
HKSQ Strategy Meeting 2021 cum IKA Silver Medal Award Celebration

Hong Kong Society for Quality (HKSQ) annual strategy meeting 2021 cum IKA Silver Medal Award was held on 30th Oct 2021.  Before the strategy meeting, celebration of IKA Silver Medal Award to Dr. Albert Tsang (Former Chairman, HKSQ) was performed. Some group photos were taken for memory. 

(Left: Mr. Ben Tsang, Ms. Jane Wong, I, Dr. Albert Tsang, Dr. Aaron Tong, Dr. KS Chin, Ms. Angela Wong and Mr. Humphrey Lee)

Then we changed the position.

After then I on behalf of Asia Network for Quality (ANQ) to present IKA Silver Medal to Dr. Albert Tsang and we took a photo without mask.

The strategy meeting aims to review the HKSQ directions in the coming year and activities included seminar, technical visit, study mission, etc. This year is the 35th anniversary of HKSQ and we would perform the 6th World Summit for Chinese Quality (WSCQ) and publishing the 35th year book.

After that we had lunch in CityU restaurant.


HKSQ - www.hksq.org

IKA Silver Medal to Dr. Albert Tsang (Former Chairman, Hong Kong Society for Quality) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R9BTnTa31-s

HKSQ Strategy Meeting 2020 - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2020/12/hksq-strategy-meeting-2020.html

HKSQ Strategy Meeting 2019 - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2019/11/hksq-strategy-meeting-2019.html

HKSQ Strategy Meeting 2018 - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2018/09/hksq-strategy-meeting-2018.html

HKSQ Strategy Meeting 2017 - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2017/08/hksq-strategy-meeting-2017.html

HKSQ Strategy Meeting 2016 - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2016/09/hksq-strategy-meeting-2016.html

HKSQ Strategy Meeting 2015 - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2015/08/hksq-strategy-meeting-2015.html

HKSQ Strategy Meeting 2014 - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2014/08/hksq-strategy-meeting-2014.html

HKSQ Strategy Meeting 2013 - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2013/09/hksq-strategy-meeting-2013.html

The HKSQ Strategy Meeting 2010 - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2010/08/hksq-strategy-meeting-2010.html


HKSQ & HKQAA - TID Project Sharing Seminar Online & Offline 2021

HKSQ applied the Trade and Industry Department (TID) Funded project named “Feasibility Study on the Quality of Hong Kong Start-up Development for Supporting the Sustainable Business Growth” and HKQAA is our implementation agent. The two sharing meetnigs were performed in Cyberport and Innocentre-HKSTP on 26th & 29th Oct 2021, respectively.  Dr. KS Chin and I joined the sharing seminar on 29th Oct 2021.  Before the seminar, we took a group photo for memory. 

(Left: I, Dr KS Chin, Ms. Meico Cheong and Ms. Yubo Ho)

Then I presented the background of the TID funded project. 

I also invited Dr. KS Chin (Former Chairman, HKSQ) to introduce HKSQ mission and history to all participants.

After that I introduced the story of project concept when I contacted with many startup in Science Park.  Many startup met the problem about ISO certification requirement from customers.  So that the cooperation among HKSQ, HKQAA and HKSTP were formed and seek different supporting bodies for this project.

Ms. Meico Cheong was the second speaker and she briefed the current status and founding such as some challenges observed.

Finally, she briefed some survey results after analyzed 150 questionnaires and shared 25 best practices proposed.

Mr. Patrick Fan (CEO, beNovelty Limited) was the last speaker and he shared his experience on running startup with quality initiative.  Firstly he briefed different age focused on different strategy that Size in 1990s, Speed in 2010s and Ecosystem in current.

Mr. Patrick Fan (CEO, beNovelty Limited) was the last speaker and he shared his experience on running startup with quality initiative.  Firstly he briefed different age focused on different strategy that Size in 1990s, Speed in 2010s and Ecosystem in current.

After that he explained four reason for quality because of building confident, security, stability and branding.  Lastly, he gave 3 tips that quality is day 1 activities, it requires traceability and it needs endorsement.

At the end, we took a group photo with Mr. Patrick Fan.


HKSQ - www.hksq.org

HKQAA - http://www.hkqaa.org/

TID SME Development Fund (SDF) - https://www.smefund.tid.gov.hk/english/tsf/sdf_background.html

One of my relevant publication about startup named “Implementing the Quality Startup Management System model in Hong Kong: a case study” and posted at https://jqualityinnovation.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/s40887-017-0013-x .

HKQAA Hong Kong Registration - Start-ups:  http://hkqaa.org/en_regservice.php?catid=13

HKSQ TID Funded Project website - https://hksqstartup.hkqaa.org/

20210705: HKSQ & HKQAA - TID Project Progress Meeting Online 2021 - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2021/07/hksq-hkqaa-tid-project-progress-meeting.html

20210624: HKSQ & HKQAA - TID Project Meeting for Progress Report - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2021/06/hksq-hkqaa-tid-project-meeting-for.html

20200929: HKSQ & HKQAA Promotion Seminar on Feasibility Study on the Quality Start-up Development in HKSTP - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2020/09/hksq-hkqaa-promotion-seminar-on.html

20200708: HKSQ & HKQAA Promotion Seminar on Feasibility Study on the Quality Start-up Development - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2020/07/hksq-hkqaa-promotion-seminar-on.html

20200525: HKSQ & HKQAA - TID Project Kick off Online Meeting - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2020/05/hksq-hkqaa-tid-project-kick-off-online.html

20200303: TID Project Briefing Meeting for HKSQ & HKQAA - Project of Feasibility Study on the Quality Start-up Development - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2020/03/tid-project-briefing-meeting-for-hksq.html

20200117: HKSQ & HKQAA - the First Steering Committee Meeting for project of Feasibility Study on the Quality Start-up Development - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2020/01/hksq-hkqaa-first-steering-committee.html

20190123: HKSQ & HKQAA - TID SME Development Fund Awarded Meeting


20181219: HKSQ & HKQAA presentation for TID SME Development Fund - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2018/12/hksq-hkqaa-presentation-for-tid-sme.html

20180928: HKSTP & HKQAA Quality Startup Scheme Meeting 2 - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2018/09/hkstp-hkqaa-quality-startup-scheme_28.html

20180911: HKSTP & HKQAA Quality Startup Scheme Meeting - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2018/09/hkstp-hkqaa-quality-startup-scheme.html

20180503: HKQAA Startup Coaching to HKSTP Incubatee - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2018/05/hkqaa-startup-coaching-to-hkstp.html

20180208: Startup Meeting with ITB and HKQAA - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2018/02/startup-meeting-with-itb-and-hkqaa.html

20180126: Startup Meeting with Cyberport - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2018/01/startup-meeting-with-cyberport.html

20180117: Startup Meeting with Hong Kong Startup Council and CityU - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2018/01/startup-meeting-with-hong-kong-startup.html

20180110: Startup Meeting among HKSTP, HKQAA and InvestHK - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2018/01/startup-meeting-among-hkstp-hkqaa-and.html

20171220: HKSTP & HKQAA meeting with EMSD for Startup Innovation Procurement - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2017/12/hkstp-hkqaa-meeting-with-emsd-for.html

20171122: Meeting with FHKI for Quality Startup - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2017/11/meeting-with-fhki-for-quality-startup.html

20170719: HKQAA Startup Coaching to CityU Inno-preneur “HANDS” - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2017/07/hkqaa-startup-coaching-to-cityu-inno.html

20170523: HKSTP & HKQAA Meeting for Quality Startups Registration Scheme 2017 - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2017/05/hkstp-hkqaa-meeting-for-quality.html

20160819: Cyberport Smart-Clinic Seminar on HKQAA Startups Registration Scheme - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2016/08/cyberport-smart-clinic-seminar-on-hkqaa.html

20160615: Visit to Cyberport for Quality Startup Scheme - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2016/06/visit-to-cyberport-for-quality-startup.html

20160513: HKQAA Symposium – Startups Registration Scheme Kicks off - http://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2016/05/hkqaa-symposium-startups-registration.html

20160319: HKSTP the 2nd Briefing Session on HKQAA Hong Kong Registration – Start-ups - http://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2016/03/hkstp-2nd-briefing-session-on-hkqaa.html

20160125: HKSTP Briefing Session on HKQAA Hong Kong Registration – Start-ups - http://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2016/01/hkstp-briefing-session-on-hkqaa-hong.html

20150324: HKSTP Graduation Ceremony of Incubation Programmes & MOU with HKQAA - http://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2015/03/hkstp-graduation-ceremony-of-incubation.html


HKIE Webinar– New Era of VR Technology: Application on Disaster Preparedness and Response Training in the field of Railway Industry

The HKIE webinar named “New Era of VR Technology: Application on Disaster Preparedness and Response Training in the field of Railway Industry” was held by Safety Specialist Committee (SSC) on 28th Oct 2021. Ensuring safety becomes a growing priority in the industry. When disaster or multi-casualty incident (MCI) happens, the personnel should equip with the situational awareness to encounter the emergency.  Virtual reality (VR) technology introduces a whole new dimension to risk management by allowing company to validate decisions in an immersive 3D virtual world before implementing them.  Mr. Tim Yuen and Ms. Elaine Kwok were guest speakers. 

Firstly, Mr. Tim Yuen described Mass Casualty Incident (MCI) is a wide range of incidents both natural (e.g. floods, windstorms) and man-made (e.g. chemical spills, factory fires, buildings collapse, etc.) Then he explained the 4-C Principle Chain of Emergency Reponses and there are Command, Control, Coordination & Communication.

Then he briefed well preparation for emergencies including small scale exercises, regular exercise and drills.

After that Ms. Elaine Kwok mentioned some challenges in the incident command training including time, frequency and existing training format.

Finally, Ms. Kwok introduced using virtual reality simulation to provide exercises.  XVR Scenario concept was introduced that 3D Environment + 3D Objects + Instructor know-how & design time = XVR Scenario (To Game, Teach, Train and Assess).

The emergency response training included situational awareness, information gathering, decision making, planning, communication, command & control, logistics, as well as, review in a variety of sectors.

Lastly, she demonstrated different kinds of incidents simulation such as subway environment, subway sarin attach, construction safety and security, etc. Different modelling and techniques were discussed. She concluded a competent emergency manager should be the right person, making the right decisions, at the right time and for the right reasons.

After Q&A session, representative of SSC presented appreciation certification to guests.


HKIE - https://www.hkie.org.hk/en/

HKIE-SSC - http://ssc.hkie.org.hk/


ANQ Congress 2021 in Singapore – Day 2

Asian Network for Quality (ANQ) Congress 2021 was held by Singapore Quality Institute (SQI) online via Zoom in Singapore from 20th to 21st Oct 2021.  The theme is “Relentless Pursuit of Quality in VUCA World” (where VUCA stands for Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous). 

Parallel Session 13 - 24
I attended the session SP-14 (AI, IoT, Environmental Management) and Fan Qing, China Association for Quality (CAQ) is chair in this session. 

The first speaker was Ms. Tinglan Hu and her topic entitled “Application of AI Vision Technology in Home Appliances”.  Firstly, she mentioned status quo of AI vision technology including quality monitor, manual visual inspection, traditional machine vision inspection and AI detection methods. Then the visual inspection system included hardware and software was introduced.

Finally, Ms. Hu discussed different case analysis and summarized that AI technology in household application as the starting point, the big data behavior mode, product intelligence, user interaction experience as the theoretical basis and designed the actual concept product to expect to inspire the workers engaged in this industry.

Mr. Lu Fating was the second speaker and his presentation was “Practical Experience Base on Intelligent Quality System”. In the beginning, he mentioned new opportunities that times are changing from quality of the product to quality of service and then to Internet Experience.

After that he shared different new practices as follows:

-          Human-Human Training VR Virtual Model Training

-          Human-Computer Interaction Information to People

-          Equipment digitization after the event to change in advance

-          Big Data Acquisition of Inner Cylinder

-          Using RFID Technology to Realize the Whole Process of Material Traceability

-          Intelligent Zero Omission of the First Sealed Sample

-        Real-time monitoring of intelligent eye SOP process execution, etc.

Ms. Yuan Zhongquan was the third speaker and her topic named “Application and Implementation of Digital Quality System”.  Firstly, she mentioned the background of digital transformation and the introduced digital quality system analysis and characteristics.

Lastly, Ms. Yuan briefed the exploration in digital quality system such as before and after of new product introduction. She concluded phase achievements from improving process capability to standard improvement to improvement of user satisfaction to continuous innovation and then to be world-class ecological brand.

Mr. Milind Deshpande (Mahindra Institute of Quality, India) was the fourth speaker and his topic was “Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) for QI”.  Mr. Deshpande introduced IIoT and connected factory, digitization of SCM and equipment management.

After that he pointed out several challenges in the IoT projects. Then he proposed capability building through digital experience center (DEC) with AI, VR, AR, ML, Digital Twins and i4.0, etc.

Mr. Parshuram Mishra (Tata Power, India) was the fifth speaker and his presentation named “Reliability & Maintainability: - Transformation Operation & Maintenance and achieving through Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM).  Firstly he briefed the collaborative effort of people across sites and then briefed the four pillars of RCM implementation.

At the end, he compared the achievement between typical maintenance and Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM), as well as explained their impacts. 

The last speaker in this session was Mr. Binod Kumar Satpathy (Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd., India) and his topic named “A Quality Maturity Measurement Model (QMMM) to Evaluate and Enhance Effectiveness of Quality Management Systems”.  In the beginning, Mr. Satpathy explained Quality360 as QMMM that is based on Deming’s PDCA cycle. There is a need to introduce a mechanism which will bridge the gap between basic ISO 9001 compliant company and world-class company.

And then Mr. Satpahty explained the Quality360 model with criteria and score for different type of industry. The total mark is 1000 and ISO 9001 system requirement only 100 or 150 marks. Lastly he briefed the benefits after implemented QMMM.

Then I attended the session SP-23 (Quality Management) and Dr. Roy Rimington (SQI) is chair in this session. 

Mr. Igor Pundel and Ms. Larisa Fedyk (Russia) were the last speaker in this session and their topic entitled “Health Management - Training Programme for personalized health management on the example of Khanty-Mansiysk Clinical Tuberculosis Dispensary”.  Firstly, Igor introduced the Medicine 4Ps stand for Predictive, Preventive, Participatory and Personalized.

Then Mr. Iogr Pundel quoted Nobel Prize winner Jean Dausset who was discoverer of the main complex histocompatibility and stated that “To prevent the disease you need to anticipate it”.

Finally, he said big data, digital technology and AI were important to give quality health service. At the end, Mr. Pundel concluded that personalized medicine in all its scientific forms and manifestations is possible only when a person wants to be healthy and chooses a new life philosophy for himself. During Q&A, I asked how they employed big data for predictive medicine.

Another speaker Dr. Hugo G. Schmidt was also in this session and his topic named “Streamlining Laboratory Supply Chain through Lean Six Sigma Methods”.  He briefed the improvement results on purchase times, purchase requests and delivery, etc.

Finally, Dr. Schmidt reviewed Lab supply and concluded that reduction of purchase request rejection saving 3.9 days per request and reduction of delivery time average 14.25 days per order. Overall, 804 workdays saved per annum.

After that I attended the  session PS-17 (AI, IoT, Environmental Management) where Mr. Manohar Sethapalani (QBM (Business Excellence) Ceat Ltd, Mubai) was the session chair. Ms. Andita Meilyana (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea) presented the topic named “Traceability Scorecard – A Performance Evaluation System for Smart Manufacturing”. It aimed to design a scorecard of traceability for open quality system using QFD and Traceability ScoreCard (TSC) metrics in the smart manufacturing system.

Finally, Ms. Andita Meilyana explained the design of TSC and its aspects including relationship determinants, matrix, as well as, correlation and performance matrix. One of case study in WiniaDimchae Co., Ltd. was demonstrated.

After parallel session, Singapore Quality Institute Golden Jubilee 50th Anniversary Video was played with greetings from Mr. G.E. Tan (Chairman, SQI).

Then Professor Wan Seon Shin (Chairman, ANQ (Asian Network for Quality) reviewed ANQ 20 years quality journey from 2002 to 2022.

And then Prof. Shin introduced ANQ 2022 vision system included Mission, Vision, Strategic Goals, Task and Plans.


ANQ Congress 2021 in Singapore – Day 1

Asian Network for Quality (ANQ) Congress 2021 was held by Singapore Quality Institute (SQI) online via Zoom in Singapore from 20th to 21st Oct 2021.  The theme is “Relentless Pursuit of Quality in VUCA World” (where VUCA stands for Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous).

Before the Congress start, many ANQ friends in the meeting room and we took a group photo.

Opening Ceremony
Introductory Video of Singapore was played before the conference. And then Mr. G.E. Tan (Chairman, SQI) gave welcome message.

Prof. Wan Seon Shin (Chairman, ANQ) gave welcome speech.

Keynote Address
Ms. Choy Sauw Kook (Director-General (Quality & Excellence) of Enterprise Singapore) was the first keynote speaker and her topic entitled “Building quality and trust for enterprises products and services in a VUCA world”.

Firstly, Ms. Choy introduced three key trends in a VUCA world which were Digitalization, Sustainability and Resilience.

Then she introduced Singapore’s Quality Infrastructure including standards development, adoption, TIC and accreditation.

Finally, Ms. Choy briefed how they driving and supporting QS adoption among enterprises. She concluded that international and national quality and standards communities help to support companies and society in adapting to new trends in the VUCA world.

Prof. Noriaki Kano (Honorary Chairperson, ANQ) was the second keynote speaker and his presentation named “Quality for New Product Development towards the Second Quarter of 21st Century”. 

Firstly, Prof. Kano reviewed quality for new product development in 20th century “Quality for Cost (QfC) to Quality of Manufacture (QoM) and then to Quality for Sales (QfS) that realized through Quality of Product Plan (QoPP) and Quality of Design (QoD) in the 21st century.  Then he briefed Kano Model, Life Cycle of Quality and Attractive Quality Creation.

After that he explained the relationship among QoPP, QoD, QoM for customer satisfaction and customer delight.

Lastly, Prof. Kano stated data analysis that led to defect reducing in new product development with T-type matrix. Three axes of T-type matrix are Defect-Making (DM), Defect-Could-Have-Been-Found (DCHBF) and Defect-Finding (DF).

Prof. Goh Thong Ngee (Emeritus Professor, National University of Singapore) was the third keynote speaker and his topic was “Is there an antidote to VUCA?” Firstly, Prof. Goh mentioned some scenarios we faced such as economic, political issues, and unforeseen pandemics, etc.

Then he proposed another VUCA to face Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous World and they are “Value for Customers”, “Uniformity in Performance”, “Continuous Improvement” and “Agility in Operations”. 

After that he explained the major support and pre-requisite for creating “New VUCA” in a VUCA world.

At the end, Prof. Goh quoted Deming statement as conclusion that constantly implement the “New VUCA”.

Parallel Session 1-12

Dr. KS Chin (Former Chairman, HKSQ) was session chair for SP-01 (Uncertainty, Change Management, Crisis Management) and Dr. Wilson Lam from HK presented in this session.

Dr. Wilson Lam’s topic named “Unlocking the benefits of alternative dispute resolution in enhancement of change management for construction projects in HKSAR from the project management perspective”.

Firstly Dr. Lam introduced construction sector in HK and then pointed out the problem that conflicts & disputes resulting in core challenges on high construction costs, delay and over-expenditure.  Then he introduced his research objectives and methodology.

Finally, he concluded that benefits of the research included conflict management & negotiation skill enhancement (dispute avoidance), arbitration approach effectiveness and mediation approach employed for dispute resolution.

The second speaker was Mrs. Wang Lin (CAQ) and her topic named “How to Build Brand-driven Operating Strategy under Uncertain Times – Based on the Research of Chinese Enterprises’ Brand Management Status.

In the beginning, Mrs. Wang briefed some main problems such as low brand awareness, lack of objective standards to measure corporate brand value and mechanisms to encourage brand development. Then she proposed “Total Brand Management” Model. 

After that she proposed Sand Pile Model of the Brand from Quality to Credibility to Responsibility to Technology and then to Brand.  Finally, Mrs. Wang introduced 8 steps to improve the level of brand management.

Then I went to the session SP-09 (Quality Management) and I was the speaker in this session.  Ms. Lang Fei (CAQ) is chair this session.

My presentation title named “Preliminary Study on Gamification of Extension Innovation Method”. My study aimed to use gamification mechanism into Extension Innovation method for primary and second school students.

In the beginning, I quoted Qian Xuesen’s famous question “Why do our schools always fail to nurture outstanding talents?” as my motivation to find how and what should do to solve this problem.  I proposed to teach student “Extenics” in funny way so as to enhance their creativity and innovation.

Then I introduced Prof. Cai Wen’s Extenics which is original Chinese developed innovation method and is also one of fundamental AI theory in China.

After that I briefed my preliminary idea of board game design for extension innovation method and showed the conceptual idea of prototype of board game.

Finally, I expected the gamification of extension innovation method could enhance Learning Adoption Level from comparative low to high with high theory structure level.