
ANQ Congress Yokohama 2024 – Day 2 (Part A – Parallel Session)

Asian Network for Quality (ANQ) Congress 2024 was held by Japanese Society for Quality Control (JSQC) in the Keio University, Yokohama, Japan from 16-20 Sep 2024. The congress theme was “Prosperity through Quality – Returning to Origins, Leaping into the Future”. Day 2 of Congress was parallel session and held on 19th Sep 2024. I was chair in Session C4 – Uncertain and Change Management. I took a photo with Mr. Narayanan Ramanathan. 

Mr. Narayanan Ramanathan (SQI) was the first speaker and his topic named “Crying Out for a Quality Economics”. Firstly, Mr. Raman briefed the new discipline “Quality Economics” through compared the standard principles between in “Economics” and “Quality”. 

Then Mr. Raman discussed that GDP as a mismeasure, incidental work and GDP, redirecting taxation, free trade by compulsion, human welfare in corporations and countries by Ishikawa, etc.

Finally, he presented the outlines of quality economics

I presented the speaker certificate to Mr. Narayanan Ramanathan at the end.

The second speaker was Mr. Laxmikant Natu (Senior Consultant, GET, India) and his presentation was “New Product Development as a 5th TQM Vehicle”. Mr. Natu firstly mentioned 4 vehicles of TQM implementation and they were policy management, daily work management, cross functional management and improvement management/QCC. 

After than he briefed the relation and interconnectivity of 4 TQM vehicles and proposed new product development (NPD) as a 5th TQM vehicle. “Development of new businesses, products and service and/or innovation of work processes are being carried out proactively and effectively, aimed at creation of new value based on understanding of customer and social needs and innovation of technology and business model” he said.

Lastly, Mr. Natu said TQM as a business and compared product and market for new business opportunities. He concluded new product development (NPD) was deployed as a strategy by all Deming Prize Winning Organizations for sustained business growth. For overall organization wide growth new product in existing market and new market that was only option for sustained growth.

I then presented the speaker certificate to Mr. Laxmikant Natu.

After the C4 session, I invited Mr. Janak Mehta to present the session chair certificate and took a photo with speakers.

The next session is C5 and chaired by Prof. Wan Seon Shin. The first speaker in this session was Mr. Kunal Pareek and his presentation topic entitled “Application of TQM Approach for Business Transformation in a Power Distribution Company”. In the beginning, Mr. Pareek introduced about Tata Power Delhi Distribution Limited (TPDDL) which is an ISO 9001, ISO14001, ISO 22301, ISO 27001, ISO 31000, ISO 50001, ISO 10002 and ISO 20400 certified organization. 

And then Mr. Kunal Pareek mentioned some challenges before TQM implementation. So he mentioned the need for TQM after benchmarking. TQM governance and review structure, Tata Power-DDL’s House of TQM and Daily management framework were discussed. 

Finally, Mr. Pareek introduced BEMI Framework (Business Excellence Maturity Index) that was a comprehensive index for enhancing employee involvement & monitoring the progress of TQM adoption. In their TQM education and training, Prof. Kano had been invited to give a talk under the Centre for Quality Excellence (CENQUEx).

After the presentation, Prof. Shin presented the speaker certificate to Mr. Kunal Pareek and Mr. Anil Sachdev.

The second speaker was Dr. Nigel Peter Grigg (NZOQ) and his topic named “(Re)defining Quality and Quality Management in Terms of Value, Risk and Cost: A Conceptual Model”. In the beginning, Dr. Nigel Grigg briefed his motivations behind development of this model such as how to design a new course on quality / QM.

Then Dr. Nigel Grigg structured his literature review and found that QM related papers mentioning “value” and “risk” concepts had increasing trends. 

Finally, Dr. Nigel Grigg proposed QVRC Model that also employed VRC (stands for Value, Risk and Cost) three dimensions as Triangle Plot for classifying the products and services. 

Prof. Shin then presented the speaker certificate to Dr. Nigel Peter Grigg.

The last speaker in this session was Mr. Jinpeng Zhang (Hefei Haier Air Conditioning Electronics Co., Ltd. (China)) and his presentation topic was “New Product Import Management for Air Conditioning based on NPI System”.  Firstly, he gave company overview and famous quality story.  In 1985, Zhang Ruimin discovered 76 defective refrigerators and held a public meeting where employees smashed them, awakening Haier's commitment to quality.

After that Mr. Zhang briefed the entire process of New Product Introduction and then discussed the New Product Lifecycle Management. 

In Q&A session, Mr. Johnson Tan (SQI) asked some questions related to verification of NPI.

Lastly, Prof. Shin then presented the speaker certificate to Mr. Jinpeng Zhang.

At the same time, Minda joined the session G4 – Risk Management/Biotechnology/Sustainability. Dr. Roy Rimington (SQI) was the first speaker in this session and his topic entitled “Identifying and Managing Emerging Risks -To Enable Quality and Resilience”. Firstly, he briefed different concepts about emerging risks and the world economic forum global risk report 2024.

And then Dr. Roy Rimington discussed different risk type corresponded to different key risk indicator (KRI). Finally, he introduced ISO/TS 31050 “Risk management – Guidelines for managing an emerging risk to enhance resilience”. 

The session chair Mr. Toshiaki Nishi presented speaker certificate to Dr. Roy Rimington.

Mr. Meng Ken Too (SQI) was the second speaker and his presentation title was “Disease Pressure Improvement in Agriculture Through Six Sigma Methodology”. His content included DMAIC steps to improve the crop protection products.

Bacterial Leaf Blight (BLB) disease in rice increasing in Asia Pacific, Middle East and Africa (AMEA) area. Mr. Too mentioned how to culture and measure the disease on an agarose plate. 

At the end, Mr. Too discussed the results through DMAIC six sigma steps that improved the diseases pressure yield from 4.98% to 25.12% (500%)!

Then Mr. Toshiaki Nishi (session chair) presented speaker certificate to Mr. Meng Ken Too.

And then Minda went to the session F5 – Manufacturing.
The first speaker was Ms. Isha Pathak (Tata Motor Limited, India) and her topic named “Thermal Runaway in a Battery – An Approach toward Mitigation”. Ms. Pathak firstly introduced four potential causes for battery fire such as mechanical damage, electrical abuse, battery ageing and manufacturing issues.

Finally, Ms. Isha Pathak suggested mitigation strategies and engineering solutions for different level through three measures and they were preventive, corrective and isolative.

Mr. Prabhakar Shettigar (Executive Director, ISQ) was the second speaker and his presentation title was “The Significance of 'Just Do It' in Problem Solving”. He briefed the background about developing countries challenge on the gap in technology and innovation.

After that Mr. Shettigar proposed Just Do It (JDI) that immediate solutions without extensive analysis. Because number of problems can be resolved using JDI that is significantly higher than thos requiring systematic problem-solving methods. 

Finally, Mr. Prabhakar Shettigar proposed four actions and they were “Stop Firefighting and Enhance Cooperative Mindset”, “Develop Teamwork”, “Urgency to Resolve Issues” and “Behavioral Changes”. 

After the break, I chaired the session B6 – AI issues and the first speaker was Dr. Won Sang Lee (Gangneung Wonju National University (Korea)) and his topic entitled “Effective Estimating the Patent Quality based on CNN”. In the beginning, Dr. Won Sang Lee introduced patenting technological innovation. Evaluating patent is equal to evaluating the quality of technological innovation. 

Then he briefed the research aimed to propose a novel framework for estimating Patent Quality Innovation (PQI) and employed “Hydrogen Energy” as an example. It proposed to use Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) for estimating the patent quality index (by OECD) based on diverse features on emerging technology (e.g. bibliographic features, TC embedding, Citation embedding). Lastly, he said the overall accuracy was 0.85. 

After the presentation, I presented the speaker certificate to Dr. Won Sang Lee.

Mr. Jianyu Tu (SQI) was the second speaker and his presentation named “Prosperity through Precision: Using Predictive Analytics to Shape Singapore's Housing Policy”. Mr. Tu firstly gave an overview of the Singapore Housing & Development Board (HDB) Policy since 1964. One of challenges was price prediction.

Thus, Mr. Jianyu To’s research aim was to build an advanced predictive model for housing prices by integrating machine learning with Bernoulli’s principle. He then briefed his research methodology.

Finally, Mr. To showed the big data analysis and case study that we observed the overall price of the public residential market increasing after 2021 to 2023 (post Covid period). He said that the Singapore government's policies are faster and more responsive to the market.

I then presented the speaker certificate to Mr. Jianyu Tu.

Finished the last parallel session, we waited the Closing Ceremony. Thus, I took photos with ANQ friends for memory.

(Left: Mr. Janak Mehta, Mr. Anil Sachdev and I)

Photo with Prof. Anand S. Patel (Institute of Technology, NIRMA University, India)

Long time no see Prof. Masaaki KANEKO (Tokai University, Japan)

Lastly, Minda and I met Mr. Charoen Kaowsuksai (Vice President, SQAT, Thailand).


ANQ website - https://anforq.org/index.php

ANQ 2024 - https://pub.confit.atlas.jp/en/event/anq2024  

JSQC - https://jsqc.org/

HKSQ - https://hksq.org/

20240917: ANQ Congress Yokohama 2024 – Pre-Congress Visit on 16th & 17th Sep 2024 - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2024/09/anq-congress-yokohama-2024-pre-congress.html

20240918: ANQ Congress Yokohama 2024 – Day 1 (Part A – Opening Ceremony) - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2024/09/anq-congress-yokohama-2024-day-1-part.html

20240918: ANQ Congress Yokohama 2024 – Day 1 (Part B – Parallel Session) - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2024/09/anq-congress-yokohama-2024-day-1-part-b.html

20240919: ANQ Congress Yokohama 2024 – Day 2 (Part A – Parallel Session) - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2024/09/anq-congress-yokohama-2024-day-2-part.html

20240919: ANQ Congress Yokohama 2024 – Day 2 (Part B – Closing Ceremony) - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2024/09/anq-congress-yokohama-2024-day-2-part-b.html

20240919: ANQ Congress Yokohama 2024 – Gala Dinner - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2024/09/anq-congress-yokohama-2024-gala-dinner.html

20240920: ANQ Congress Yokohama 2024 – Technical Visit - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2024/09/anq-congress-yokohama-2024-technical.html

