
ESG Online Seminar – The Joy of Innovation: How to Use “Design Thinking” to Enjoy Digital Transformation

The Executive Study Group (ESG) online seminar named “The Joy of Innovation: How to Use “Design Thinking” to Enjoy Digital Transformation” was held by the ESG, Asia Pacific Institute for Strategy Limited (APIFS) on 26th Mar 2021.   In the beginning, Dr. Mark Lee briefed the background, history and goal of Asia Pacific Institute for Strategy Limited (APIFS), as well as Inudstry-support during Covid-19.   The content included “Challenges of Digital Transformation”, “Design Thinking x Digital Transformation” and “The Five Digitalization Stages by Design Thinking”. 

Firstly, Dr. Mark Lee using “The New York Times” as case to explain the challenges of Digital Transformation.  Because newspaper’s revenue model was destroyed. It is because of digital competition not from direct competitors.

Then Dr. Lee asked us to poll the purpose of digitalization.  There are 35% voted to Revenue Growth and 29% for Better Customer Satisfaction.  Some participants asked why without efficiency and productivity.  Then Dr. Lee use bank case to brief the risk of limiting to cost reduction and efficiency gain that only business process improvement on hygiene factor (digital optimization) but not digital transformation.

Prof. Sunil Gupta (Harvard Business School) statement was quoted that digital strategy touches all aspects of their organization but not separated from their overall strategy. Then Dr. Lee quoted different CIOs in the Fujitsu Summit (2021.03.09) that recommended to use “Design Thinking” to change our old mindset on digitalization. 

The second poll is for the progress of digitalization in your company.  Most of us were dissatisfied (38%).

After that Dr. Mark Lee explained “What is Design Thinking” and he quoted Mr. Tim Brown (Chair of IDEO) that Design thinking is a human-centered approach to innovation that draws from the designer’s toolkit to integrate:

i)                    The needs of people,

ii)                  The possibilities of technology, and

iii)                The requirements for business success.

He also introduced the lenses of human-centered design including People, Technology and Business.

Comparing the traditional thinking and design thinking was discussed.  Some key different pairs were demonstrated such as avoid failure vs fail fast, rigorous analysis vs rigorous testing, thinking vs doing, etc.  Dr. Lee said design thinking employed both left and right brain. 

And then Dr. Lee quoted Tim Brown statement again that “The mission of design thinking is to translate observations into insights and insights into products and services that will improve lives.”  Simply speaking, Design Thinking will improve lives.  The five digitalization stages by Design Thinking (a continuous loop) was introduced.

Empathize: Learn about the audience for whom you are designing, by observation and interview. (Who is my user? What matters to this person?)

Define: Create a point of view that is based on user needs and insights. (What are their needs?)

Ideate: Brainstorm and come up with as many creative solutions as possible. (Wile ideas encourage!)

Prototype: Build a representation of one or more of your ideas to show to others. (How can I show my idea? Remember: A prototype is just a rough draft!)

Test: To ask for feedback on your prototypes and to learn about your user, reframe your point of view (POV) and redefine your prototype.

The poll 3 asked about empathize stage in our company.  Most people replied Proactive (35%) and Neutral (30%).

Finally, Dr. Lee introduced the divergent thinking (right braining for generation - imaginative)& convergent thinking (left brain for synthesis - analytical) for different stages.

The last poll asked us “Which stage is the most difficult?” 36% of participants selected “Ideate”.  But I selected “Empathize” because of difficult to have insight observation.

At the end, Dr. Mark Lee introduced the next topic named “The Power of Knowing What You Don’t Know” in April 2021.


Asia Pacific Institute for Strategy Limited (亞太策略研究所有限公司) www.apifs.org

ESG facebook - https://www.facebook.com/groups/esg08

