
Lunch with Towngas for appreciating their support on HKSQ events

Dr. Aaron Tong and I (HKSQ) were honor to be invited having lunch with Towngas Representatives Mr. Isaac Yeung (Senior VP, Institutional and Investor Relations, Towngas China Company Limited; Head of Corporate Affairs, Towngas) and Ir. Trevor Tang (Senior Business Innovation Manager, Towngas) on 25th Mar 2021. 

We would like to send the Book named “The Road to Management for High Quality-40 years of Total Quality Management in China (1979-2019)” (通向高質量發展的管理之路 - 全面質量管理在中國40 (1979-2019)) and my Extenics book named “The Logic of Innovation: Extenics” (創新之理則—介紹中國原創學科「可拓學」) to Towngas for appreciating their support to give towngas case study for TQM book.  Moreover, we appreciated their support in the 5th World Summit of Chinese Quality (全球華人品質峰會) on 25th Sep 2020 (Online Summit).

“The Road to Management for High Quality-40 years of Total Quality Management in China (1979-2019)” (通向高質量發展的管理之路 - 全面質量管理在中國40 (1979-2019)) was showed as follows.  HKSQ provided article for Part I, Chapter 3: Hong Kong's Way to Total Quality Management” and Towngas case study named “Towngas: Combining knowledge and action, seeking the way of quality” (香港中華煤氣: 知行合一, 求索品質之道).

"Extenics" is the essence of Chinese wisdom. Extension innovation methods and Japanese creative methods and Russian TRIZ method are listed as the three major creative methods.  The Logic of Innovation: Extenics (創新之理則—介紹中國原創學科「可拓學」) uses short articles to introduce the basic theory of "Extenics" and its application method—the four-step of Extension Innovation Method.


Towngas - http://www.towngas.com/eng/cust/index.aspx

HKSQ - http://www.hksq.org/

通向高质量发展的管理之路——全面质量管理在中国40周年(1979-2019- http://www.caq.org.cn/html/cbw/tszlts/15098.html

20200925: The 5th World Summit of Chinese Quality (Online) - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2020/09/the-5th-world-summit-of-chinese-quality.html

20200221: Extenics Channel: New YouTube Channel for introducing Extension Innovation Method - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2020/02/extenics-channel-new-youtube-channel.html

20200213: CityU Alumni Story for promoting Extenics & New Extenics Channel in YouTube - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2020/02/cityu-alumni-story-for-promoting.html

20180103: Quality Improvement and Experience Sharing Convention 2017/18 - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2018/01/quality-improvement-and-experience.html

20170805: HKQMA Seminar on IQI & Towngas' Strategy to build an Innovation Culture - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2017/08/hkqma-seminar-on-iqi-towngas-strategy.html

20151216: Towngas Quality Day 2015 - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2015/12/towngas-quality-day-2015.html

20150730: Towngas CPD Seminar - Quality & Innovation Management System - http://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2015/07/towngas-cpd-seminar-quality-innovation.html

20141216: Towngas Quality Day 2014 - http://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2014/12/towngas-quality-day-2014.html

20140425 - HKSQ Technical Visit to Towngas - Quality & Innovation - http://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2014/04/hksq-technical-visit-to-towngas-quality.html

