The Executive Study Group (ESG) webinar named “Digital Era Strategy – 9 Data
Strategies to Win Customers’ Hearts” was held by Asia Pacific Institute for
Strategy Limited (APIFS) on 4th May 2022. In the beginning, Dr. Mark Lee briefed the
background, history, and goal of Asia Pacific Institute for Strategy Limited
Firstly, Dr. Mark Lee introduced guest speaker Mr. Neil Hoyne who is a
senior fellow at Wharton and Google’s Chief Measurement Strategist.
Then they discussed how many companies would employ company data for
decision making and Mr. Neil Hoyne said only 6%! Moreover, management believed
CFO upto 85-90% but believed Marketing only 10%.
Then Dr. Mark Lee shared the first insight was more focused on building
customer relationship such as customer life cycle value.
Insight #2 is digital transformation is part of company DNA that not a
business fashion term. Mr. Hoyne also
quoted Kennedy statement that “victory has 100 fathers and defeat is an orphan.”
Insight #3 that no perfect data you have but got insight from such data
to ahead your competitors.
Insight #4 is marketer’s KPI on customer life cycle value that could close
the gap with CFO.
Insight #5 is to build up database to connect people.
Insight #6 is for data scientist that they need front line staff and customer
information. So google employ data
science as sale representative.
Insight #7 is to rotate questions weekly and got as many new ideas as possible.
Insight #8 don’t ask too many questions to your customers but good question
with goal.
Lastly, Dr. Mark Lee introduced Mr. Neil Hoyne’s first book named “Converted:
The Data-Driven Way to Win Customer’s Hearts” which is published in Feb 2022.
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