JIS B8456-1 for more details to fit the market need.  

During the tea break, I took a photo with TIC friends for memory.

(Left: I, Mr. WW Wong (Assistant Commissioner (Infrastructure and Quality Services), ITC) and Mr. Dominic Lam (CMATCL))

Photo with Dr. George HK Lau (OUHK)

Photo with Mr. Coleman Tse (BSI)

The fourth speaker was Mr. LAI Lun-Fai (VP&GM, Wire & Cable Division, UL) and his presentation named “Meeting Your Market Access and Compliance Needs through Local Service”.  He briefed UL history (~120 years) and services coverage in the beginning. 

Then he told us the change of UL from 2003 to 2018.  UL became more global and emerging to the market.  The things didn’t change were “Recognition/Acceptance”, “Integrity” and “Impartiality”. 

Finally, he stated four mega trends and matching with UL services.  The four mega trends were:
i)                    Global markets and global supply chains
ii)                  New technology / Digitalization / Electrification
iii)                Innovation Acceleration
iv)                Eco / Health and Wellness

The fifth speaker was Mr. Sven Ohrke (Member of Management Board & Managing Director, VDE Testing and Certification Institute, VDE Global Services GmbH VDE) and his presentation topic entitled “VDE the e-dialistic Future – Science, Standard, Testing; Your Passport for Europe”.  He introduced that VDE had 125 years history and VDE mark 67% coverage in Germans for security and consumer protection. 

Then Mr. Ohrke introduced the goals of IT-Security test including:
i)                    Confirmation of the implementation of IT-Security methods
ii)                  Confirmation of an effective implementation of IT-Security procedures
iii)                Confirmation of a complete documentation of IT-Security measures and procedures.

They targeted for smart home test platform (related to IoT).  The diagram below showed the VDE IT-Security test areas.

Lastly, he mentioned the new requirement in EU on the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which was passed on 14 Apr 2016 and effective on 25 May 2018.  GDPR aimed to protect individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and free movement of such data.  Harmonizing the protection of the fundamental rights and freedoms of data subjects and ensuring the free movement of data between Member States. Some requirement showed as following diagram.  

Prof. Raymond Wong (Head of Collaboration, CMATCL) was the last speaker and his topic entitled “Value of Local Alliance in Supporting Global Trading”.  Firstly, he briefed the market environment challenging such as geographic expansion, versatility of innovation products (e.g. very short product life cycle) and Technology vs Standards.  

Then he briefed why the Alliance established because of overcoming above challenges and fulfill the business across countries and support R&D of SME, etc. This idea was made reference to Airline Industry.  There were four key benefit with Alliance included Brand Power, Customer Confidence, Public Identification and Financial Gain.  Lastly, Raymond showed CMATCL testing capability and services which recognized worldwide.  

At the end, Mr. Dominic Lam (COO, CMATCL) gave a closing remarks.  He appreciated all partner to support the alliance for enhance quality service.  He quoted Mr. Jack Ma statement as conclusion that make it easy to do business anywhere (馬雲:讓天下沒有難做的生意)!

TIC Alliance - http://www.ticalliance.hk/about-us/

